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Asarum, Asarabacca, Xi Xin

Asarum, Asarabacca, Xi Xin 细辛 Asarabacca, Wild Spikenard, HazelwortAsaroon (Unani)Xi Xin (TCM) Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Asarum europeum,Flora von Deutschland (21), Kohler, 1885 Chinese Asarum Xi Xin (A. sieboldi) Asarum Xi Xin root Botanical name: Asarum spp.. A. europeum (syn. A. officinale,…

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Clematis, Dbyi mong PRO

Clematis, Dbyi mong དབྱི་མོང༌ Dbyi mong  དབྱི་མོང༌ (Clematis spp)Dbyi mong khra po དབྱི་མོང་ཁྲ་པོ  (C. montana) (Tibet)Dbyi mong nag po  དབྱི་མོང་ནག་པོ  (C. tibetana) (Tibet)Dbyi mong dkar po  དབྱི་མོང་དཀར་པོ  (C. rehderianum) (Tibet)Dby mong ser po དབྱི་མོང་སེར་པོ (C. orientalis var. intricata) (Tibet)Chuan Mu Tong (C. montana) (TCM)Gan Qing Tie Xian Lian (C. tangutica) (TCM)Xi Zang Tie Xian Lian (C. tibetana)…

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Mercurialis, PotMercury

Mercurialis, Mercury Annual, Garden, or French Mercury Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599 Flora von Deutschland (2), Kohler, 1842 Botanical name: Mercurialis annua, M. perennisA number of different Mercury species have been used.The Chinese have used M. leiocarpa (Tou Ku Cao) but it is not commonly used. Parts used: Herb in flower. Some (such as Leclerc) said…

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Aframomum, Grains of Paradise

Aframomum, Grains of Paradise Guinea grains, Melegueta Pepper, African Pepper, Alligator PepperHeel Habshi (Unani) Zorn, J., Oskamp, D.L., Vervolg op de Afbeeldingen der artseny-gewassen met derzelver Nederduitsche en Latynsche beschryvingen (1813) Grains of Paradise(Photo by Shaddiii) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Aframomum melegueta (syn. Amomum melegueta, Amomum grana paradisi)Aframomum korarima (known as “Flase Cardamon”) is also said…

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Ipecacuanha IpecacTu Gen (TCM) IpecacuanhaMuseum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 IpecacuanhaHand-Atlas Medicinisch-Pharmaceutischer, 1884 Left: Ipecacuanha; Center: Striated Ipecacuanha; Right: Undulated Ipecacuanha Botanical name: Carapichea ipecacuanha (syn. Cephaelis ipecacuanha, Psychotria ipecacuanha)Grey (Peru), Brown (Brazil), White, Red and Black types were sold, all said to be derived from the same plant.However, other sources of Ipecacuanha were available on the…

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Cordyceps, Caterpillar Fungus, Dong Chong Xia Cao PRO

Cordyceps, Caterpillar Fungus, Dong Chong Xia Cao 冬虫夏草 Dong Chong Xia Cao (‘Winter Worm, Summer Herb’, TCM)dByar rtswa dgun ‘bu  དབྱར་རྩྭ་དགུན་འབུ་ (Tibet) Dried Cordyceps as available on the Chinese market.(Photo by Rafti Institute) (Wikimedia) Left: uncleaned and cleansed fresh Cordyceps; Right: bunches of graded Cordyceps as sold on the Chinese Market. See also More Photos…

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Ebulus, Dwarf Elder

Ebulus, Dwarf Elder Danewort, Helion Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 English Botany, Vol VII, Smith, 1798 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 Botanical name: Sambucus ebulus Parts used: Flower; Leaf; Berry; Inward bark; Seed Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry Classifications: 2F. PURIFYING3M. ARTHRITICS4f. SPLENETIC    4k. ARTHRITIC Uses: Flowers:-promote Sweat; generally used as…

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Tussilago, Coltsfoot FREE

Tussilago, Coltsfoot, Kuan Dong Hua 款冬花 Farfara, Ungula Caballina (‘Horses Hoof’)Kuan Dong Hua (Flower) (TCM) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Kohler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Coltsfoot(Photo by Andreas Trepte) (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Tussilago farfara Parts used: Leaf; Flower; rarely the Root Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, sweet. Classifications: 2U….

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Artemisia santolinifolia, Phur nag PRO

Artemisia santolinifolia, Phur nag ཕུར་ནག Phur nag (Tibetan) Artemisia sacrorum (Russian Wormwood)J.G. Gmelin, Flora sibirica, vol. 2 (1749) Botanical name: Artemisia spp.Several species have been identified as supplying Phur nag: A. santolinifolia (syn. A. sacrorum var. minor) A. gmelinii (North-West Tibet) A. vestita (West Himalayas) A. sacrorum–Russian Wormwood (West Tibet) This is one of three…

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Dactylorhiza, Finger root PRO

Dactylorhiza, Finger root Marsh Orchid, Spotted OrchidSalam Panja, Munjataka (Ayurveda)Dbang lag  དབང་ལག  (Tibetan)Hong Men Lan (China) A species of Dactylorhiza, listed as ‘Female Orchid’ and used as Salep.Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Wild Finger root (Dactylorhiza hatagirea)(Photo by Manas Badge) Finger root, Chengdu Herbal Medicine Market (Adam, 2016) Botanical name: Dactylorhiza spp. D. hatagirea…

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Crataegus, Hawthorn, Shan Zha PRO

Crataegus, Hawthorn, Shan Zha 山楂 Oxyacantha, White ThornShan Zha (TCM) Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 C. oxyacanthaFlora von Deutschland (25), Kohler, 1886 C. monogynaFlora von Deutschland (25), Kohler, 1886 Chinese Hawthorn fruit slices (Adam, 2017) Botanical name: Crataegus spp.In Europe: C. laevigata (formerly C. oxyacantha); Branched Hawthorn C. monogyna; Single Hawthorn C. pentagyna; Five-headaed Hawthorn…

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Nardostachys, Indian Spikenard FREE

Nardostachys, Indian Spikenard Nardi IndicaJatamansi, Mansi (Ayurveda)Sumbul-e-Hindi, Sambul-ut-Teeb, Balchhar (Unani)Gan Song 甘松 (TCM) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Krauterbuch, Danz & Uffenbach, 1610 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Nardostachys jatamansi‘there is a false Spikenard of Narbo, and a mountain Spikenard like Valerian’. (Schroder) Parts used: Root Temperature & Taste:…

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