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Onosma, Bri mog, Ratanjot PRO

Onosma, Bri mog, Ratanjot Onosma hookeri, O. multiramosum, O. echioides: Bri mog  འབྲི་མོག་ (Tibetan)Onosma echioides, O. hispidum: Ratanjot (Unani)Onosma echioides; Anchusa ex albido flora (Clusius), PseudoanchusaO. hookeri: Xi Hua Dian Zi Cao (TCM); Bri mog mchog  འབྲི་མོག་ མཆོག་ (Tibetan)O. hispidum: Cu Ying Mao Dian Zi Cao (TCM)O. paniculatum: Dian Zi Cao (TCM Onosma echioidesR. Dodonaeus…

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Clerodendron phlomidis, Agnimantha PRO

Clerodendrum phlomidis, Agnimantha Agnimantha (Ayurveda)Tazhuthaazhai (Siddha)Baharangi (Unani) Clerodendron phlomidisN.L. Burman, Flora Indica, (1768) Clerodendrum phlomidis flower(Photo by J.M.Garg) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Clerodendrum phlomidis (syn. Clerodendron phlomidis, C. multiflorum)Agnimantha is Premna spp. However, C. phlomidis is the accepted substitute for Agnimantha.According to some sources, C. phlomidis is the lesser variety, and Premna spp. is the greater…

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Paeoniae officinalis, Western Peony FREE

Paeoniae, Peony Ood Saleeb, Ood Gharqi (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Left: Male Peony; Right: Female PeonyKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Botanische wandplaten (1904–1914) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Paeonia officinalis (‘Female’ Peony)Others to supply the Peony of the West include P. mascula and P. corallina (‘Male’ Peony), P. parnassica, P. clusii, P….

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Aster himalaicus, Me tog lug mig PRO

Aster himalaicus, Me tog lug mig མེ་ཏོག་ལུག་མིག Alpine AsterMe tog lug mig, Chu De Wa (Tibetan) Aster flaccidusCurtis’s Botanical Magazine, (1913) Aster himalaicus(Photo by Krzysztof Ziarnek) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Aster spp.Several species have been listed as a source of Me tog lug mig: A. himalaicus A. souliei Lug Mig is differentiated into 3 categories based…

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Amaranthus hypochondriacus PRO

Amaranthus hypochondriacus Princes Feather, Red Cockscomb. Spleen Amaranth Survaali (Unani); Tukhm-e-Survaali (Seed, Unani)Shitivaraka (Ayurveda) Amaranthus hypochondriacus E. Blackwell, A curious herbal, vol. 2 (1739) Botanical name: Amaranthus hypochondriacus Parts used: Seeds, flowering tops Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry Uses: 1. Benefits the Kidneys, Astringes:-Spermatorrhea-increases Sperm; Sexual Debility-frequent Urination-Diarrhea, Dysentery-Seed is used (Unani) 2. Clears Heat,…

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Boehmeria, Zhu Ma Gen PRO

Boehmeria, Zhu Ma Gen 苎麻根 Ramie, False NettleZhu Ma Gen (TCM) Blanco, M., Flora de Filipinas, ed. 3 (1877-1883) Boehmeria nivea (Photo by Kenraiz) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Boehmeria nivea Parts used: Root and RhizomeFresh herb and juice is also used, especially externally Temperature & Taste: Cold, Moist. Sweet Classification: L. Stops Bleeding Uses: 1. Clears…

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Eurycoma, Tongkat Ali

Eurycoma, Tongkat Ali Long Jack, “Malaysian Ginseng”, “Ali’s Walking Stick”Pla Lai Phueak (Thai)Pasak Bumi (Indonesia)Cay Ba Binh (Vietnam)Chang Ye Kuan Mu (TCM) Eurycoma longifolia–the principle variety used(Photo by Mokkie) (Wikimedia) Jackiopsis ornata–source of Red Tongkat AliWallich, Plantae Asiaticae Rariores (1830-1832) Tongkat Ali root for sale in Indonesia)(Photo by Kembangraps) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Eurycoma spp.: E….

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Tanacetum vulgare, Tansy PRO

Tanacetum, Tansy Athanasia, Tanasia, Herba immortalis Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Darstellung und Beschreibung Pharmacopoea Borussica, Berg, 1861 Botanical name: Tanacetum vulgare (syn. Chrysanthemum vulgare)Two types were known: the sweet, and that without scent; the Sweet was divided into the common yellow, curly leaved, small white, and that from the Alps; that without scent is also…

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Myrobalan, Belleric

Myrobalan, Belleric Bibhitaki (Ayurveda)Thandrikkai (Siddha)Bahera (Unani)Ba Ru Ra བ་རུ་ར (Tibetan)Mao He Zi 毛诃子 (TCM) Belleric MyrobalanIllustrations of Indian Botany, Wight, 1840 Chebulic, Emblic, Belleric, Citrine (Yellow) and Indian (Black) MyrobalanA Complete History of Drugs, Pomet, London, 1748  1. Yellow (Citrine) Myrobalan 2. Black (Indian, Nigrum) Myroabalan 3. Chebulic Myrobalan 4. Emblic Myrobalan 5. Belleric Myrobalan Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Left to Right:…

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Taxus, Yew tree PRO

Taxus, Yew tree Milax (Dioscorides)Sthauneya (Ayurveda)Thuner, Talispatr (Unani)Jiang Guo Zi Shan (TCM)Nan Fang Hong Dou Shan: Taxus wallichiana var. mairei (TCM) New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Taxus baccataMouillefert, P., Traité des arbres et arbrissaux, Atlas, t. 32 (0) Taxus baccata(Photo by Jebulon) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Taxus spp. T. baccata (European or English Yew) T wallichiana. (syn….

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Larinus Cocoon, Shakar Teghal

Larinus Cocoon, Shakar Teghal Honeydew, Trehala MannaShakar Teghal (‘Sugar of Nests’) (Unani)Trehala (Turkish)Qand Teghal (Persian)Shakara Tagara (Hindi) Science Papers, Hanbury, 1876 Hemiptera Cocoon (Shakar Teghal) with insect at bottom.(Calcutta Unani Medicine College, Adam, 2019) Entomological name: Larinus maculatus, L. mellifera Parts used: Cocoon of Larinus maculatus, principally found on Echinops persicusIrregular pieces of dirty-white color,…

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Album Graecum, White Dog Dung

Album Graecum, White Dog Dung Zoological name: Canine spp. Parts used: White sun-bleached Dog Dung Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry Uses: 1. Resists Poison, Resolves Inflammation:-Sore Throat, Tonsillitis as a gargle-Swelling or falling down of the palate of the mouth (gargle)-used as a plaster to the neck, also used in gargles, or the powder blown…

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