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SolmsLaubachia, Sro lo smug po PRO

Solms-Laubachia, Sro lo smug po སྲོ་ལོ་སྨུག་པོ Sro lo smug po (Tibetan) Solms-Laubachia eurycarpaC.J. Maximowicz, Historia naturalis itinerum N. M. Przewalskii per Asiam Centralem,vol. 1, Flora Tangutica, vol. 1  (1889) Solms-laubachia flabellata(Photo by yakovlev.alexey, edited) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Solms-Laubachia eurycarpa (syn. Solms-laubachia dolicocarpa, Solms-laubachia latifolia)In Tibetan Medicine it is one of the three Sro lo: Solms-Laubachia…

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Sro lo PRO

Sro lo Sro lo (Tibetan Medicine) Pegaeophyton scapiflorumThe journal of the Linnean society, Botany (1893) Rhodiola crenulataW.J. Hooker, J.D. Hooker, Icones Plantarum (1896) Botanical name: There are 3 types of Sro lo: Sro lo dkar po: Pegaeophyton scapiflorum (syn. Eutrema scapiflorum) Sro lo dmar po (mtskhan dmar, chan dmar) Rhodiola euryphylla or Rhodiola crenulata Sro…

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