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Hedyotis, Bai Hua She She Cao PRO

Hedyotis, Bai Hua She She Cao 白花蛇舌草 Bai Hua She She Cao (TCM)Kshetraparpata (Ayurveda) Oldenlandia tenuifoliaBurman, N.L., Flora Indica (1768) Oldenlandia corymbosa (Descourtilz, M.E., Flore médicale des Antilles, 1821) Hedyotis corymbosa(Photo by Vengolis) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Hedyotis (syn. Oldenlandia) spp. H. diffusa (syn. Oldenlandia diffusa) (TCM) H. corymbosa (syn. Oldenlandia corymbosa) (TCM, India) H. pinifolia…

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Bambusa, Zhu Li, Zhu Ru PRO

Bambusa Succus, Zhu Li 竹沥 Bambusa Caulis, Zhu Ru 竹茹 Bamboo Sap: Zhu Li (TCM)Bamboo Shavings: Zhu Ru (TCM) Bambusa tuldoidesCamus, E.G., bambusées, Atlas (1913) Phyllostachys bambusoides(Photo by Marco Schmidt) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Bamboo species including the following: Bambusa tuldoides, B. emeiensis Sinocalamus beecheyanus var. pubescens Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis, P. bambusoides, P. pubescens Parts…

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Fermentum Cerevisiae, Yeast

Fermentum Cerevisiae, Yeast Jiu Qu (Distillers Yeast, TCM) Botanical name: Saccharomyces cerevisiae and/or Candida utilis Parts used: Froth or scum which rises to the surface of the wort of beer while fermenting.Brewers or Distillers Yeast was traditionally prepared from Wheat, Barley or Rice, often mixed with other herbs, made into a paste, formed into pills,…

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Bupleurum, Chai Hu PRO

Bupleurum, Chai Hu, 柴胡 Hare’s Ear, Chinese ThoroughwaxChai Hu (TCM)Bod skyes zi ra ser po  བོད་སྐྱེས་ཟི་ར་སེར་པོ་ (B. falcatum, Tibetan Medicine) B. falcatumIllustration by James Sowerby (Wikimedia) Bupleurum scorzonerifolium(Photo by Лобачев Владимир) (Wikimedia) Buleurum aureum(Photo by Convallaria majalis) (Wikimedia) Cut Bupleurum Chai Hu (Adam 2023) Botanical name: Bupleurum spp.A number of species supply the market: B….

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Lacca PRO

Lacca Laksha, Lakh (Ayurveda)Luk (Arabic)Rgya skyegs  རྒྱ་སྐྱེགས  (Tibetan Medicine)Zi Cao Rong (TCM) Gum Lacca with one of the source tressMuseum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 Aromaticum et Simplicium Aliquot, de Orta, 1579 Lacca; Lacca on stick (top); interior of Lacca showing eggs (second from top) (Chengdu Medicine Market, Adam, 2016) Close-up of the raw Lacca containing Egg chambers.(Adam,…

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Chamomila, Camomile PRO

Chamomila, Camomile Bubunaj (Unani) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Matricaria                                                                                                                    AnthemisIcones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 MatricariaBotanische wandplaten, 1904–1914 Matricaria recutitaKoehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Anthemis nobilisAn Encyclopaedia of useful and ornamental Plants, Burnett, 1852 Botanical name: Anthemis nobilis–Garden or Roman CamomileMatricaria recutita (syn. M. camomilla)–German Camomile (most used) Parts used: Flowers Temperature & Taste: Cool (mildly Warm…

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Crocus, Saffron, Xi Hong Hua FREE

Crocus, Saffron, Xi Hong Hua 西红花 Kum Kuma (Sanskrit)Safran (Hindi)Xi Hong Hua, Fan Hong Hua (TCM)Zafrah (Unani)Gur Gum  གུར་གུམ  (Tibetan) Della Materia Medicinale, Andrea Valuassori, 1562 Flora von Deutschland, Kohler, 1886 Saffron Filaments from Iran Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Crocus sativus Parts used: stigmas Temperature & Taste: Moderately Warm (some…

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Myrtus, Myrtle PRO

Myrtus, Myrtle Myrtle, Clove Myrtle, Spanish MyrtleHabb-ul-Ass, Muurad (Unani) Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Two varieties of MyrtusKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Myrtus communis(Photo by Javier martin) (Wikimedia) Myrtle berries(Photo by Giancarlo Dessì) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Myrtus communis Parts used: Leaves, Fruit (‘berries’), SeedLeaf was more commonly used internally, berries mostly externally“Small shoots of its roots are most potent”….

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Phaseolus angularis, Chi Xiao Dou

Phaseolus angularis, Chi Xiao Dou 赤小豆 Adzuki Bean Adzuki beansAdam (2019) Botanical name: Phaseolus angularis; also P. calcaratus Parts used: Seed (Bean) Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Sweet, Sour Uses: 1. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine:-Edema, abdominal swelling, fluid retention-swollen, painful legs-Urinary difficulty 2. Clears Damp-Heat: -Jaundice (mild cases, or in cases with weakness) 3. Moves the…

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Foeniculum, Fennel, Xiao Hui Xiang

Foeniculum, Fennel, Xiao Hui Xiang 小茴香 Traditionally called MaratrumXiao Hui Xiang (TCM)La la phud  ལ་ལ་ཕུད  (Tibetan)Badiyan (Seed, Unnai)Bekh e Badiyan (Root, Unani) New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Atlas der officinellen pflanzen (2), Felix, 1899 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Foeniculum vulgare Parts used: Root, Seed; sometimes the herb Temperature &…

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Litharge, Mi Tuo Seng 密陀僧 Mi Tuo Seng (TCM)Murdar Sang (Unani)Marirdar Shring (Ayurveda)Mtshal dkar  མཚལ་དཀར་ (Tibetan) Hortus sanitatis, 1491 Yellow (‘Gold’) LithargePhoto by Walkerma Mineralogical Name:Yellow Lead monoxideLitharge (formed from fused and powdered Massicot) Three types of Litharge were mentioned by Pliny:      1. Chrysitis (Gold colored, best; also called German Gold Litharge);       …

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Epimedium, Yin Yang Huo PRO

Epimedium, Yin Yang Huo 淫羊藿 ‘Horny Goat Weed’, EpimediumYin Yang Huo (TCM) Epimedium pubescens(Photo by Stan Shebs) (Wikimedia) Epimedium sagittatum(Photo by Qwert1234) (Wikimedia) Epimedium koreanumPhotos by Dalgial European E. alpinum is very similar in appearance to the Chinese varieties.Flora von Deutschland (12), Kohler, 1883 Botanical name: Epimedium spp.Several species are used: E. brevicornum E. sagittatum…

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