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Corydalis thyrisiflora, Stong zil PRO

Corydalis meifolia, Stong zil སྟོང་ཟིལ Stong zil (Tibet) Corydalis meifoliaWallich, N., Tentamen florae Napalensis illustratae (1826) Corydalis gortschakoviiGartenflora [E. von Regel] (1885) Corydalis govanianaIllustrations of the Botany … of the Himalayan Mountains, Royle, 1839 Corydalis cashmeriana(Photo by DoF CC-BY-X) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Corydalis spp.Blue and Yellow-flowered varieties are mentioned in texts, the Blue regarded as…

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Leonotis, Granthiparni PRO

Leonotis, Granthiparni Lion’s Ear, Christmas CandlestickGranthiparni (Ayurveda)Then Thumbai (Siddha) Leonotis nepetifoliaBotanical Register, vol. 4: (1818) Leonotis nepetifolia in Peru(Wonderful Photo by Cbrescia) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Leonotis nepetifolia Parts used: Primarily Root (API); Herb (leaf); Flower Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Bitter, Pungent Uses: 1. Relieves Wind, Resists Poison:-Fever; Intermittent Fever (leaf decoction); also used in…

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Gem Medicines

Introduction to Gem Medicines Head Illustration from the Chapter on Medicines from Stones and Gems,Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Introduction to GemsVarious Gems and Precious Stones have been used in all Traditional Medicine Systems. Their use is especially prevalent in Unani and Tibetan Medicine, and it is most likely the Tibetans were heavily influenced by the Arabs…

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