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Alumen, Alum, Bai Fan FREE

Alumen, Alum, Bai Fan 白矾 Called Stypteria by DioscoridesBai Fan (TCM)Sphatikari or Kamakshi (in Sanskrit)Phitkari, Phitki (Unani)Tshur dkar  ཚུར་དཀར  (Tibetan) Hortus sanitatis, 1491 1. Impure Alumen Sissile;  2. Alumen Sissile Volaterrani;  3. Alumen Rotundum;  4. fragment of a species of Alum; 5. a species of Sissile Alum;  6. Alum Schistis;  7. Aluminosa Balnei Scorpionis(Aldrovani, Musaeum Metallicum,…

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Ophicalcite, Hua Rui Shi

Ophicalcite, Hua Rui Shi 花蕊石 Hua Rui Shi (TCM) OphicalcitePhoto by Lysippos (Wikimedia) Minerological name: OphicalcitumSerpentine mixed with CalciteSee Serpentine which is similar and used in Ayurveda. Parts used: Prepared Mineral Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Sour, astringent Classification: L. Stop Bleeding: Constituents: Calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium silicate, Fe, Al. There are also traces of…

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Allium, Garlic FREE

Allium, Garlic, Da Suan 大蒜 Da Suan (TCM)Lashuna (Ayurveda)Lehsun (Unani)Sgog skya, སྒོག་སྐྱ  (Tibetan) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Krauterbuch, Rihel, 1565 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Allium sativum Parts used: Bulb Temperature & Taste: Hot, dry. Pungent. Ayurveda says Garlic has all tastes except…

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Thea, Tea

Thea, Tea Cha (China)Chai (India) Atlas der officinellen pflanzen, Felix, 1899 Botanical name: Thea chinensisThere are many varieties of tea; a primary difference is ‘green’ (green, white tea) or ‘fermented’ (black, hong cha) Parts used: leaf Temperature & Taste: Black (fermented) tea is warm, Green tea is Cool. Bitter, Sweet Uses: 1. Clears Damp, Promotes…

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Gentiana macrophylla, Qin Jiao PRO

Gentiana macrophylla, Qin Jiao 秦艽 Large Leaf GentianQin Jiao (TCM)Kyi lche (Tibetan–one type of) G. dahurica Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 141 (1915) Gentiana macrophylla flower(Photo by Orchi) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Gentiana spp.A number of species are used for Qin Jiao in TCM G. macrophylla G. straminea G. crassicaulis G. dahurica In Tibetan Medicine, Gentiana tibetica…

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Belamcanda chinensis, She Gan PRO

Belamcanda chinensis, She Gan 射干 Blackberry LilyShe Gan (TCM)Surajkanti (Ayurveda) She Gan (Belamcanda) (Bencao yuanshi, 1612) (Welcome) Houtte, L. van, Flore des serres et des jardin de l’Europe, vol. 16 (1845) Belamcanda chinensis(Photo by Brighterorange) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Belamcanda chinensis (syn. B. flabellata, Iris domestica, Ixia chinensis, Moraea chinensis, Pardanthus sinensis) Tibetan Medicine uses the…

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Rhabarbari monachorum, Monk’s Rhubarb

Rhabarbari monachorum, Monk’s Rhubarb Herb Patience, Hippolapathum, Lapanthus hortense, Rhubarbarum Monachorum Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen, Sturm, 1796 Rumex alpinus(Photo by Jerzy Opioła) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Rumex alpinus Parts used: Root; the yellower the better Temperature & Taste: Cool (Neutral according to some) dry. Mildly Bitter Classifications: Aperitive, Abstersive, Astringent, Uses: 1. Purges…

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Polygala, Yuan Zhi FREE

Polygala, Yuan Zhi 远志 Chinese Senega, Thinleaf MilkwortYuan Zhi (TCM)Byi ‘u srad ma  བྱི་འུ་ སྲད་མ་ (Herb, Tibetan Medicine) Polygala tenuifoliaColla., Icones plantarum rariorum herbarium pedemontanum, (1835-1837) Polygala sibirica flower(Photo by Igorpysh) (Wikimedia Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Polygala tenuifolia, P. sibirica Parts used: Root. Classically, the root and leaf were often…

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Welcome to

About MedicineTraditions Introduction to MedicineTraditions This Web Site has been established to promote the Study and Practice of Traditional Medicine. Traditional Medicine World Wide tends to have several things in common:     The use of Natural Medicines from the Vegetable, Animal and Mineral Kingdoms     An Understanding of the energetics of the body, disease and…

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Urtica, Nettle FREE

Urtica, Nettle Anjuraa, Bhichu Ghans (Unani)Sisona (Ayurveda)Xun Ma 荨麻Za rgod  ཟ་རྒོད་ (Tibet) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Flora von Deutschland, Kohler, 1886 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Urtica dioicaGreater, Lesser, Roman and Dead Nettles (Lamium) were recognised Parts used: Herb; Seed; Root Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Pungent Classifications:…

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Inula japonica, Xuan Fu Hua PRO

Inula japonica, Xuan Fu Hua 旋覆花 Xuan Fu Hua (TCM) Inula britannicaBarrellier, J., Plantae per Galliam, Hispaniam et Italiam observatae (?) Inula britannica(Photo by Repina Tatyana) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Inula spp. I. japonica I. britannica (Ou Ya Xuan Fu Hua) I. hupehensis (Hu Bei Xuan Fu Hua), used in Hubei province I. helianthus-aquatica (Shui Chao…

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Euphrasia, Eyebright PRO

Euphrasia, Eyebright Zhim thig sang rgyas chu ‘jib  ཞིམ་ཐིག་ཐིག་སང་རྒྱས་ཆུ་ཇིབ་ (Tibet) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Masclef, Atlas des plantes de France, 1893 Botanical name: Euphrasia officinalisIn Tibet, E. himalayica is used similarly. Parts used: Herb in flower Temperature & Taste: Cool (Warm in the west), dry. Pungentastringes, discusses Classifications: 2S….

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