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Anemone rivularis, Srub ka PRO

Anemone rivularis, Srub ka སྲུབ་ཀ River Anemone, Brooklet AnemoneSrub ka, Sngo srub (Tibetan)Hu Zhang Cao (TCM) Anemone rivularis Edwards’s Botanical Register, vol. 28 (1842) Botanical name: Anemone rivularis (syn. A. dubia, A. geraniifolia, A. hispida, A. wightiana) Parts used: Root; whole plantRoot is used in TCM; Seed is used in Tibet Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry….

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Typha, Cattail Pollen, Pu Huang

Typha, Cattail pollen, Pu Huang 蒲黄 Bulrush, Juncus asperPu Huang (TCM) Cattail (right)Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Typha angustifoliaA. Masclef, Atlas des plantes de France, vol. 3 (1893) Typha latifolia(Photo by AnRo0002) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Typha spp: T. latifolia (Common Cattail-common Western source; also used in TCM) T. angustifolia (Official TCM source) T. orientalis (Oriental Cattail–Official TCM…

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Tiger (Pig) Bone

Tiger Bone, Hu Gu 虎骨 Pig Bone, Zhu Gu 猪骨 Hu Gu (Tiger Bone, TCM)Zhu Gu (Pig Bone, TCM) NOTE:This monograph is only given to show traditional use, and also to show how modern acceptable substitutes can replace this traditional medicine. MedicineTraditions DOES NOT CONDONE THE USE OF ENDANGERED OR UNETHICAL ANIMAL MEDICINES. Zoological name:…

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Pueraria tuberosa, Vidari PRO

Pueraria tuberosa, Vidari Indian KudzuVidari (Ayurveda) (Vidarikanda is the Tuber)Kuai Jing Ge (TCM) Pueraria tuberosaK.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Indian medicinal plants, Plates, vol. 2 (1918) Pueraria tuberosa(Photo by Dinesh Valke) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Two different species supply Vidari in India: Pueraria tuberosa (North) Ipomoea digitata (South) Pueraria is the standard drug listed in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia…

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Chinese Ink, Jing Mo 京墨 Chinese Ink XXX Botanical name: XXX Parts used: Xxx Temperature & Taste: Xxx Classification: Uses: 1. XXX:–XXX 2. XXX:–XXX 3. XXX:–XXX 4. XXX:–XXX Dose: XXX Substitute: XXX Comment: XXX Preparation: XXX Main Combinations: XXX Major Formulas: Cautions: None noted Main Preparations used: XXX Nothing at Present Nothing at Present

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Lycopus, Bugleweed, Ze Lan PRO

Lycopus, Bugleweed, Ze Lan 泽兰 Bugleweed, Gypsywort, Paul’s Betony, Water HorehoundZe Lan, Shiny Bugleweed TCM) Lycopus europaeus (used in both Europe and TCM)Lindman, C.A.M., Bilder ur Nordens Flora 1922 Botanical name: Lycopus spp.The following species can be considered fairly synonymous in effect: L. europaeus (syn. L. vulgaris) (Europe, and in XinJiang, China as Ze Lan)…

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Osmanthus, Gui Hua

Osmanthus, Gui Hua 桂花 Gui Hua (TCM)Vasuka, Buka (Ayurveda) Osmanthus fragransDuhamel du Monceau, H.L., Traité des arbres et arbustes,Nouvelle édition [Nouveau Duhamel] (1812) Osmanthus flowersPhoto by Rudolphous (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Osmanthus fragrans (syn. Olea fragrans), Osmanthus fragrans Lour, var. aurantiacus  O. suavis is used as a variety of Vasuka in India. Parts used: Flower Temperature…

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Striga, Du Jiao Jin

Striga, Du Jiao Jin, 独脚金 Asiatic Witchweed, Indian WitchweedDu Jiao Jin (TCM)Talakh, Taukla (Ayurveda) Striga asiatica(Photo by Nativeplants garden) (Wikimedia) Dried Striga Du Jiao Jin in bunches as sold in the market(Adam, 2024) Botanical name: Striga asiatica Parts used: Whole herbCollected in Summer or Autumn, washed, and dried. Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Sweet Classification: Uses:…

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Hemerocallis, Xuan Cao PRO

Hemerocallis, Xuan Cao 萱草 Day LilyLilium Agreste Xuan Cao (TCM) HemerocallisNew Kreüterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Two varieties of Hemerocallis(Herbarium, Matthioli (Polish), 1596) Hemerocallis fulva Bonelli, G., Hortus Romanus juxta Systema Tournefortianum (1772-1793) Hemerocallis fulva(Photo b y George Chernilevsky) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Hemerocallis spp. H. fulva H. minor H. lilio-asphodelus H. citrina is used very similarly. Parts…

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Wrightia tinctoria, Shveta kutaja PRO

Wrightia tinctoria Dyer’s Oleander, Blue Dying Roseberry, Pala Indigo plant, Sweet Inderajo/IndrajaoShveta kutaja, Indrayava (seed) (Ayurveda)Nila Palai (Siddha)Lisan al-Asafeer (Arabic)Inderjao Shireen (seed) (Unani) Wrightia tinctoriaEdward’s Botanical Register, vol. 11 (1825) Wrightia tinctoria(Photo by Vinayaraj) (Wikimedia) Wrightia tinctoria seed(Photo by Vinayaraj) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Wrightia tinctoria (syn. Nerium tinctorium)Also reportedly used include W. tomentosa, W. rothii,…

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Morus Fructus, Mulberry, Sang Shen PRO

Morus Fructus, Mulberry, Sang Shen 桑椹 Sang Shen (TCM)Dar shing དར་ཤིང་ (Tibet) Botanische wandplaten (Plantillustrations) M. albaWeinmann, J.W., Phytanthoza iconographia (1737-1745) Dried Mulberry used in TCM Botanical name: Morus alba (fruit of M. rubra is used similarly)Li Shi Zhen noted there was 2 main varieties: White and Black.The black variety is used in the West….

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Vitex, Nirgundi, Man Jing Zi PRO

Vitex negundo, Nirgundi, Man Jing Zi 蔓荆子 Five-leaved Chaste TreeNirgundi; Renuka (seed) (Ayurveda)Man Jing Zi (TCM)Tukhm-e-Sambhalu (Unani) Vitex negundoM. Blanco, Flora de Filipinas. (1875) Vitex negundo(Photo by peganum) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Vitex spp:Two main varieties are recognised: Vitex negundo (syn. V. negundo vat. incisa, V. incisa) (Blue flowers) (Ayurveda, Unani) V. trifolia, V. rotundifola (Pale…

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