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Usnea, Tree Moss PRO

Usnea, Tree Moss Hairy Tree Moss, Muscus arboreus, Old Man’s BeardOak Moss, Muscus Quercnus (collected from Oak tree)Usna, Ushnah (Unani)Song Luo (TCM) UsenaHerbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 UsneaOrtus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Tree Moss, growing on OakNew Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Tree Moss, growing on OakDodoens, Stirpium historiae pemptades (1583) Botanical name: Usnea barbataThere are many species of…

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Marsdenia, Murva

Marsdenia, Murva Tenacious Condorvine, Rajmahal Hemp, Sneeze Wort, Cotton Milk Plant, Green Milkweed Climber, Green Wax Flower, Sneezing SilkMurva (Ayurveda)Perunkurinjan (Siddha)Moorwa (Unani)Tong Guang Teng (TCM) Marsdenia volubilis(Photo: J.M.Garg) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Marsdenia spp. M. tenacissima (TCM, North India) (syn. Gongronemopsis tenacissima, Asclepias tenacissima, A. tomentosa, Gymnema tenacissima) M. volubilis (South India) (syn. Asclepias viridiflora, Dregea volubilis,…

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Prunus amygdala dulcis, Sweet Almond PRO

Prunus amygdala dulcis, Sweet Almond Badam (Unani) Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Medical Botany, Woodville, Hooker, Vol. 3, 1832 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 Apricot kernel (Xing Ren) (Adam, 2017) Botanical name: Prunus amygdalus dulcis (formerly Amygdalus communis)TCM uses Apricot kernel Xing Ren synonymously: P. armeniaca, P. sibirica, P. mandshurica Parts used: Kernels; expressed Oil Temperature…

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Euphoria, Longan, Long Yan Rou FREE

Euphoria, Longan fruit, Long Yan Rou 龙眼肉 Longan FruitLong Yan Rou (TCM) Euphoria longanDian Nan Ben Cao Tu Shuo (Illustrated Yunnan Pharmacopoeia) Ming Dynasty (1773 edition) Euphoria longanTransactions of the Royal Horticultural Society of London, Vol. 2 (1822) Euphoria longan(Photo by Len Worthington) (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Euphoria longan…

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Primula veris, Cowslip PRO

Primula veris, Cowslip Herb Paralysis, Radix Arthritica Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Two varieties of Primula traditionally usedHerbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Botanische wandplaten Stafleu, F.A., Cowan, R.S., Mennega, E.A., et al., Taxonomic Literature, 2nd ed.,  (1973-2008) Botanical name: Primula spp. P. veris (syn. P officinalis) (Cowslip) P. vulgaris (Primrose) P….

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Lobelia chinensis, Ban Bian Lian PRO

Lobelia chinensis, Ban Bian Lian 半边莲 Ban Bian Lian (TCM) Lobelia chinensisEdwards, S.T., Botanical Register (1815-1828) Botanical name: Lobelia chinensis (syn. L. radicans)L. pyramidalis and L. sessilifolia are also used. Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Slightly Sweet Classification: C. Clear Damp, Promote Urine Constituents: Alkaloids: lobeline, lobelanine, lobelanidine, isolobelanidine Uses: 1. Clears…

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Honey, Mel, Feng Mi FREE

Honey, Mel, Feng Mi 蜂蜜 Feng Mi (TCM)Sbrang rtsi  སྦྲང་རྩི  (Tibetan) Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 HoneyOrtus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 HoneyKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Entomological name: Apis spp. A. mellifera, Western Honey Bee, A. cerana, Eastern Honey Bee These are the two main species of domesticated Honey Bees. Other…

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Prunus domestica, Plumtree, Prune FREE

Prunus domestica, Plum-tree, Prune Aalu Bukhara (Unani) P. domesticaDioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 P. sylvestrisKrauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Flora von Deutschland (25), Kohler, 1886 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Prunus domesticaMany types of Plums were used: Garden or Wild (Sloes); great, small, long, round, white, red, yellow, purple, black; sweet or sour…

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Myrobalan, Emblic PRO

Myrobalan, Emblic Amalaki (Ayurveda)Nellikkay (Siddha) Aamla (Unani)Skyu Ru Ra སྐྱ་རུ་ར (Tibetan)Yu Gan Zi 余甘子 (TCM) Emblic MyrobalanWitsen, N., Jager, H. de, Plantae Javanicae pictae, ex Java transmissae anno MDCC (1700) Chebulic, Emblic, Belleric, Citrine (Yellow) and Indian (Black) MyrobalanA Complete History of Drugs, Pomet, London, 1748  1. Yellow (Citrine) Myrobalan 2. Black (Indian, Nigrum) Myroabalan 3. Chebulic Myrobalan 4….

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Eriobotrya, Loquat leaf, Pi Pa Ye

Eriobotrya, Loquat leaf, Pi Pa Ye 枇杷叶 Pi Pa Ye (TCM) LoquatFlora Sinensis, Boym, 1653 Flora Japonica (Philipp Franz von Siebold and Joseph Gerhard Zuccarini, 1870) Botanical name: Eriobotrya japonica Parts used: Leaf Temperature & Taste: Neutral (slightly Cool), dry. Bitter Classifications: Q. Stop Cough and Wheezing Uses: 1. Clears Lung Heat, Stops Cough: -Cough,…

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Convolvulus, Bindweed PRO

Convolvulus, Bindweed Greater Bindweed, Helxine, VolubilisTian Xuan Hua (TCM) Convolvulus arvensis, Field BindweedNew Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Curtis, William, Flora Londinensis, vol. 2 (1777-1778) Botanical name: Convolvulus spp.Several varieties were known:  1. Common Bindweed: C. alba  2. Greater or Hedge Bindweed: C. sepium  3. Lesser Bindweed: C. minor  4. Field Bindweed: C. arvensis  5.. Hedge Bindweed:…

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Ascelpias, Pleurisy root PRO

Asclepias, Pleurisy root Butterfly-weed, Flux-root, White root, Silk weed, Tuberous Milkweed, Orange Swallow-wort Revue horticole, sér. 4 Vol. 28 (1856) Pleurisy rootNotes on Pharmacognosy, Otto Augustus Wall, 1902 Pleurisy rootSquibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Botanical name: Asclepias tuberosaRelated species used similarly but considered less active include A. syriaca, A. incarnata, A. acuminata,…

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