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SolmsLaubachia, Sro lo smug po PRO

Solms-Laubachia, Sro lo smug po སྲོ་ལོ་སྨུག་པོ Sro lo smug po (Tibetan) Solms-Laubachia eurycarpaC.J. Maximowicz, Historia naturalis itinerum N. M. Przewalskii per Asiam Centralem,vol. 1, Flora Tangutica, vol. 1  (1889) Solms-laubachia flabellata(Photo by yakovlev.alexey, edited) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Solms-Laubachia eurycarpa (syn. Solms-laubachia dolicocarpa, Solms-laubachia latifolia)In Tibetan Medicine it is one of the three Sro lo: Solms-Laubachia…

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Juniperus, Shug pa PRO

Juniperus, Shug pa ཤུག་པ Himalayan JuniperShug pa (Tibetan) Cupressus torulosaDallimore, W., Bruce, A., A handbook of Coniferae, 1923 Juniperus recurva(Photo by MPF) (Wikimedia) Juniperus formosana(Photo by Daderot) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Juniperus spp.A number of species of Juniperus are used in Tibetan Medicine; the main types are: Shug pa  ཤུག་པ : J. recurva, J. sabina, J….

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Sophora japonica, Huai Mi, Huai Jiao PRO

Sophora japonica Flos, Huai Mi 槐米 Sophora japonica Fructus, Huai Jiao 槐角 Japanese Pagoda tree, Chinese Scholar treePagoda tree flower bud: Huai MiPagoda tree flower: Huai HuaPagoda tree fruit: Huai Jiao Sophora japonicaJaume Saint-Hilaire, J.H., Traité des arbres forestiers (1824) Sophora japonica flower(Photo by Penarc) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Sophora japonica (syn. Styphnolobium japonicum) Parts used:…

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Phlomis rotate, Rta lpags PRO

Phlomis rotata, Rta lpags རྟ་ལྤགས་ Rta lpags (Tibet)Du Yi Wei (TCM) Phlomis rotata(Photo by Woudloper) (Wikipedia) Botanical name: Phlomis rotata (syn. Lamiophlomis rotata) Parts used: Whole herb and/or root Temperature & Taste: Neutral/Warm. Bitter, Sweet Classification: Uses: 1. Move the Blood, Clear Stasis, Eases Pain: (TCM, Tibet)-Trauma, Bruising-Dysmenorrhea-Flooding and Spotting 2. Clears Wind-Damp, Benefits Tendons…

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Tectaria, Dao Di Wu Gong PRO

Tectaria, Dao Di Wu Gong 倒地蜈蚣 Dao Di Wu Gong (TCM)Kamraj (Unani) Tectaria zeylanicaHooker, W.J., Garden ferns (1862) Botanical name: Tectaria zeylanica (syn Helminthostachys zeylanica, Ophioglossum zeylanicum)T. macrodonta (syn. T. coadunata) appears to be used similarly in Nepal. Parts used: RhizomeIn some parts the fronds are used along with the rhizome. Temperature & Taste: Cold,…

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Starfish, Hai Xing

Starfish, Hai Xing 海星 Hai Xing (TCM) Above 2 different types of Starfish available at the Chengdu Market; Left: Craspidaster hesperus; Right: Asterias amurensis (Adam, 2016, 2017) Zoological name: Asterias spp. and others.Those available on the Chinese market include Asterias spp. and Craspidaster spp. Parts used: Whole dried Starfish Temperature & Taste: Neutral, Sweet, Salty….

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Magnolia Flos, Xin Yi PRO

Magnolia Flos, Xin Yi 辛夷 Magnolia FlowerXin Yi (TCM) Magnolia denudataKerner, J.S., Hortus sempervirens (1795-1830) Magnolia flower bud(Photo by William (Ned) Friedman) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Magnolia spp. M. biondii M. denudata M. sprengeri Parts used: Flower bud Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent Classification: A. Clear Exterior Wind-Cold Uses: 1. Clears Wind, Opens the Nasal…

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Selinum wallichianum, Tang kun PRO

Selinum wallichianum, Tang kun ཏང་ཀུན་ Tang kun (Tibet)Mura (Root, Ayurveda)Mural (Siddha) Selinum wallichianum(Photo by Dinesh Valke) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Two different herbs supply Tang kun: Tang kun dkar po (‘Female’): Selinum wallichianum (syn. S. tenuifolium, S. candollei, Peucedanum wallichianum, Ligusticum coniifolium) Tang kun nag po (‘Male’): Sinolimprichtia alpina Some modern Russian sources list Cnidium dahuricum…

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Gundelia PRO

Gundelia Crown of Thornsal-Kankarzad, Akoob, Akkoub (Arabic) Gundelia tournefortiiP. Miller, Figures of the most beautiful, useful and uncommonplants, described in the gardeners’ dictionary, vol. 2 (1755-1760) Gundelia tournefortii(Photo by Mattan nahum) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Gundelia tournefortii Parts used: Whole Herb / leaf and stemJuice / gumThe wild plant is harvested and eaten as a vegetable…

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Mimusops, Bakula

Mimusops, Bakula Indian Medlar, West Indian Medlar, Spanish Cherry, BulletwoodBakula (Ayurveda)Magilam (Siddha)Molsari (Unani) Mimusops elengiRoxburgh, W., Plants of the coast of Coromandel (1795-1819) Botanical name: Mimusops elengi Parts used: Bark, Fruit; also the Seed Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Pungent. Ripe fruit is SweetFlower: Warm, dry. Pungent, Sweet Classification: Uses: BARK1. Moves the Blood:–Tonic for…

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Sisymbrium, Sgong thug pa PRO

Sisymbrium, Sgong thog pa སྒོང་ཐོག་པ Sgong thug pa (Tibet)Tang Jie (E. diffusum) (TCM) Erysimum canescensKops et al., J., Flora Batava, vol. 19 (1895) Erysimum altaicumColla, L.A., Icones plantarum rariorumherbarium pedemontanum, (1835-1837) Botanical name: Sisybrium spp and Erysimum spp.2 main varieties are recognised: Sisymbrium heteromallum Erysimum canescens (syn. E diffusum), E. altaicum Parts used: Seeds Temperature…

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Ophicalcite, Hua Rui Shi

Ophicalcite, Hua Rui Shi 花蕊石 Hua Rui Shi (TCM) OphicalcitePhoto by Lysippos (Wikimedia) Minerological name: OphicalcitumSerpentine mixed with CalciteSee Serpentine which is similar and used in Ayurveda. Parts used: Prepared Mineral Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Sour, astringent Classification: L. Stop Bleeding: Constituents: Calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium silicate, Fe, Al. There are also traces of…

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