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Calomel Hydrargyri Chloridum: Subchloride of Mercury, Calomelanos: Mercurius Dulcis: Manna metallorum: Aqila alba: Panchymagogum minerale: Draco mitigatusQing Fen 轻粉 (TCM)Rasakapoor (Unani) Native CalomelPhoto: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com Minerological name: Mercurous Chloride: HgCl Parts used: Mineral Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Pungent. Toxic Properties:Crystal system: tetragonalHardness: 1–2Specific Gravity: 6.4-6.5Luminescence: Red or OrangeCalomel is insoluble in Water or…

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Chinese Peony, Shao Yao PRO

Paeonia lactiflora, Chinese Peony, Shao Yao 芍药 White Peony, Bai Shao 白芍Red Peony, Chi Shao 赤芍 Chinese Peony (Ming Herbal (Welcome) P. lactifloraThe Botanical Register, Edwards & Lindley, 1815 Slices of wild, unsulphured White Peony Bai Shao (Adam, Chengdu Medicine Market, 2017) Botanical name: TCM uses 2 types of herbaceous Peony, designated ‘Red’ and ‘White’…

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Rhinoceros / Bubalus Cornu, Water Buffalo horn

Rhinoceros / Bubalus Cornu, Water Buffalo horn Xi Jiao (Rhinoceros horn, TCM)Shui Niu Jiao (Water Buffalo Horn, TCM)Bse ru, བསེ་རུ (Tibetan Medicine) Rhinoceros (Albrecht Dürer, 1515)(Image: Metropolitan Museum of Art) Water BuffaloMuseum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 Water Buffalo(Photo by Djambalawa) (Wikimedia) Zoological name: Traditionally, the Rhinoceros horn supplied this medicine and was used in most Traditions. …

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Bdellium, Guggulu FREE

Bdellium, Guggulu Indian BdelliumGuggulu (Ayurveda)Gu gul  གུ་གུལ  (Tibetan)Muqil (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, Cube, Johann von, 1501 A Complete History of Drugs, Pomet, London, 1748 Bdellium (Adam, 2017) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Commiphora mukul (syn. Balsamodendrum mukul) Parts used: GumA number of varieties are recognised, the dark-brown and yellow-brown being preferred. Temperature…

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Tanacetum Parthenium, Feverfew FREE

Tanacetum Parthenium, Feverfew Parthenium, Matricaria, Febrifuga Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1804 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Tanacetum parthenium (previously Chrysanthemum parthenium, Matricaria parthenium) Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool (Warm in the West), dry. Bitter, Pungent Classifications: 2D ATTENUATERS OF CONGEALED BLOOD3G. EMMENAGOGUE4i. UTERINE…

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Gnetum, Mai Ma Teng PRO

Gnetum, Mai Ma Teng 买麻藤 Joint FirMai Ma Teng (TCM)Anapendu (Siddha) Gnetum parvifoliumRumphius (Rumpf), G.E., Herbarium amboinense (1741-1750) Gnetum scandens(Photo by Dinesh Valke) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Gnetum parvifolium, G. montanum (syn. G. scandens) Parts used: Stem with Leaf; also the Root; Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Bitter Uses: 1. Clears Wind and Damp: -Wind-Cold-Damp muscle…

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Phoenix, Date PRO

Phoenix, Date palm Kharjura (Ayurveda)Khurma (Unani)Tamar, Balha (Arabic)‘Bra go  འབྲ་གོ  (Tibetan) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Duhamel du Monceau, H.L., Traité des arbres et arbustes, Nouvelle édition [Nouveau Duhamel], vol. 4 (1809) Botanical name: Phoenix dactylifera (syn. P. sylvestris) Parts used: Dried Fruit; Black, Yellow, Red, as well…

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Caper, Capparis spinosa

Capparum, Capers Classical western names include: cynosbaton, capria, coracos melon, ophioscordon, ophiostaphylon, petraia, holophyton, aeichloron, hippomanes, trichomanes Karira, Apatra (Ayurveda)Kabar, Kabar-ul-Hindi (Unani)Chengan (Siddha)Lao Shu Gua (TCM) Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Flora von Deutschland (14), Kohler, 1883 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Capparis spinosaRound and Pointed Leaf varieties…

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Melia azedarach, Ku Lian Pi PRO

Melia azedarach, Ku Lian Pi 苦楝皮 Persian Lilac, Pride of India, ChinaberryMahanimba (Ayurveda)Bakayan, Bakain, Azad Darakht (Unani)Malaivembu (Siddha)Ku Lian Pi (TCM) Melia azedarachF.A. Michaux, The North American sylva, vol. 3 (1819) Melia azedarach fruit, used in Unani(Unani Medicine College, Kolkata, Adam, 2019) Botanical name: Melia spp. M. azedarach M. dubia is used in some parts…

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Thirst Western Tradition Vehement Thirst 1. For Vehement Thirst, mix oil and water, heat a little and drink, then vomit it up. Repeat if necessary. It is very good to cure vehement Thirst. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)2. Soft roasted Egg yolks, mixed with a little Oil and eat, cures thirst. These are to be…

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Inula, Elecampane PRO

Inula helenium, Elecampane Enulae Campane, Helenii Inula racemosa Rasan, Rasin (Unani)Pushkar (Ayurveda)Ma Nu  མ་ནུ  (Tibetan)Tu Mu Xiang (TCM) Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599 Inula heleniumBerg,, Atlas der officinellen Pflanzen (1891) ELECAMPANE ROOTNotes on PharmacognosyBy Otto Augustus Wall, 1902 Botanical name: Inula spp.Two main species…

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Morus, Mulberrytree

Morus Nigra, Mulberry-tree Tuth (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 M. nigraMedical Botany, Woodville, Hooker, 1832 Left: Black Mulberry (top), White Mulberry (bottom)Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Dried Black Mulberry Botanical name: Morus nigraTwo main varieties are noted:  1. Morus nigra (Black)  2. Morus alba (White), used in TCM…

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