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Brain, Cerebrum

Cerebrum, Brain Zoological name: Dervied from various animals: Pig, Sheep, Cow Chicken Parts used: 1. Decoction2. Dried and prepared Brain3. Distilled Water or Spirit Temperature & Taste: Neutral, Sweet Classification: Uses: 1. Strengthens the Brain:–Mental dullness or Mental deficiency–Poor or failing memory–‘Strengthens the Wit and Memory‘ (Chicken Brain)–Neurasthenia, melancholy, epilepsy, chorea, migraine, psychosis, insanity, hysteria…

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Sanguinaria, Bloodroot FREE

Sanguinaria, Bloodroot Bloodroot, Redroot, Puccoon Sanguinaria canadensis The Botanical Magazine, Curtis, 1792 Mary Vaux Walcott, North American wild flowers (1925-1927) BloodrootA Manual of Organic Materia Medica, Maisch, 1882 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Sanguinaria canadensis Parts used: Rhizome, root Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Bitter, Pungent Uses: 1. Clears Lung Heat:-Cough,…

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Aeginetia, Ye Gu PRO

Aeginetia, Ye Gu 野菰 Indian Aeginetia, Indian Broomrape, Ghost FlowerYe Gu, Guan Hen Huang (TCM)Ankuri Bankuri (Hindi) Wight, R., , Icones plantarum Indiae orientalis (1846) Roxburgh, W., Plants of the coast of Coromandel (1795) Left:Aeginetia indica(Photo by Vinayaraj)(Wikimedia) Botanical name: Aeginetia indica (A. aeginetia, A. boninensis, A. japonica, Orobanche aeginetia) Parts used: Whole Herb, fresh…

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Liriope, Shan Mai Dong PRO

Liriope, Shan Mai Dong 山麦冬 Shan Mai Dong (TCM) Liriope spicata(Edwards, S.T., Botanical Register (1815-1828)) Liriope spicataCurstis’s Botanical Maagazine, Volume 88, 1862 Botanical name: Liriope L. spicata L. spicata var. prolifera L. platyphylla (Kuo Ye Shan Mai Dong) L. muscari (Duan Ting Shan Mai Dong) Parts used: Root (Tuber) Temperature & Taste: Cool, moist. Sweet…

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Cissus, Asthisamhara PRO

Cissus, Asthisamhara Quadrangularis, Square Stalked Vine, Grape Leaf VineAsthisamhara, Vajravalli (Ayurveda)Pirandai (Siddha)Hadjoda (Unani) Cissus quadrangularis(Kolkata Botanical Gardens, Adam, 2019) Cissus quadrangularisPhoto by SAplants Botanical name: Cissus quadrangularis (syn. Vitex quadrangularis) Parts used: Stem, Tuber Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Sweet, Pungent Uses: 1. Strengthens the Bones and Joints:-Fractures, Bone bone, Dislocations, Bone alignment problems (internally…

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Senecio scandens, Rgu drus dman pa PRO

Senecio scandens, Rgu drus dman pa རྒུ་དྲུས་དམན་པ་ Climbing Groundsel, Climbing SenecioRgu drus dman pa (Tibet)Qian Li Guang 千里光 (TCM) Senecio scandensWight, R., , Icones plantarum Indiae orientalis (1840-1853) Senecio scandens(Photo by Yercaud-elango) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Senecio scandens Parts used: Whole herb, Root Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Bitter, Pungent Classification: Uses: 1. Clears Heat, Resists…

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Menispermum, Bei Dou Gen PRO

Menispermum, Bei Dou Gen 北豆根 Asiatic MoonseedBei Dou Gen, Bian Fu Ge Gen (TCM) Menispermum dauricum Komarov (Komorov), V.L., Flora of the U.S.S.R., vol. 7 (?) Menispermum dauricum (Photo by yakovlev.alexey) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Menispermum dauricum Parts used: Rhizome Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Bitter Classification: B. Clear Heat and Poison Constituents: Alkaloids: dauricine (approx….

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Premna, Agnimantha PRO

Premna, Agnimantha Headache treeAgnimantha (Ayurveda)Arani (Sanskrit)Munnai (Siddha)Arni (Unani) Premna serratifoliaR. Wight, Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis, vol. 4 (1846) Premna serratifolia(Photo by Vengolis) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Premna spp. P. serratifolia (syn. P. obtusifolia, P. corymbosa, P. integrifolia, Cornutia corymbosa, Gumira litorea) in South India. P. latifolia is used as Agnimantha. in Northern and Western India. P….

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Scutellaria lateriflora, Scullcap

Scutellaria, Scullcap Skullcap, Blue Scullcap, Mad Dog Scutellaria laterifloraMillspaugh, American medicinal plants, vol. 2 (1892) Botanical name: Scutellaria laterifloraOthers reportedly used synonymously include S. alba, S. hyssopifolia, S. integrifoliaThe Indian S. galericulata has been used as a substitute for the American variety and has similar uses. It is said to be effective when dried, while…

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Anagallis, Scarlet Pimpernel

Anagallis, Scarlet Pimpernel Bird’s Eye, Bird’s Tongue, Blue Pimpernel (‘Female’)Anaghalis (Unani)Liu Li Fan Lu, Hai Lu (TCM) Male (Left) and Female (Right)Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Male (left) and Female (right)Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 Botanical name: Anagallis arvensisTwo varieties are known, both used similarly:  1. ‘Male’ is red…

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Lagerstroemia, Zi Wei PRO

Lagerstroemia, Crepe Myrtle, Zi Wei 紫薇 Crape MyrtleZi Wei (TCM)–Zi Wei Gen (Root)–Zi Wei Hua (Flower)–Zi Wei Ye (Leaf)Pavalak-Kurinji, Sinappu (Siddha) Lagerstroemia indicaWight, R., Illustrations of Indian botany (1840-1850) Crepe Myrtle flower(Photo by JardineriaOn) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Lagerstroemia indica Parts used: Root, Leaf, Flower Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter Uses: ROOT & BARK:1. Clears…

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Corchorus, Huang Ma PRO

Corchorus, Huang Ma 黄麻 Jute, Jew’s Mallow (C. olitorius)  Korkoros (Dioscorides)Chunchu, Chanchu; Kalasaka (C. capsularis) (Ayurveda)Huang Ma, Huang Ma Ye (leaf) (C. capsularis); Sha Ma (C. olitorius) (TCM)Chang Shuo Huang Ma (C. olitorius, TCM)Baqla, Mlokheyeh (C. olitorius) (Arabic) Corchorus olitoriusCurtis, W., Curtis’s botanical magazine (1800-1948) C. aestuans (syn. C. acutangulus)Blanco, M., Flora de Filipinas, ed….

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