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Bletilla, Bai Ji PRO

Bletilla, Bai Ji 白芨 Hardy Orchid, BletillaBai Ji (TCM)Pa To La  པ་ཏོ་ལ  (Tibetan) Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 36 (1812) Bletilla striata(Photo by Sten Porse) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Bletilla striata (syn. B. hyacinthina, Cymbidium hyacinthinum, Limodorum striatum) (Official species)Bletilla ochracea and B. formosanare are also used, and are often considered substitutes. Parts used: Tuber Temperature &…

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Eugenia jambolana, Jambu

Eugenia jambolana, Jambu Java Plum, Black Plum, Black Cherry, JambolanJambu, Mahaphala, Phalendra (Ayurveda)Jamum (Unani)Naval (Siddha)sra ‘bras (Tibetan)Wu Mo is the name of the leaf, used in TCM. Eugenia jambolanaHerbarium Amboinense, Rumpf, 1755 Eugenia jambolanaHoola van Nooten, B., Fleurs, fruits et feuillages choisis de l’ille de Java: peints d’apres nature, 1880 Botanical name: Eugenia jambolana (syn….

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Ligularia amplexicaulis, Ri sho PRO

Ligularia amplexicaulis, Ri sho རི་ཤོ་ Ri sho (Tibet) Ligularia amplexicaulisPhoto by Vinayaraj (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Ligularia amplexicaulis (syn. L. corymbosa, Senecio amplexicaulis)According to one classification, there are a number of types of Sho in Tibetan Medicine: Ri sho: Ligularia amplexicaulis Klung sho: Rumex spp. Lug sho: Oxyria digyna Rgya sho: Rumex crispus Chu sho: Rumex…

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Acetosella, Wood Sorrel PRO

Acetosella, Wood Sorrel Teen Pattia (Ayurveda)Paliakiri (Siddha)Shan Zuo Jiang Cao (TCM) Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 Oxalis acetosellaFlora von Deutschland (21), Kohler, 1885 Oxalis corniculataFlora Danica [G.C. Oeder et al], fasicle 30, (1761-1883) Botanical name: Oxalis acetosellaOther species are used including O. corniculata (Creeping Oxalis, Indian Sorrel) in Ayurveda Parts used: Herb; sometimes the Seed Temperature…

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Placenta, Zi He Che 紫河车

Placenta, Zi He Che 紫河车 Afterbirth, SecundineZi He Che 紫河车, Tai Pan 胎盘 (TCM) Prepared Placenta: 1. Left: still containing Blood; 2. Top Right: prepared with Blood removed; 3. Bottom Right: Cooked (Adam, 2009–2016) Front and back view of prepared Human Placenta with blood removed.(Adam, 2024) Zoological name: Homo sapiens; Placenta Hominis Parts used: Dried…

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Dichondra, Ma Ti Jin PRO

Dichondra, Ma Ti Jin 马蹄金 Ma Ti Jin (TCM) Dichondra repensRuiz, H., Pavón, J., Drawings of the Royal Botanical Expedition to the Viceroyalty of Peru (1777) Dichondra repens in flower(Photo by Harry Rose) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Dichondra repens (syn. D. microcalyx) Parts used: Whole Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter, Pungent Classification: C. Clears…

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Swertia, Chiretta FREE

Swertia, Chiretta Chiretta, SwertiaKirata, Katutikta (Ayurveda)Tig Ta ཏིག་ཏ  (Tibetan)Chiraita (Unani); Qasab al-dhariarah (Avicenna) Swertia chirataWallich, Plantae Asiaticae Rariores, vol. 3: 1832 Swertia chirata(Photo by Rison Thumboor) (Wikimedia) 1. Root.  2. Flowering and fruiting top.  3. Fruit.4. Leaf showing characteristic venation. (Squibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919) Swertia tied into bundles with bamboo as imported.(A…

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Morus Fructus, Mulberry, Sang Shen FREE

Morus Fructus, Mulberry, Sang Shen 桑椹 Sang Shen (TCM)Dar shing དར་ཤིང་ (Tibet) Botanische wandplaten (Plantillustrations) Morus albaWeinmann, J.W., Phytanthoza iconographia (1737-1745) Dried Mulberry used in TCM Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Morus alba (fruit of M. rubra is used similarly)Li Shi Zhen noted there was 2 main varieties: White and Black.The…

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Gelsemium elegans, Gou Wen PRO

Gelsemium elegans, Gou Wen 鉤吻 Graceful JessamineGou Wen (TCM) Gelsemium elegansFlora Malesiana (1962) Gelsemium elegans(Photo by Toby Y) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Gelsemium elegansThis is one of only 3 species of Gelsemium and is native to Southeast Asia. Gelsemium sempervirens is native to the US. Parts used: Root, Root-bark, Whole herb. Root is strongest Temperature &…

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Mukia, Mao Er Gua PRO

Mukia, Mao Er Gua 帽儿瓜 Madras Pea PumpkinMao Er Gua, Dao Diao Jin Zhong (TCM)Ahilekhana, Trikoshaki (Ayurveda)Musumsukkai (Siddha) Mukia maderaspatanaAnonymous, Plantarum Malabaricum icones (1694-1710) Mukia maderaspatanaKirtikar, K.R., Basu, B.D., Indian medicinal plants (1918) Mukia maderaspatanaPhoto by Vinayaraj) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Mukia maderaspatana (syn. Melothria maderaspatana, Cucumis maderaspatanus, Bryonia scabrella) Parts used: Root, Leaf Temperature &…

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Calamine, Lu Gan Shi 炉甘石

Calamine, Lu Gan Shi 炉甘石 Lapis Calminaris, Smithsonite, Zinc sparLu Gan Shi (TCM)Gangs Thigs  གངས་ཐིགས  (‘Drops of Snow’, Tibetan)Rasaka, Kharpara (Ayurveda) Smithsonite(Photo: Rob Lavinsky, iRocks.com) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Mineralogical name: Calamina; Smithsonitum Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Sweet Classifications: 2T. GLUTINATE    2Z. CICATRIZING4b. OPTHALMICS TCM:T. External Medicines Uses: 1. Clears Heat,…

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Symplocos Cortex, Lodhra PRO

Symplocos Cortex, Lodhra Sapphireberry, SweetleafLodhra (Ayurveda)Velli-lethi (Siddha)Lodh Pathani (Unani)Satrak (Arabic)Hua Shan Fan (S. chinensis) (TCM) Symplocos racemosaEngler, H.G.A., Das Pflanzenreich, Symplocaceae, 1901 Symplocos racemosa bark(Photo by Miansari66) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Symplocos racemosa (syn. S. beddomei, S. candolleana)In some parts of India other species are used: S. laurina, S. spicata, S. ramosissima, S. sumuntia, S. cochinchinensis…

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