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Angelica glauca, Lca ba PRO

Angelica glauca, Lca ba ལྕ་བ Lca ba (Tibet)Coraka (Ayurveda) K.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Indian medicinal plants (1918) Botanical name: Angelica glaucaSome sources have listed A. sinensis, A. archangelica and A. dahurica for Lca ba. Parts used: Root, leaf Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, Sweet, Bitter Uses: Generally used as for Angelica Archangelica 1. Warms…

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Caulophyllum, Blue Cohosh FREE

Caulophyllum, Blue Cohosh Squaw root, Yellow Ginseng, Blue Ginseng Blue CohoshMillspaugh, C.F., American medicinal plants (1882-1887) (Photo by USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab) (Wikimedia) Blue Cohosh root and rhizomeSquibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Caulophyllum thalictroides Parts used: Root and Rhizome (fresh or…

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Trigonella, Fenugreek PRO

Trigonella, Fenugreek, Hu Lu Ba 葫芦巴 Foenum GraecumHu Lu Ba (TCM)Hulba (Unani)Methi (Ayurveda)Venthayam (Siddha) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Medical Botany, Woodville, Hooker, Vol. 3, 1832 Botanical name: Trigonella foenum-graecum Parts used: Seed Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Bitter, Pungent“Hot in the last phase of the First degree and Dry in…

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Copper Sulphate

Copper Sulphate Cuprum Sulphuricum, Vitriolum Cupri, Vitriolum coeruleumBlue Vitriol, Spanish, Roman, Cyprian or Salzburg VitriolChalcanthite (native hydrated Copper Sulphate)Tuttham (Ayurveda)Big pan བིག་པན་ (Chalcanthite, Tibet) VitriolHortus sanitatis, 1491 Natural Copper Sulphate Crystal (Chalcanthite)Photo by Didier Descouens (Wikimedia) Artificial Copper Sulphate CrystalPhoto by Lamiot (Wikimedia) Minerological name: Copper Sulphate CuSO4.5H2O Parts used: Native or Artificial Copper Sulphate…

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Stachys palustris, Clowns Woundwort

Stachys palustris, Clowns Woundwort Woundwort, Clown’s All-Heal, Purple-flowered Woundwort, Marsh BetonyPanax Coloni, Panax Heracleum Alterum (Latin)Guang Ye Shui Su (TCM) Salmon, Botanologia, 1710 Stachys palustris(«Bilder ur Nordens Flora», Lindman, 1917) (Wikimedia) Stachys palustris(Photo by Kenraiz) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Stachys palustrisS. sylvatica is Hedge Woundwort, used synonymously. Parts used: Whole herb or Root Temperature & Taste:…

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Abroma augusta, Pishacha karpasa PRO

Abroma augusta, Pishacha karpasa Devil’s Cotton, Perennial HempPishacha karpasa, Pivari (Ayurveda)Ulat kambal (Unani)Sivapututi (Siddha) Abroma augusta Botanical Register, vol. 6 (1820) Abroma augusta Photo by Aparajita Datta) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Abroma augusta Parts used: Root, root-bark, leaves Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Uses: 1. Moves the Blood, Regulates Menstruation, Eases Pain:-Amenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea-regarded as regulating menstruation…

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Eriocaulon, Gu Jing Cao PRO

Eriocaulon, Gu Jing Cao 谷精草 PipewortGu Jing Cao (TCM)Choota (Ayurveda) Eriocaulon wallichianurnWallich, N., Plantae Asiaticae Rariores (1830-1832) Botanical name: Eriocaulon buergerianurn (syn. E. chishingsanensis, E. pachypetalum)Other species used include E. australe, E. wallichianurn, E. cinereum (syn. E. sieboldianum) Parts used: Flowering tops Temperature & Taste: Neutral, Sweet Classifications: B. Clear Strong Heat or Fire Uses:…

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Paederia, Ji Shi Teng PRO

Paederia, Ji Shi Teng 鸡矢藤 Chinese Feverfew, Fevervine, Stink VineJi Shi Teng, Ji Xue Teng (TCM)Talanili, Pasaruni, Gandha Prasaarini (Ayurveda)Mudiyar Kundal (Siddha) Paederia foetidaBlanco, M., Flora de Filipinas, ed. 3 (1877-1883) Paederia foetida(Photo by Forest & Kim Starr) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Paederia foetida (syn. Paederia scandens, P. scandens var. tomentosa) Parts used: Whole plant (gathered…

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Luffa, Si Gua Luo PRO

Luffa, Si Gua Luo 丝瓜络 Loofa, Loofah, Luffa, Vegetable SpongeDhamargava, Mahakoshtaki (Ayurveda)Mozhukupeerankai, Pikku (Siddha)Si Gua Luo (TCM)Gser phud (Tibet) Luffa cylindricaBlanco, M., Flora de Filipinas, ed. 3 (1877-1883) Luffa sponge showing exocapr(Photo by Muséum de Toulouse) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Luffa cylindrica (syn. L. petola, L. aegyptiaca, L. pentandra, Cucurbita luffa, Momordica cylindrica), L. acutangula Parts…

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Stillingia, Queens Delight PRO

Stillinga, Queens Delight Queen’s Root Millspaugh, American medicinal plants (1882-1887) Stillingia sylvatica(Photo by Eric Hunt) (Wikimedia) 1, Typical root tapering toward the ends. 2, Stems, which are usually present in the drug. 3, Partially cut root, showing fibrous nature of the cortex. 4, Cross-section showing cortexseparated from the wood. 5, Longitudinal section. 6, Cross-section showing…

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Cedrus, Cedar FREE

Cedrus, Cedar Libani, Cedrus Magna (C. libani)Devadaru (C. deodara, Ayurveda)Devadhari (C. deodara, Siddha)Sidr (C. libani, Unani)Deodaar (C. deodara, Unani)Xue Song (C. deodara, TCM)Thang Shing  ཐང་ཤིང༌  (C. deodara, Tibetan) Cedrus libaniKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Cedrus libaniC.J. Trew, G.D. Ehret, Plantae selectae, vol. 6 (1760) Left: Cedrus libani Right: Cedrus deodaraA.B. Lambert, Description of the genus Pinus and…

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Diospyros ebenum, Ebony PRO

Diospyros ebenum, Ebony Lignum EbenumTinduka (Ayurveda)Abnus (Unani) Diospyros ebenumE. Spach, Histoire naturelle des végétaux, Atlas (coloured version), (1834-1847) Botanical name: Diospyros ebenum, D. melanoxylon, D. peregrina, D. malabarica Parts used: Wood“The best Ebony is black, straight, without lines, gives the feeling of a conical horn when hand is passed over it. It is thickened irritating…

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