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Magnolia Flos, Xin Yi PRO

Magnolia Flos, Xin Yi 辛夷 Magnolia FlowerXin Yi (TCM) Magnolia denudataKerner, J.S., Hortus sempervirens (1795-1830) Magnolia flower bud(Photo by William (Ned) Friedman) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Magnolia spp. M. biondii M. denudata M. sprengeri Parts used: Flower bud Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent Classification: A. Clear Exterior Wind-Cold Uses: 1. Clears Wind, Opens the Nasal…

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Selinum wallichianum, Tang kun PRO

Selinum wallichianum, Tang kun ཏང་ཀུན་ Tang kun (Tibet)Mura (Root, Ayurveda)Mural (Siddha) Selinum wallichianum(Photo by Dinesh Valke) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Two different herbs supply Tang kun: Tang kun dkar po (‘Female’): Selinum wallichianum (syn. S. tenuifolium, S. candollei, Peucedanum wallichianum, Ligusticum coniifolium) Tang kun nag po (‘Male’): Sinolimprichtia alpina Some modern Russian sources list Cnidium dahuricum…

Houttuynia, Yu Xing Cao PRO

Houttuynia, Yu Xing Cao 鱼腥草 Yu Xing Cao (TCM) Houttuynia cordataCurtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 54 (1827) Houttuynia cordata(Photo by Nova) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Houttuynia cordata Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Pungent Classification: B. Clears Heat and Toxin Uses: 1. Clears Heat and Toxin, Reduces Swellings:-Lung heat Cough with thick, yellow Phlegm-Lung Abscess…

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Assafoetida, Asafetida, A Wei PRO

Assafoetida, Asafetida, A Wei 阿魏 Asafoetida, Devil’s DungHing, Hingu  (Ayurveda)Perunkayam (Siddha)A Wei 阿魏 (TCM)Hilteet (Unani)Shing kun  ཤིང་ཀུན  (Tibetan) Ortus sanitatis, Cube, Johann von, 1501 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 Ferula asafetidaAtlas der officinellen pflanzen (2), Felix, 1899 Lump of raw Asafetida gum(Adam, 2022) Botanical name: Ferula asafetidaOther related sources include F. sinkiangensis Parts used: Gum‘The…

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Gundelia PRO

Gundelia Crown of Thornsal-Kankarzad, Akoob, Akkoub (Arabic) Gundelia tournefortiiP. Miller, Figures of the most beautiful, useful and uncommonplants, described in the gardeners’ dictionary, vol. 2 (1755-1760) Gundelia tournefortii(Photo by Mattan nahum) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Gundelia tournefortii Parts used: Whole Herb / leaf and stemJuice / gumThe wild plant is harvested and eaten as a vegetable…

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Sisymbrium, Sgong thug pa PRO

Sisymbrium, Sgong thog pa སྒོང་ཐོག་པ Sgong thug pa (Tibet)Tang Jie (E. diffusum) (TCM) Erysimum canescensKops et al., J., Flora Batava, vol. 19 (1895) Erysimum altaicumColla, L.A., Icones plantarum rariorumherbarium pedemontanum, (1835-1837) Botanical name: Sisybrium spp and Erysimum spp.2 main varieties are recognised: Sisymbrium heteromallum Erysimum canescens (syn. E diffusum), E. altaicum Parts used: Seeds Temperature…

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Pterocarpus, Red Sandalwood PRO

Pterocarpus, Red Sandalwood Raktachandana, Raktasaara (Ayurvedic)Sandal Surkh, Sandal-e-Ahmar (Unani)Tsan dan dmar po  ཙན་དན་དམར་པོ  (Tibetan)Shivappu-Chandanam (Siddha) Medical Botany, Woodville, Hooker, Vol. 3, 1832 Red Sandalwood(Adam, 2017) Botanical name: Pterocarpus santalinus (syn. Santalum rubrum) Parts used: Wood Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter, Sweet. Classifications: 2F. PURIFYING.   2P. HEMOSTATICS3B. FEBRIFUGE & ANTIPYRETIC Uses: 1. Clears Heat from…

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Gentiana macrophylla, Qin Jiao PRO

Gentiana macrophylla, Qin Jiao 秦艽 Large Leaf GentianQin Jiao (TCM)Kyi lche (Tibetan–one type of) G. dahurica Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 141 (1915) Gentiana macrophylla flower(Photo by Orchi) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Gentiana spp.A number of species are used for Qin Jiao in TCM G. macrophylla G. straminea G. crassicaulis G. dahurica In Tibetan Medicine, Gentiana tibetica…

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Belamcanda chinensis, She Gan PRO

Belamcanda chinensis, She Gan 射干 Blackberry LilyShe Gan (TCM)Surajkanti (Ayurveda) She Gan (Belamcanda) (Bencao yuanshi, 1612) (Welcome) Houtte, L. van, Flore des serres et des jardin de l’Europe, vol. 16 (1845) Belamcanda chinensis(Photo by Brighterorange) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Belamcanda chinensis (syn. B. flabellata, Iris domestica, Ixia chinensis, Moraea chinensis, Pardanthus sinensis) Tibetan Medicine uses the…

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Mangifera, Mango PRO

Mangifera, Mango Mango–Amra, Rasaal, Sahakar (Ayurveda)–Aam, Anba, Ambaj (Unani)–Mang Guo (TCM)Mango kernel:–Amra Beej (Ayurveda)–Khasta Aam (Unani)–a bras  ཨ་འབྲས (Tibetan)–Mang Guo He (TCM) Flora Sinensis, Boym, 1653 Flore d’Amérique, Denisse, 1843-1846 Mango kernel for sale at the Chengdu Medicine Market (Adam, 2016) Botanical name: Mangifera indica, M. persiciformis Parts used: Kernel Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry….

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Inula japonica, Xuan Fu Hua PRO

Inula japonica, Xuan Fu Hua 旋覆花 Xuan Fu Hua (TCM) Inula britannicaBarrellier, J., Plantae per Galliam, Hispaniam et Italiam observatae (?) Inula britannica(Photo by Repina Tatyana) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Inula spp. I. japonica I. britannica (Ou Ya Xuan Fu Hua) I. hupehensis (Hu Bei Xuan Fu Hua), used in Hubei province I. helianthus-aquatica (Shui Chao…

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Euphrasia, Eyebright PRO

Euphrasia, Eyebright Zhim thig sang rgyas chu ‘jib  ཞིམ་ཐིག་ཐིག་སང་རྒྱས་ཆུ་ཇིབ་ (Tibet) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Masclef, Atlas des plantes de France, 1893 Botanical name: Euphrasia officinalisIn Tibet, E. himalayica is used similarly. Parts used: Herb in flower Temperature & Taste: Cool (Warm in the west), dry. Pungentastringes, discusses Classifications: 2S….

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