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Punica Flos et Pericarp, Pomegranate Flower & Rind FREE

Punica Flos et Pericarp, Pomegranate Flower & Rind Wild Pomegranate Flower–Balaustium; Dadima (Ayurveda)–Anar, Bidana (Unani)–Ruman, Ruman Halw, Ruman Murr (Arabic);Cultivated Pomegranate flower: CytinoiPomegranate Rind:–Shi Liu Pi (TCM) Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Flora von Deutschland (25), Kohler, 1886 Pomegranate fruit (left), Pomegranate flower, double (right)Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Pomegranate rindNotes on Pharmacognosy, Otto Augustus Wall, 1902 Dried…

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Gentiana macrophylla, Qin Jiao FREE

Gentiana macrophylla, Qin Jiao 秦艽 Large Leaf GentianQin Jiao (TCM) Gentiana dahurica Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 141 (1915) Gentiana macrophylla flower(Photo by Orchi) (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Gentiana spp.A number of species are used:  G. macrophylla G. straminea G. crassicaulis G. dahurica Parts used: Root Temperature & Taste: Neutral/slightly Cool,…

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Datura, Stramonium

Datura, Thorn Apple Jimson Weed, StramoniumDhattura (Ayurveda and Unani)Thang phrom  ཐང་ཕྲོམ  (Tibetan) New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Materia Medica Botanica, Wellman, 1845 Medical Botany, Woodville, 1810 Atlas der Officinellen Pflanzen, Berg & Schmidt, Leipzig, 1893 Left: Flower, Above: Seed pod (Adam, 2017) Botanical name: Datura stramoniumOthers used include D. alba, D. metal, D. Ferox, D. fastuosa…

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Ginkgo Folium, Ginkgo Leaf, Yin Xing Ye PRO

Ginkgo Folium, Ginkgo Leaf, Yin Xing Ye 银杏叶 Ginkgo leafYin Xing Ye (TCM) Ben Cao Yuan Shi, 1644 (Welcome) GinkgoAddisonia, vol. 11: (1926) Botanical name: Ginkgo biloba Parts used: Leaf Temperature & Taste: Neutral, Dry, Bitter, Sweet. Slightly Toxic. Uses: 1. Consolidates Lungs, Stops Wheezing:-Coughing, Wheezing-Chronic Cough, Cough with excess phlegm 2. Move the Blood,…

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Kadsura, Hong Gu She PRO

Kadsura, Hong Gu She 红骨蛇 Hong Gu She (TCM) Kadsura japonicaSiebold, P.F. von, Zuccarini, J.G., Flora Japonica (1842-1870) Kadsura japonica(Photo by KENPEI) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Kadsura japonica (syn. Uvaria japonica) Parts used: Root Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Pungent, Bitter Classification: D. Clear Wind and Damp Uses: 1. Clears Wind-Damp, Opens the Channels, Eases Pain:-Wind-Damp…

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Saxifraga, ‘od ldan PRO

Saxifraga, ‘od ldan འོད་ལྡན་ ‘od ldan, Rtag ngu (Tibet) Left: Saxifraga egregia   Right: Saxifraga melanocentraEngler, H.G.A., Pflanzenreich (1916) Saxifraga melanocentra(Photo by Woudloper) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Saxifraga spp:Several species supply this medicine: ‘od ldan dkar po: S. melanocentra (syn. Saxifraga pseudopallida, Micranthes melanocentra) ‘od ldan ser po: S. egregia S. elliptica has also been listed as…

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Edgeworthia, Lu Luo Hua PRO

Edgeworthia, Lu Luo Hua 绿萝花 Nepalese PaperbushLu Luo Hua (TCM) Edgeworthia gardneriCurtis, W., Botanical Magazine (1800-1948) Edgeworthia gardneri flower bud(Photo by Kenraiz) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Edgeworthia gardneri, E. chrysantha Parts used: Flower bud Temperature & Taste: Cool, moist. Sweet Classification: Uses: 1. Nourish Yin, Benefits Liver and Kidneys:-Hypoglycemia, Diabetes-Hypertension, High Cholesterol-Bone Fractures, Rheumatalgia-Benefits Immunity-Anti-tumor 2….

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Delphinium brunonianum, Bya rgod spos PRO

Delphinium brunonianum, Bya rgod spos བྱ་རྒོད་སྤོས་ Musk LarkspurBya rgod spos (Tibet)Sprika (Ayurveda)Ke Shen Mi Er Cui Que (D. cashmirianum) (TCM) Delphinium brunonianumCurtis’s Botanical Magazine (1864) Delphinium cashmerianumIllustrations of the Botany … of the Himalayan Mountains, Royle, 1839 Delphinium brunonianum(Photo by Hectonichus) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Delphinium spp.Two species supply this medicine: D. brunonianum (syn. D. moschatum)…

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Aquilaria, Aloeswood, Chen Xiang PRO

Aquilaria, Aloeswood, Chen Xiang 沉香 Eaglewood, Agar, Agarwood, Aloes Wood, Wood of AloesChen Xiang (TCM)Agaru (Ayurveda)A gar  ཨ་གར (Tibetan)Ood, Ood Hindi, Ood-ul Hindi, Ood Gharqi (Unani) Left: True Aloeswood; Center: Aloeswood tree; Right: ‘Spurious’ (false) AloeswoodMuseum Museorum, Valentini, 1704 A. agallocha (left)Royle, J.F., Illustrations of the botany and other branches of the naturalhistory of the…

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Stephania japonica, Qian Jin Teng PRO

Stephania japonica, Qian Jin Teng 千金藤 Snake VineQian Jin Teng (TCM)Raj-Patha (variety of, Ayurveda) Stephania japonica Ben Cao Tu Pu (Illustrated Herbal) 1644 (Welcome, Wikimedia) Stephania japonica Wight, R., Spicilegium Neilgherrense (1846) Stephania japonica(Photo by MargaretRDonald) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Stephania japonica (syn. S. hernandiifolia, S. rotunda, Menispermum japonicum, Cissampelos hernamdiifolia)The Australian Stephania japonica var. australis…

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Amomum, Greater Cardamon, Sha Ren PRO

Amomum, Greater Cardamon, Sha Ren 砂仁 Greater Cardamon, Large Cardamon, Nepal Cardamon, Black CardamonSha Ren (TCM)Sthoolaila (Ayurveda)Heel Kalan (Unani)Ka Ko La  ཀ་ཀོ་ལ (Tibetan) Amomum subulatumRoxburgh, Plants of the coast of Coromandel, vol. 3, 1819 Lesser, Medium and Greater CardamonsNew Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Botanical name: Amomum spp: A. villosum A. villosum var. xanthioides A. longiligulare A….

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Ribes, Currant PRO

Ribes, Currant Currans Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Red and Black CurrantMedical Botany, Woodville, Hooker, Vol. 3, 1832 Botanical name: Ribes spp. R. nigrum–Black Currant Ribes rubrum–Red Currant White, Black and Red varieties were used, the White being mildest. Parts used: Fruit; rarely the leaf Temperature &…

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