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Tephrosia, Sharapunkha PRO

Tephrosia, Sharapunkha Wild Indigo, Purple Tephrosia, Yellow ThitsleSharapunkha (Ayurveda)Kolingi (Siddha)Sarphoka, Sarphuka (Unani) Tephrosia purpureaJ. Moninckx, Moninckx atlas, vol. 8 (1682-1709) Tephrosia purpurea(Photo by Dinesh Valke) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Tephrosia purpurea (syn. T. hamiltonii, Cracca purpurea, Galega purpurea, Galiga purpurea)There are several species of Tephrosia used. The white variety of Sharpunkhaa is equated with Tephrosia procumbens,…

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Zinc Bhasma

Zinc Bhasma Zinc ashYasada Bhasma (Ayurveda)Ti Tsha Thal (Tibet) Minerological name: Zincum, Cadmia Parts used: Zinc ash Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Bitter, Sweet (Neutral in Tibetan Medicine)Zinc Bhasma principally settles Kapha (Phlegm) and Pitta (Bile) Classification: Uses: 1. Strengthens Kidneys, Restrains Essence:–chronic and obstinate Urinary diseases including Diabetes–Spermatorrhea–Leukorrhea–Nourishes Sperm, thickens Seminal fluid, prevents Premature…

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Bambusa, Zhu Li, Zhu Ru FREE

Bambusa Succus, Zhu Li 竹沥 Bambusa Caulis, Zhu Ru 竹茹 Bamboo Sap: Zhu Li (TCM)Bamboo Shavings: Zhu Ru (TCM) Bambusa tuldoidesCamus, E.G., bambusées, Atlas (1913) Phyllostachys bambusoides(Photo by Marco Schmidt) (Wikimedia) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Bamboo species including the following: Bambusa tuldoides, B. emeiensis Sinocalamus beecheyanus var. pubescens Phyllostachys nigra…

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Hawksbill Turtle Shell, Dai Mao

Hawksbill Turtle Shell, Dai Mao 玳瑁 Dai Mao (TCM) Hawksbill TurtleIllustrated natural history of the animal kingdom, Goodrich, 1859 Hawksbill Turtle(Photo by DRVIP93, edited) (Wikimedia) Hawksbill shell(Photo source: Auckland War Memorial Museum) (Wikimedia) Zoological name: Eretmochelys imbricata Parts used: Shell Temperature & Taste: Cold. Sweet, Salty Uses: 1. Clears Heat, Resists Poison, Calms the Heart and…

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Commelina, Ya Zhi Cao PRO

Commelina, Ya Zhi Cao 鸭跖草 DayflowerKanchata (Ayurveda)Ya Zhi Cao (TCM) Commelina communis Redouté, P.J., Liliacées (1802-1816) Commelina communis (Photo by NotAnonymous) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Commelina communis C. bengalensis is used in some parts of China, as well as in India. In India, other species used include C. diffusa, C. paludosa, C. obliqua, C. salicifolia Parts…

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Inonotus obliquus, Chaga PRO

Inonotus obliquus, Chaga Hua Jie Kong Jun 桦褐孔菌 (TCM)Kabanoatanake (Japan) Inonotus obliquus(Photo by Tocekas) (Wikimedia) Inonotus obliquus at the Chengdu Medicine Market(Adam, 2018) Botanical name: Inonotus obliquus Parts used: Fungii, traditionally only from the Birch treeTypically found on Birch, Elm and Alder trees Temperature & Taste: Neutral. slightly Sweet and Bitter Constituents: PolysaccharidesPhenols (high levels)Betulinic…

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Endivae, Endive PRO

Endivae, Endive Also called Intybus Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599 Left: Endive; Right: Crisp EndiveKreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Botanical name: Chicorium endivaSeveral varieties were known including Garden, Wild and Crisp-leaved Parts used: Seed; Leaf; sometimes the Root or whole plant Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. slightly Bitteropens, cleanses Classifications: 2A APERIENT.    2N. REPELLENT3D….

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Stellaria dichotoma, Yin Chai Hu

Stellaria dichotoma, Yin Chai Hu 银柴胡 Dichtomous StarwortYin Chai Hu (TCM)Srolo Garbo (Tibetan) Stellaria dichotomaSmith, J.E., Plantarum icones hactenus ineditae, vol. 1 (1789-1791) Stellaria dichotoma(Photo by dagendresen) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Stellaria dichotoma Parts used: Root Temperature & Taste: Cool, slightly moist. Sweet, Bitter Classification: B. Clears Deficient Heat Uses: 1. Clears Deficient Heat:-Fever or Heat…

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Diamond Bhasma

Diamond Hirak, Heerak, Vajra (Ayurveda) Minerological name: Adamas Parts used: BhasmaAyurvedic texts divide Diamonds into three types: Masculine: has 6 or 8 angles, very bright with a lustre like a rainbow Feminie: 6 angles, full of spots and lines; parabolic and rounded on the edges Neuter: 3 angles, thin, rounded, elongated The first type “Masculine”…

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Boletus cervinus, Deer Mushroom

Boletus cervinus, Deer Mushroom Deer Truffle, Hart Truffle, False Truffle, Deer Balls, Deers Earth Balls, Hearts Truffle, Lycoperdon nutsTubera Cervina, Fungus Cervinus, Scleroderma Cervinum, Lycoperdon Solidum, Crepitus Lupi Salmon, Botanologia, 1710 Flora Danica [G.C. Oeder et al]] (1761-1883) Elaphomyces granulatus(Photo by bjoerns) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Elaphomyces granulatus (syn. Elaphomyces cervinus, Lycoperdon cervinum) Parts used: Dried…

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Eleocharis, Water Chestnut, Bi Qi PRO

Eleocharis, Water Chestnut, Bi Qi 荸荠 Bi Qi (TCM) Eleocharis dulcisRoxburgh, W., Plants of the coast of Coromandel (1819) Eleocharis dulcisBlanco, Flora de Filipinas. (1875) Botanical name: Eleocharis dulcis (syn. E. plantaginea, E. tuberosa) Parts used: Rhizome Temperature & Taste: Cool, moist. Sweet Classification: P. Clears Hot Phlegm Uses: 1. Clears Phlegm and Heat, Resolves…

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Polygonum cuspidatum, Hu Zhang PRO

Polygonum cuspidatum, Hu Zhang 虎杖 Bushy Knotweed, Giant KnotweedHu Zhang (TCM) Polygonum cuspidatum (as Fallopia japonica)Curtis, W., Curtis’s botanical magazine (1800-1948) Polygonum cuspidatum(Photo  by Superior National Forest) (Wikimedia) Polygonum Hu Zhang root slice(Adam, 2024) Botanical name: Polygonum cuspidatum (syn. Reynoutria japonica, Fallopia japonica) Parts used: Rhizome Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Bitter Classification: K. Move…

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