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SoftShelled Turtle Shell, Bie Jia 鳖甲

Soft-Shelled Turtle Shell, Bie Jia 鳖甲 TerrapinBie Jia (TCM) Soft-Shelled TurtleIllustrated natural history of the animal kingdom, Goodrich, 1859 Soft-Shelled Turtle shell, Bie Jia Zoological name: Trionyx sinensis Parts used: Dorsal aspect of shell Temperature & Taste: Cool, Salty. Uses: 1. Nourish the Yin, Calms the Rising Yang:-night sweats, chronic low-grade and tidal fever.-various joint…

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Trichosanthes Pericarpium, Gua Lou Pi FREE

Trichosanthes Pericarpium, Gua Lou Pi 瓜娄皮 Gua Lou Pi (TCM) Dian Nan Ben Cao Tu Shuo (Illustrated Yunnan Pharmacopoeia) Ming Dynasty (1773 edition) (Welcome, Wikimedia) Trichosanthes kirilowii var. japonica(Photo by 杉山龍彦) (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Trichosanthes kirilowii, T.  rosthornii Parts used: Trichosanthes fruit peel Temperature & Taste: Cold, Sweet…

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Scutellaria, Huang Qin PRO

Scutellaria baicalensis, Huang Qin 黄芩 Huang Qin (TCM)Hong len ser po  ཧོང་ལེན་སེར་པོ་ (Tibetan) Ben Cao Pin Hui Jing Yao, 1505 (Welcome) Scutellaria baicalensis Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, 1849 Scutellaria baicalensis (Photo: National Institute of Ecology, Korea) Botanical name: Scutellaria baicalensis Local varieties used include S. rehderiana (Gansu),  S. arnoena (Yunnan, Sichuan), S. hypericifolia (Sichuan) Parts used:…

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Saposhnikovia, Fang Feng PRO

Saposhnikovia, Fang Feng, 防风 Ledebouriella, Chinese SilerFang Feng (TCM) Saposhnikovia divaricata (syn. Siler divaricata)Ledebour, Icones plantarum novarum, 1829 Peucedanum terebinthaceum(Photo by Qwert1234) (Wikimedia) Saposhnikovia Fang Feng sliced root (Adam, 2017) Botanical name: Saposhnikovia divaricata (syn. Siler divaricatum, Ledebouriella divaricata, Stenocoelium divaricatum, Ferula seseloides)Other local species used for Fang Feng include: Ligusticum brachylobum (Chuan Fang Feng–used…

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Jugulans Nux, Walnut, Hu Tao FREE

Jugulans Nux, Walnut, He Tao 核桃 He Tao (TCM)Akhrot (Unani)Star ka སྟར་ཀ་ (Tibet) Della Materia Medicinale,Andrea Valuassori, 1562 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Botanische wandplaten, 1904–1914 Kohler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Jugulans regia Parts used: Ripe Nut; Confected Nuts Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Sweetconfected Walnuts are Warm, moist…

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Eruca, Rocket PRO

Eruca, Rocket Jirjir, Jirjeer (Unani) Garden (left) and Wild (right) RocketDella Materia Medicinale, Andrea Valuassori, 1562 Wild RocketFuchs, New Kreuterbuch, 1543 Garden RocketSturm et al, Flora von Deutschland in Abbildungennach der Natur, Zweite auflage, vol. 6, 1902 Botanical name: Eruca spp. Garden Rocket: E. sativa (syn. E. vesicaria subsp, sativa, Brassica eruca) Wild Rocket: E….

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Pluchea, Rasana FREE

Pluchea, Rasana Rasana, Rasna, Rasnika, Rasa (Ayurveda)Rasna, Rasan, Zanjbeel-Shaami (Unani) Pluchea indicaWight, R., Illustrations of Indian botany, or figures illustrative of each of the natural orders of Indian plants (1850) Pluchea. indica leaf(Photo by Forest & Kim Starr) (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Pluchea lanceolata, P. indica (syn. P. foliosa),…

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Catechu, Er Cha FREE

Catechu, Er Cha 儿茶 Er Cha (TCM)Khi la wa ri (Tibetan)Khadira (Ayurveda) Acacia catechuBotanische wandplaten, 1904–1914 Acacia catechuAn Encyclopaedia of useful and ornamental Plants, Burnett, 1852 Uncaria Gambir (used as an alternate source in TCM)Atlas der Officinellen Pflanzen, Berg & Schmidt, Leipzig, 1893 Catechu (Adam, 2016) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name:…

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Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli Lajward (Unani)Lazward (Arabic)Tian Qing Shi (TCM)Mu Men མུ་མེན་ (Tibetan) Hortus sanitatis, 1491 Ortus Sanitatis, Beck, 1517 Lapis Lazuli (Adam, 2017) Mineralogical Name:LazuriteMetamorphic rock chiefly consisting of Lazurite; silicate and sulphate of sodium and aluminium Parts used: Prepared stone (Washed; Burnt; or Bhasma) Temperature & Taste: Washed it is Cool, dry; Raw or Burnt…

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Indigo, Qing Dai PRO

Indigo, Qing Dai 青黛 Pigmentum IndicumQing Dai (TCM) The processing of Indigo(Museum Museorum, Valentini, 1704) Indigofera tinctoriaAusländische Culturpflanzen in bunten Wand-Tafeln, (?) A Block of Indian Indigo(Photo by Palladian) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Several plants supply Indigo: Baphicacanthus cusia Polygonum tinctorium Isatis indigotica (syn Isatis tinctoria) Indigofera tinctoria, I. anil, I. argentea Parts used: Indigo extracted…

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Chicken Egg

Chicken Egg Centrum Ovi: Egg Yolk.Cerebrum Arietis: Egg White.            Alumen Philosophorum: Lime of Egg Shells. Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Zoological name: Gallus domesticus Parts used: Whole Egg, Egg shell, ashes of Egg Shell, Egg Yolk, Egg White Temperature & Taste: “The eggs (as a whole) are moderate. The white and the yolk…

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Prunus mume, Wu Mei FREE

Prunus mume, Wu Mei 乌梅 Wu Mei (TCM) Prunus mume von Siebold, P. &, J. Zuccarini Flora Japonica, Sectio Prima (Tafelband), 1870 Prunus mume Wu Mei (Adam, 2017) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Prunus mume Parts used: Fruit, almost ripe and baked until blackened Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Sour (has both…

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