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Sepia, Cuttlefish, Cuttlebone, Hai Piao Xiao 海螵蛸

Sepia, Cuttlefish, Cuttlebone, Hai Piao Xiao 海螵蛸 Cuttlefish BoneHai Piao Xiao (TCM)Samandar-Jhag, Samandar-Phen (Unani)Zabdul Behar (Arabic) Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 SEPIAShaw, G. Zoological Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution, 1809 Zoological name: Sepia officinalis, S. esculenta; Sepiella maindroni. Parts used: White, sun-dried ‘bone’ (internal shell) Temperature & Taste: Slightly Cool, Dry. Salty Uses: 1….

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Sepia, Cuttlefish, Cuttlebone, Hai Piao Xiao 海螵蛸

Sepia, Cuttlefish, Cuttlebone, Hai Piao Xiao 海螵蛸 Cuttlefish BoneHai Piao Xiao (TCM)Samandar-Jhag, Samandar-Phen (Unani)Zabdul Behar (Arabic) SepiaDioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 SepiaShaw, G. Zoological Lectures delivered at the Royal Institution, 1809 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Zoological name: Sepia officinalis, S. esculenta; Sepiella maindroni. Parts used: White, sun-dried ‘bone’ (internal shell) Temperature &…

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