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Cucurbitas, Gourd

Cucurbitas, Gourd Tukhm Kadu (Bottle Gourd seed) (Unani) Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Botanical name: Various species from the Curcibitaceae, especially from the following 2 genus:  1. Cucurbitas spp., including varieties of C. pepo and C. maxima  2. Lagenaria: Lagenaria siceraria, L. vulgaris (Bottle or White Gourd; Sweet variety is…

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Rhamnus catharticus, Buckthorn

Rhamnus, Buckthorn Purging Buckthorn Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Koehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Botanical name: Rhamnus cathartica Parts used: Berries, fresh or dried; less commonly the Bark Temperature & Taste:   Cold, dry: Bitter, Sour Uses: 1. Clears Heat, Promotes Stool:-chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, and irritation of the bowels and anus.-approved by Commission E for chronic constipation-suitable for…

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Hematite, Dai Zhe Shi 代赭石

Hematite, Dai Zhe Shi 代赭石 Bloodstone; Lapis Sanguinalis, AmetistusDai Zhe Shi: ‘Red Stone from Dai County’ (TCM)Gairika (Ayurveda)Shadhanj (Unani)Smug po sbal rgyab  སྨུག་པོ་སྦལ་རྒྱབ (Tibetan)Mdung rtse smug po  མདུང་རྩེ་སྨུག་པོ་ (Tibetan) Hortus sanitatis, 1491 Varieties of HematiteGemmarum et Lapidum Historia, Tollius, 1647 Two different varieties of HematitePhotos by Parent Gery Mineralogical name: HematitumTibetan medicine recognise several varieties…

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Eclipta, Han Lian Cao FREE

Eclipta, Han Lian Cao 旱莲草 Han Lian Cao, Mo Han Lian (TCM)Bhringaraja (Ayurveda)Bhangra (Unani) Eclipta albaMoninckx, Moninckx atlas, vol. 8; (1682-1709) Eclipta albaBlanco, Flora de Filipinas. (1875) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Eclipta alba (syn. E. prostrata, E. punctata, E. erecta, Verbesina alba) Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool (TCM),…

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Cow & Bull

Bos, Cow Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Cow (right) Peraldus (Manuscript 13th C., British Library, Harley 3244) Zoological name: Bos taurusRelated species are also used Parts used: Bile, Hoof, Horn, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidney, Pizzle, Testes, Blood, Bone, Fat Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry Uses: BILE: ‘The best of all Beasts’1. Clears Heat, Alleviate Thirst:-Convulsions…

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Honey, Mel, Feng Mi PRO

Honey, Mel, Feng Mi 蜂蜜 Feng Mi (TCM)Asl (Unani)Sbrang rtsi  སྦྲང་རྩི  (Tibetan) Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Entomological name: Apis spp. A. mellifera, Western Honey Bee, A. cerana, Eastern Honey Bee These are the two main species of domesticated Honey Bees. Other wild and Stingless Bee species have…

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Gastrodia, Tian Ma FREE

Gastrodia, Tian Ma 天麻 Tian Ma (TCM) Sichuan Tian Ma root (Adam, 2016) Sliced fresh Tian Ma available at the Chengdu Medicine Market. Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Gastrodia elataThe best quality is Winter Gastrodia from Yunnan and Sichuan Parts used: RootCollected from Winter to Spring; washed well, steamed, then sliced…

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Manna Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Fraxinus ornus (Flowering Ash)Medical Botany, Woodville, Hooker, Vol. 3, 1832 Atlas der Officinellen Pflanzen, Berg & Schmidt, Leipzig, 1893 Botanical name: Fraxinus ornus (Flowering Ash, Manna Ash) and F. rotundifoliaFraxinus excelsior and other species also supply some Manna Manna has been collected from several other plants, used synonymously: Persian or…

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China root, Tu Fu Ling

China root, Tu Fu Ling, 土茯苓 Tu Fu Ling (TCM)Thu pu ling  ཐུ་པུ་ལིང་ལིང་ (Tibetan)Chopachini (Ayurveda)Paranki Cakkai (Siddha)Chob Chini (Unani) A Complete History of Drugs, Pomet, London, 1748 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 Medical Botany, Woodville, 1810 CHINA ROOTNotes on Pharmacognosy, Otto Augustus Wall, 1902 Botanical name: Smilax glabraOthers used include S. ovalifolia, S. zeylanica, S….

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Coix, Job’s Tear, Yi Yi Ren PRO

Coix, Job’s Tear, Yi Yi Ren 薏苡仁 Lachryma JobiYi Yi Ren (TCM) Rariorum Plantarum Historia, Clusius, 1601 Bonelli, Giorgio, Hortus Romanus juxta Systema Tournefortianum, 1783-1816 Coix Yi Yi Ren Botanical name: Coix lachryma;Coix lachryma-jobi and Coix lacryma-jobi var. ma-yuen are official in TCM. Parts used: Seed Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Sweet, Bland Classification: C….

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Tinospora, Guduchi FREE

Tinospora, Guduchi Guduchi (Ayurveda)Gilo (Unani)Zet al-Roomi, Zet al-Buta (Arabic)Sle Tres  སླེ་ཏྲེས  (Tibetan)Kuan Jin Teng (TCM) Tinospora cordifolia Tinospora cordifolia with fruit(Photo by Sanu N) (Wikimedia) Tinospora cordifolia stems as used in Tibetan Medicine.(Adam, 2016) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Tinospora cordifolia (syn. Menispermum cordifolium, Cocculus cordifolius)Related species used similarly include T. crispa,…

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Ligusticum chuanxiong, Chuan Xiong PRO

Ligusticum chuanxiong, Chuan Xiong 川芎 Sichuan LovageChuan Xiong (TCM) Sichuan Lovage Chuan Xiong whole and sliced root (Adam 2017) Botanical name: Ligusticum chuanxiong (syn. L. wallichi, L. striatum) Parts used: Root Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent Classifications: K. Medicines which Move the Blood Uses: 1. Moves Blood and Qi, Eases Pain:-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea-difficult Labor; retained…

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