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Rabbit & Hare

Rabbit & Hare Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Thierbuch Das ist ein kurtze beschreybung aller vierfüssigen Thieren, Gesner, 1583 Zoological name: Leporidae is the Rabbit and Hare family.Lepus timidus is the Hare; Oryctolagus cuniculus (syn. Lepus cuniculus) is the European Rabbit; others are used. Parts used: The Hare was generally…

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Zanthoxylum nitidum, Liang Mian Zhen PRO

Zanthoxylum nitidum, Liang Mian Zhen 两面针 Shiny Prickly AshLiang Mian Zhen (TCM) Zanthoxylum schinifoliumAddisonia, vol. 10: (1925) Zanthoxylum nitidum(Photo by 阿橋) (Wikimedia) Zanthoxylum nitidum Root(Adam, 2024) Botanical name: Zanthoxylum nitidumA number of related species are used including Z. simulans, Z. bungeanum, Z. molle, Z. dissitum, Z. schinifolium (Sichuan Pepper) Parts used: Root Temperature & Taste:…

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Glauber‘s Salt, Mirabilite, Mang Xiao 芒硝

Glauber‘s Salt, Mirabilite, Mang Xiao 芒硝 Sal Mirabile, Natrum sulphuricumMang Xiao (TCM)Mze tsha Glauber’s Salt crystalPhoto: Shizhao (Wikimedia) Mang Xiao fromCollection of the EssentialMedical Herbs of MateriaMedica (1505) Mineralogical name: Sodium Sulphate Parts used: Salt Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Salty, Bitter Uses: 1. Moves the Bowels, Clears Heat, Purges Accumulation, Resolves Stagnation::-Constipation from Heat;…

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Phyla, Ya She Huang PRO

Phyla, Ya She Huang 鸭舌黄 Wild SageYa She Huang, Peng Lai Cao (TCM)Jalapippali (Ayurveda)Vashira (Sanskrit)Poduthalai, Potutalai (Siddha)Bukum (Unani) Phyla nodifloraSibthrop, J., Smith, J.E., Flora Graeca (drawings) (1845-1847) Phyla nodiflora(Photo by Kenraiz) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Phyla nodiflora (syn. Lippia nodiflora, Verbena nodiflora) Parts used: Whole herb Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter, Pungent. Slightly Toxic Classification:…

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Bidens tripartita, Water Agrimony, Lang Ba Cao

Bidens tripartita, Water Agrimony, Lang Ba Cao 狼杷草 Water Agrimony, Bur Beggarsticks, Bur Marigold, Bastard HempHepatorum, EupatoriumLang Ba Cao (TCM) Bidens tripartitaKorsmo, E., Unkrauttaflen – Weed plates – Planches des mauvaises herbes – Ugressplansjer (1934) Botanical name: Bidens tripartita (syn. B. comosa, B. connata) Parts used: Whole Plant in flower Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry….

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Ephedra root, Ma Huang Gen PRO

Ephedra root, Ma Huang Gen 麻黄根 Ma Huang Gen (TCM) Ephedra spp.Alpini, P., De plantis exoticis libri duo, 1629 Above: Ephedra sinica growing wild near Urumqi, Xinjiang, China (Adam, 2017) Botanical name: Ephedra sinica, E. intermedia Parts used: Root Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Sweet Classification: R. Astringent Uses: 1. Astringes to Stop Sweating:-Spontaneous Sweating from…

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Cremanthodium nepalense, Sngo sga PRO

Cremanthodium nepalense, Sngo sga སྔོ་སྒ་ Nepalese ChrysanthemumSngo sga (Tibet)Nibo er Chui Tou Ju  尼泊尔垂头菊 (TCM) Cremanthodium reniforme(Photo by Krzysztof Golik) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Cremanthodium spp.Two main types of Sngo sga are noted in Tibetans texts: Sngo sga: C. nepalense Sngo sga mi lpags ye shes: C. purpurea C. discoideum and C. reniforme are also said to…

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Anchusa, Alkanet

Anchusa tinctoria, Alkanet Dyers Bugloss, Spanish Bugloss, Alkanna Salmon, Botanologia, 1710 Andrews, The botanist’s repository, 1809-1810 Hand-Atlas Medicinisch-Pharmaceutischer, 1884 Botanical name: Alkanna tinctoria (syn. Anchusa tinctoria, Lithospermum tinctoria)Salmon listed 6 varieties, only the first 3 being used medicinally:  1. Great Yellow Alkanet, Anchusa  2. Lesser Alkanet with purple flowers, Anchusa altera  3. Small Alkanet with…

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Pinus Lignum, Song Jie PRO

Pinus Lignum, Song Jie 松节 Chinese Red Pine, Knotty Pine WoodSong Jie (TCM) Pinus. massonianaLambert, A.B., description of the genus Pinusand some other remarkable plants (1828-1837) Botanical name: Pinus spp.  1. P. tabuliformis (syn. P. leucosperma)  2. P. massoniana (syn. P. sinensis)  3. P. yunnanensis Parts used: Wood Shavings / Branch nodes Temperature & Taste:…

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Scorpion, Quan Xie 全蝎

Scorpion, Quan Xie 全蝎 Chinese Gold Scorpion, Manchurian Scorpion (TCM)Quan Xie (TCM)Aqrab (Unani) Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Buthus mariefranceae (from Morocco), related to the species used in TCM.Photo by Christian Ferrer) (Wikimedia) Scorpion species used in MedicineShaw, G. Zoological Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution, 1809 Bulk Scorpions as used in TCM (Adam, 2011)…

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Sargassum, Hai Zao PRO

Sargassum, Hai Zao 海藻 Hai Zao (TCM) Sargassum muticum(Photo by Lamiot) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Sargassum spp. S. pallidum S. fusiforme A number of related species are used including S. vachellianurn, S. siliquastrum, S. muticum, S. herniphyllurn, S. thunbergii Parts used: Dried seaweed Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Salty, Bitter Classification: P. Clears Hot Phlegm Uses:…

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Cream of Tartar

Cream of Tartar Dregs of WineDurdi (Unani) Crude Tartar being collected from Wine barrelsOrtus Sanitatis, 1491 Minerological name: Potassium hydrogen tartrate, Potassium Acid Tartrate: Potassium Bitartrate. KHC4H4O6Crude Tartar is collected from wine barrels and is purified to give Cream of Tartar Parts used: Purified Salt“The best and safest dregs [crude tartar] are the dregs of…

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