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Bursa pastoris, Shepherds Purse PRO

Bursa pastoris, Shepherd’s Purse Ji Cai  荠菜 (TCM)Sog ka pa  སོག་ཀ་པ  (Tibetan) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Masclef, Atlas des plantes de France, (?) Botanical name: Capsella bursa-pastoris Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Mildly Sweet and Bitterdries, binds, astringes Classification: 2P. HEMOSTATIC Uses: 1. Cools the Blood, Stops Bleeding and…

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Sardonyx Sardonyx (Photo by Arpingstone) (Wikimedia) Minerological name: Chalcedony type Parts used: Sardonyx as we know it today is red and white banded Agate. However, the term traditionally included a number of other Chalcedony varieties: Pellucid, with the redness or Sard (Cornelian) and the whiteness of Onyx; this is most valuable–true Sardonyx (Salmon) Blood-red, White…

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Grasshopper Cicada (classical)Zha Meng 蚱蜢 (TCM)Cha ga pa ཆ་ག་པ་ (Tibet) two forms of GrasshopperHistory of the zoophytes. Goldsmith, 1824 Entomological name: Gryllulus domesticus, G. campestris (Field Cricket)In TCM, local types have been used including G. sigellatus, G. chinensis (Chinese Cricket), G. mitratus,Generally, any local Grasshopper can be used. A Tibetan classic text states that all Grasshoppers…

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Ganoderma applanatum, Artists Conk PRO

Ganoderma applanatum, Artist’s Conk Artist’s BracketShu She Ling Zhi  樹舌靈芝 (TCM)Phansomba (Ayurveda, used for Phellinus and Ganoderma species) 2 local examples of Ganoderma (Adam, Victoria, 2019) Botanical name: Ganoderma applanatum (syn. Elfvingia applanata, Polyporous applanatus)Several other Gandoerma spp. including Ganoderma australe (Southern Bracket Fungus) and G brownii of the U.S. are very similar in appearance…

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Armeniaca, Apricot PRO

Armeniaca, Apricot, Xing Ren 杏仁 Malus Armenius (‘Apple of Armenia’)Xing Ren (Apricot kernel, TCM) Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Botanical name: Prunus armeniacaOther species used in TCM include:  1. P. sibirica  2. P. manshurica   3. P. armeniaca L. var ansu Parts used: Kernel; Oil; rarely the Fruit or FlowerSweet and Bitter varieties of Kernels are used….

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Ferula sumbul, Musk root

Ferula sumbul, Musk root Sumbul, SambalaRishah-i-kalafs (Unani) Sumbuluttib (Arabic) Curtis, W., Curtis’s botanical magazine (1800-1948) Squibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Sumbul rootNotes on Pharmacognosy, Otto Augustus Wall, 1902 Botanical name: Ferula sumbul (syn. F. moschata) Parts used: Root and Rhizome Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter. Has a Musk-like odor Constituents:…

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Cleome, Ajagandha PRO

Cleome, Ajagandha Caravella; Spiderflower; Wild Mustard (Yellow-flowered)Tilaparni (White-flowered)Ajagandha (Yellow-flowered)Arkapushpi (Blue-flowered)Hurhur; Panwar (Yellow-flowered) (Unani)Kadugu, Nalvelai (Siddha)Bai Hua Cai Zi (TCM, Seed) White-flowered (C. gynandra)Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 40 (1814) Yellow-flowered (Cleome viscosa)J. Martyn , F. Panzer, Abbildung und Beschreibung sellener Gewaechse neu übersetzt,systematisch bearbeitet und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von D. Georg Wolffgang Franz Panzer (1797)(From the…

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Zataria, Satyr

Zataria, Satyr Saatar Faarsi, Al-Saatar, Satyr (Unani) Zataria multifloraHooker, W.J., Hooker, J.D., Icones Plantarum [Hooker’s Icones plantarum] (1883) Botanical name: Zataria multiflora (syn. Z. bracteata)Three varieties are known in Unani: Sahraayi (Wild) Kohi (Found on hills) Bustaani (Cultivated) Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Very Warm, dry. Pungent. The wild is hottest Classification: ‘Dissolvent, Carminative,…

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Draconite, Serpent Stone

Draconite, Serpent Stone Stone of a Snakes Head, Snake Stone, Dragon Stone, Lapis DraconiteShe Huang (TCM) Ortus Sanitatis, Beck, 1517 Two ‘Snake Stones’ bought by Adam in Rajasthan, India, in 2006. The one of the left waspurchased from a member of the Naga (Snake) caste who showed the supposed skull of the King Cobrait had…

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Spiranthes, Pan Long Shen PRO

Spiranthes, Pan Long Shen 盘龙滲 Lady’s Tresses, Spiral OrchidPan Long Shen (TCM) Spiranthes sinensisEdwards, S.T., Botanical Register, vol. 7 (1815) Spiranthes sinensis flower(Photo by Alpsdake) (Wikimedia) Spiranthes sinensis root from the Chengdu Herbal Medicine Market (Adam, 2016) Botanical name: Spiranthes sinensis, S. australisS. autumnalis and S. spiralis (Lady’s Tresses) have been used similarly in Europe….

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Arenaria, A krong PRO

Arenaria, A krong ཨ་ཀྲོང༌ A krong (Tibetan)Arenaria kansuensis: A krong dkar po (Tibetan) Xue Ling Zhi (TCM) Royle, J.F., Illustrations of the botany and other branches of the natural history of the Himalayan Mountains and of the flora of Cashmere, 1839 Botanical name: Arenaria festucoidesOther plants apparently used for A krong include:  1. Arenaria kansuensis (Gansu…

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Tetrapanax, Tong Cao PRO

Tetrapanax, Tong Cao 通草 Rice Paper PlantTong Cao (TCM) Tetrapanax papiferaVan Houtte, L.B., Flore des serres et des jardin de l’Europe (1845-1880) Botanical name: Tetrapanax papifera Parts used: Stem Pith Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Sweet Classification: C. Clears Damp, Promote Urine Uses: 1. Clears Heat and Damp, Promotes Urine:-dark, painful, dribbling and difficult Urination;…

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