Ayurveda | Galenic Medicine | Herbal Formula | Herbal Treatment of | Herbs | How to treat | Sweating | TCM | Tibetan Medicine | Traditional Chinese Medicine | Traditional Medicine | Unani Medicine
Sweating Western Tradition Compounds Sage infusion (taken cool)Gelatin of Deer HornSyrup Against ConsumptionSage TinctureCooling Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Frigidum)Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum)Halys PowderNew Rose Powder (Rosata Nouvelle)Restorative Electuary (Antidotus Analeptica) (Nicholas)Electuary of Coral (Diacorallion)Electuary of Pine Kernels (Lohoch de Pino) (Mesue) Powder for Excess Sweating (externally)Oil of Quince (externally)Myrtle leaf powder (externally)Alum (externally) Spontaneous Sweating…