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Wheat, Triticum

Triticum, Wheat Xiao Mai  小麦 (Wheat) Fu Xiao Mai 浮小麦 (Light Wheat) (TCM)Gandum (Unani) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 WheatKöhler, F.E., Köhler’s Medizinal Pflanzen (1890) Botanical name: Triticum aestivum (syn. T. vulgare) Parts used: Seed (Grain)Two different products are used in TCM. Regular Wheat, and ‘Light’ Wheat, the latter floating when put in water and has…

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Chinese Ink, Jing Mo

Beijing Ink, Jing Mo 京墨 Jing Mo (TCM) Traditional Ink Block (Photo from Cleveland Museum of Art) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Pinus spp.Ink made from the soot of burning pine wood, mixed with gum. Parts used: Ink Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent. Classification: Uses: 1. Stops Bleeding:–Nosebleeding-Vomiting Blood, Blood in the Stool-Postpartum Bleeding-Bleeding from Wounds,…

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Chalk CretaHajar al-labant (Unani)Fen Bi  粉笔 (TCM)Chu skyur rdo  ཆུ་སྐྱུར་ རྡོ་ (native calcium carbonate, Tibetan Medicine) Native Chalk(Photo by Alina Zienowicz Ala z’) (Wikimedia) Minerological name: Native Calcium carbonate Parts used: Prepared Chalk Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Sweet, Bitter. Avicenna said it was moderate (Neutral) in temperature. Classification: 2Z. CICATRIZING Uses: 1. Clears Stomach…

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Motherwort seed, Chong Wei Zi

Leonurus semen, Motherwort seed, Chong Wei Zi 茺蔚子 Leonurus seedChong Wei Zi (TCM) L. sibiricusM. Blanco, Flora de Filipinas. (1875) Botanical name: Leonurus spp.  1. L. heterophyllus (syn. L. artemisia)  2. L. sibiricus  3. L. turkestanicus   4. L. rnacranthus Parts used: Seed Temperature & Taste: Cool, moist. Sweet Uses: 1. Moves the Blood, Regulate…

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Cedrela, Xiang Chun PRO

Cedrela, Xiang Chun 香椿 Chinese MahogonyXiang Chun, Zhong Guo Yang Chun (TCM)Xiang Chun Zi (Fruit, TCM) Revue horticole, sér. 4 (1875) Cedrela sinensis (syn. Toona sinensis)(Photo by KATHERINE WAGNER-REISS) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Cedrela sinensis (syn. Toona sinensis)The Indian C. toona (syn. C. ciliata–Indian Mahogony tree or Indian Red Cedar) is used similarly, especially for Dysentery…

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Ferrous sulphate, Green Vitriol, Iron Sulphate

Ferrous sulphate, Green Vitriol, Iron Sulphate Ferrum vitriolatum, Sulphas Protoxidii Ferri, Mars vitriolatus, Sal Chalybis, Sal Martis, Vitriolum viride, Vitrolum Martis, Vitrolum Ferri, Vitriolum Romanum, Vitriolum HungaricumLu Fan 綠礬 (Melanterite, TCM) VitriolHortus sanitatis, 1491 Native MelanteritePhoto: Rob Lavinsky (iRocks.com) Minerological name: Ferrum sulphate, Green VitriolMelanterite is the native form; it is a hydrated Iron Sulphate….

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Anogeissus, Dhava PRO

Anogeissus, Dhava Crane tree, Button treeDhava, Madhuravalka (Ayurveda) Dhava, Samagh-e-Hindi (Gum), Gond Zanana (Gum) (Unani)Vellaynaga (Siddha) Anogeissus latifolia J.F. Royle, Illustrations of the botany and other branches of the natural history of the Himalayan Mountains and of the flora of Cashmere, Plates (1839) Botanical name: Anogeissus latifolia Parts used: Heartwood; Stem-bark; Gum-resin; Fruit Temperature &…

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Artemisia dracunculus, Tarragon

Artemisia dracunculus, Tarragon French TarragonTarkhun ‘Little Dragon’ (Arabic, Unani)Xia Ye Qing Hao (TCM) Oeder, G.C., Flora Danica (1761-1861) Kerner, J.S., Abbildungen aller ökonomischen Pflanzen (1786-1798) Botanical name: Artemisia dracunculus (syn. A. dracunculoides, Dracunculus hortense) Parts used: Whole Herb or Root Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Bitter, Pungent (some classed as Cool)‘Cuts, digest, opens Obstructions’ Classification:…

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Cremanthodium ellisii, Ming can nag po PRO

Cremanthodium ellisii, Ming can nag po མིང་ཅན་ནག་པོ་ Himalayan Mini SunflowerMing can nag po (Tibet)Kuai Gen Chui Tou Ju (TCM) Botanical name: Cremanthodium ellisii (syn. C. plantagineum) is the principle species.Two varieties of Ming can are mentioned in Tibetan texts: Black (Ming can nag po): C. ellisii, C. helianthus, C. bupleurifolium Yellow (Ming can ser po):…

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Thuja, Arbor Vitae PRO

Thuja, Arbor Vitae Tree of Life, American Cedar, White Cedar Duhamel du Monceau, H.L., Traité des arbres et arbustes, Nouvelle édition, 1806 Hamilton, E., Flora homoeopathica, 1853 Thuja.1. A typical leafy twig.  2.Small twig showing threeof the four rows of leaves.3. Fruit attached to a youngtwig.  4. Seed.(Squibb’s Atlas of the OfficialDrugs, Mansfield, 1919) Botanical…

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Spiritus, Alcohol

Spiritus, Alcohol Spiritum Vitae, Spiritus Vini (Brandy)Jiu (Spirit, ‘Wine’); Bai Jiu (White Spirit) (TCM)Kahul (Arabic)Sharaab (Hindi) AlcoholDioscorides Materia Medica, Ruellio, 1549 Wine-makingLustgarten der Gesundtheit, Ryff, 1546 Chemical name: Alcohol. C2H5OH; Ethanol Parts used: Typical Alcohol content of various alcoholic drinks:  Ale, Beer, Cider: 4–6%  Strong Ale, Stout: 7–8%  Wine: 10–14%  Fortified Wine (Port, Sherry): 18–20%…

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Holotrichia, Qi Cao

Holotrichia, Qi Cao 蛴螬 Northeast Giant Black Chafer, Korean Black BeetleQi Cao (TCM) Holotrichia parallela Mimela lucidula (Beetles Russia and Western Europe, Jacobson, 1905-1915) Entomological name: Holotrichia spp. H. diomphalia (Official) H. morosa H. sauteri H. titanus The Pharmacopoeia of Chinese Medicine lists H. diomphalia but says other members of the same genus can be…

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