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Thirst Western Tradition Vehement Thirst 1. For Vehement Thirst, mix oil and water, heat a little and drink, then vomit it up. Repeat if necessary. It is very good to cure vehement Thirst. (The Secrets of Alexis, 1615)2. Soft roasted Egg yolks, mixed with a little Oil and eat, cures thirst. These are to be…

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Skin Diseases

Skin Diseases in General Skin diseases are generally acknowledged to be due to Blood disorder, especially Heat or Heat and Toxin of the Blood. Cases with Burning indicate excess Heat; when there is itching, Wind is involved. Weeping as is seen in ‘Wet Eczema’ indicates involvement of Damp. Skin diseases may also be associated with…

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Tremors and Shaking

Tremors and Shaking Tremors and Shaking are classed as Wind disorders in Traditional Medicine, so other medicines used for Wind diseases may also be applicable. Shaking with loss of sense was traditionally called Shaking Palsy and overlaps the modern diagnosis of Parkinsonism. Warming Pearl Powder was viewed as an especially effective medicine for Shaking Palsy….

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Worms & Parasites Worms and Parasites have long been recognised in all Traditions as a pathology associated with Disease. Worms and Parasites may be classified as Internal or External; that is, those such as are found inside the body, like intestinal worms, and external parasites such lice. In Traditional Medicine theory, the environment needs to…

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Diseases of the Spleen

Diseases of the Spleen A. Spleen. B, C, E. Veins of the SpleenDer gantzen Artzenei, Dryander, 1542 ‘Spleen’ disease refers to diseases affecting the Spleen. The Spleen is most affected by Damp and Melancholy which are associated with Spleen Pain or ‘Obstruction’, Hardness and Tumors of the Spleen. Spleen Disease can also be viewed in…

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Threatened Miscarriage

Threatened Miscarriage Management of Threatened Miscarriage from Charaka:1. Lay the woman with her legs up and her head downwards, and apply a cool cotton pad dipped in Ghee and sprinkled with Licorice powder over her vagina.2. The whole lower body below the navel should be sprinkled with cool milk and decoction of Licorice and Ficus…

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Ringworm & Tinea

Ringworm & Tinea Ringworm is a common contagious itching skin disease, caused by various fungal species and affecting usually the Scalp or Feet. It forms round, scaly lesions, that may be red and itchy lesions. It is contagious. It is named after the area affected: Body: Tinea corporis Scalp: Tinea capitis, also called Scald-Head Feet:…

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Meconopsis horridula, Tsher sngon PRO

Meconopsis horridula, Tsher sngon ཚེར་སྔོན Prickly blue poppy, Spiny meconopsisTsher sngon (Tibetan)Duo ci lu rong hao (TCM)Gul-e-Nilam (Unani)Kanderi (Ayurveda) Meconopsis horridulaPhoto by Ghislain118) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: There are 2 sources for this Medicine: Meconopsis horridula (syn. M. horridula var. rudis, M. pratti, M. racemosa, M. rudis, M. sinuata var. pratti) M. aculeata Parts used: Whole…

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Wind Diseases

Wind Diseases Wind is of the Air Element, is moving by natural, and tends to be erratic. In the body is disrupts nervous function and causes irregularities in body function. Wind is either Internal or External. External Wind manifests as acute conditions like Cold and Flu and is dealt with elsewhere. Internal Wind is synonymous…

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Fibroid Tumors Fibroid Tumors are a classic Melancholy-type Tumor in the Western Tradition. It is analogous to Phlegm-Damp and Blood-stagnation Masses of TCM. It requires a combination of Blood-moving Medicines and medicines to clear Damp and Melancholy. Diet include foods which are easily digestible, avoiding foods hard to digest including meat of old animals Many…

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Sweating Western Tradition Compounds Sage infusion (taken cool)Gelatin of Deer HornSyrup Against ConsumptionSage TinctureCooling Pearl Powder (Diamargariton Frigidum)Tragacanth Cooling Powder (Diatragacanth Frigidum)Halys PowderNew Rose Powder (Rosata Nouvelle)Restorative Electuary (Antidotus Analeptica) (Nicholas)Electuary of Coral (Diacorallion)Electuary of Pine Kernels (Lohoch de Pino) (Mesue) Powder for Excess Sweating (externally)Oil of Quince (externally)Myrtle leaf powder (externally)Alum (externally) Spontaneous Sweating…

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Ascelpias, Pleurisy root PRO

Asclepias, Pleurisy root Butterfly-weed, Flux-root, White root, Silk weed, Tuberous Milkweed, Orange Swallow-wort Revue horticole, sér. 4 Vol. 28 (1856) Pleurisy rootNotes on Pharmacognosy, Otto Augustus Wall, 1902 Pleurisy rootSquibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Botanical name: Asclepias tuberosaRelated species used similarly but considered less active include A. syriaca, A. incarnata, A. acuminata,…

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