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Chamepitys, Ground Pine

Chamepitys, Ground pine Yellow Bugle, CamaepitiumKamafius (Unani) New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Two types of Ground Pine traditionally used (left is the primary)Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Two types of Ground Pine traditionally used (left is the primary)Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Botanical name: Ajuga chamaepitys (syn. Teucrium chamaepitys)Other varieties were listed by Galen and Dioscorides including A….

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Pterocarpus, Red Sandalwood PRO

Pterocarpus, Red Sandalwood Raktachandana, Raktasaara (Ayurvedic)Sandal Surkh, Sandal-e-Ahmar (Unani)Tsan dan dmar po  ཙན་དན་དམར་པོ  (Tibetan)Shivappu-Chandanam (Siddha) Medical Botany, Woodville, Hooker, Vol. 3, 1832 Red Sandalwood(Adam, 2017) Botanical name: Pterocarpus santalinus (syn. Santalum rubrum) Parts used: Wood Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter, Sweet. Classifications: 2F. PURIFYING.   2P. HEMOSTATICS3B. FEBRIFUGE & ANTIPYRETIC Uses: 1. Clears Heat from…

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Allium, Garlic FREE

Allium, Garlic, Da Suan 大蒜 Da Suan (TCM)Lashuna (Ayurveda)Lehsun (Unani)Sgog skya, སྒོག་སྐྱ  (Tibetan) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Krauterbuch, Rihel, 1565 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Allium sativum Parts used: Bulb Temperature & Taste: Hot, dry. Pungent. Ayurveda says Garlic has all tastes except…

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Rhabarbari monachorum, Monk’s Rhubarb

Rhabarbari monachorum, Monk’s Rhubarb Herb Patience, Hippolapathum, Lapanthus hortense, Rhubarbarum Monachorum Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen, Sturm, 1796 Rumex alpinus(Photo by Jerzy Opioła) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Rumex alpinus Parts used: Root; the yellower the better Temperature & Taste: Cool (Neutral according to some) dry. Mildly Bitter Classifications: Aperitive, Abstersive, Astringent, Uses: 1. Purges…

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Euphrasia, Eyebright PRO

Euphrasia, Eyebright Zhim thig sang rgyas chu ‘jib  ཞིམ་ཐིག་ཐིག་སང་རྒྱས་ཆུ་ཇིབ་ (Tibet) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Herbarum Vivae Eicones, Otto Brunfels, 1530 Masclef, Atlas des plantes de France, 1893 Botanical name: Euphrasia officinalisIn Tibet, E. himalayica is used similarly. Parts used: Herb in flower Temperature & Taste: Cool (Warm in the west), dry. Pungentastringes, discusses Classifications: 2S….

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Persica, Peach tree, Tao Ren FREE

Persica, Peach tree, Tao Ren 桃仁 Tao Ren (Peach kernel, TCM)Klung kham  ཀླུང་ཁམ་ (Tibet) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1806 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Prunus persica Parts used: Kernels; Flowers; Leaf; Fruit Temperature & Taste: Kernel: Neutral in TCM (slightly Warm in…

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Guaiacum FREE

Guaiaci, Guaiacum Also called Lignum Sancti, Lignum Vitae, Pock Wood GuaiacumAtlas der officinellen pflanzen, Felix, 1899 LEFT: GUAIACUM WOOD;  RIGHT: GUAIACUM GUM1.  Mass of chips showing white non-official pieces. 2.  Portion ofa boring from a bowling ball. 3,  Projecting fibers of the wood. Squibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Members CLICK HERE for…

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Morus Cortex, Mulberry bark, Sang Bai Pi PRO

Morus Cortex, Mulberry Bark, Sang Bai Pi 桑白皮 Sang Bai Pi (TCM) Botanische wandplaten (Plantillustrations) Botanical name: Morus alba Parts used: Root-Bark Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Sweet. Some older TCM sources said it was Warm, others said Neutral Classifications: Q. Stop Cough and Wheezing Uses: 1. Clears Lung Heat, Stop Cough and Wheezing:-Cough and…

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Nigella, Gith, Black Cumin PRO

Nigella, Gith Black Cumin, MelanthiumKalonji (Unani)Habat al-Baraka (Arabic)Kalajira, Mugrela (Ayurveda)Karuncirakam (Siddha)Zi ra nag po  ཟི་ར་ནག་པོ  (Tibetan)Hei Zhong Cao Zi 黑种草子 (TCM) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Botanical name: Nigella spp. N. sativa N. damascena N. glandulifera (syn. Nigella sativa var. hispidula) Parts used: Seed Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry,…

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Adiantum, Maidenhair FREE

Adiantum, Maidenhair Capillus Veneris, Venus HairParsiaoshan (Unani)Hamsapadi (Ayurveda)Rtsa rma dongs རྩརྨ་མདོངས་ Herbario nuovo, 1667 Common MaidenhairDioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 English Maidenhair (Trichomanes)Parkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1800 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Adiantum capillus-venerisA number of related species are used: Golden: Adiantum aureum (used as Maidenhair) White:…

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Citrus reticulata, Tangerine peel, Chen Pi PRO

Citrus reticulata, Tangerine peel, Chen Pi 陈皮 Ju Pi (Peel) Chen Pi (aged Peel)Qing Pi (Unripe Peel) Guillot, Revue horticole, serié 4, (1852-1974) Whole dried Tangerine peel (Ju Pi) Sliced Tangerine Peel (Ju Pi) Bundles of Aged (20 year old) Tangerine Peel (Chen Pi) Botanical name: Citrus reticulata Parts used: 1. Ripe Peel (Ju Pi)2….

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Amomum, Greater Cardamon, Sha Ren

Amomum, Greater Cardamon, Sha Ren 砂仁 Greater Cardamon, Nepal CardamonSha Ren (TCM)Sthoolaila (Ayurveda)Heel Kalan (Unani)Ka Ko La  ཀ་ཀོ་ལ (Tibetan) Amomum subulatumRoxburgh, Plants of the coast of Coromandel, vol. 3, 1819 Lesser, Medium and Greater CardamonsNew Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Amomum spp: A. villosum A. villosum var. xanthioides…

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