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Balanites aegyptiaca, Ingudi PRO

Balanites aegyptiaca, Ingudi Desert Date, Lebbek Tree, Egyptian Chebulic MyrobalanIngudi (Ayurveda)Nanjunda (Siddha)Hingan, Hanguul (Unani) P. Alpino, J. Vesling, De plantis Aegypti liber, editio altera emendatior, (1640) Fresh twigs and fruit of Balanites aegyptiaca(Photo by T.K. Naliaka) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Balanites aegyptiaca (syn. B. roxburghii) Parts used: Fruit; also Leaf, Bark, Seed, Temperature & Taste: Neutral….

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Colocasia, Taro

Colocasia, Taro Egyptian Bean, Wild TaroYe Yu (TCM)Alupam (Ayurveda)Arvi (Unani)Qulqas (Arabic) Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Botanical name: Colocasia esculenta (syn. Arum aegyptiacum, A. colocasia) Parts used: Dried Rhizome Temperature & Taste: Toxic when fresh; Seed is also regarded as Toxic Uses: 1. Clears Heat, Resists Poison, Resolves Swelling: -Toxic Sores and Swellings, Boils,…

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Oyster Shell, Mu Li 牡蛎

Oyster Shell, Mu Li 牡蛎 Testa Ostrearum, Concha OstrearumMu Li (TCM)Sadaf (Unani) Oyster(Photo by Anthere) (Wikimedia) Zoological name: Ostrea spp. including O. edulis Parts used: Shell Temperature & Taste: Cold (balanced in old TCM texts), dry. Salty Uses: 1. Clears Heat, Calms the Heart and Spirit, Stops Wind:-Headache, Dizziness, Insomnia, Irritability, flushed face-Palpitations with Anxiety…

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Caulophyllum, Blue Cohosh PRO

Caulophyllum, Blue Cohosh Squaw root, Yellow Ginseng, Blue Ginseng Blue CohoshMillspaugh, C.F., American medicinal plants (1882-1887) (Photo by USGS Bee Inventory and Monitoring Lab) (Wikimedia) Blue Cohosh root and rhizomeSquibb’s Atlas of the Official Drugs, Mansfield, 1919 Botanical name: Caulophyllum thalictroides Parts used: Root and Rhizome (fresh or dried) Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Sweet,…

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Zircon Jacinth: Red-Orange ZirconHyacinth: Red, Cinnamon, or Reddish brown Zircons.Jargoon or Jargon: Smokey, Yellow and Grey colored Zircons. Hyacinth, Hortus sanitatis, 1491 Ortus Sanitatis, Beck, 1517 Zircon crystal on quartz-mica matrix(Photo by Rob Lavinsky iRocks.com) Mineralogical Name: Zirconium silicate; ZrSiO4 (ZrO2 67%, SiO2 33%) Parts used: Prepared Zircon.Yellow, Red and Orange-Red varieties were preferred. Varieties…

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Parietaria, Pellitory of the Wall

Parietaria, Pellitory of the Wall Helxine, Perdicium, Sideritis, Heraclea Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Parietaria erectaFlora von Deutschland, Kohler, 1886 Botanical name: Parietaria spp.Several varieties have been used:  1. P. officinalis (Official)  2. P. diffusa  3. P. erecta Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool, moistmollifies, ripens, cleanses Classifications: 2L. EMOLLIENT3K. EXPECTORANT.    3M….

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Ocimum, Basil PRO

Ocimum, Basil BasilicumBabuitulsi (Basil); Tusli (Sacred Basil) (Ayurveda)Kali Tulsi (Basil); Raihan (Sacred Basil) (Unani)Jiu Ceng Ta, Luo Le (TCM) Ortus Sanitatis, Cube, Johann von, 1501 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Clove Basil (Left);  Great Basil (Right)Krauterbuch, Rihel, 1565 Chaumeton, Flore médicale (vol. 1), 1833 Botanical name: Ocimum spp. O. basilicum: Common or…

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Akebia Caulis, Mu Tong PRO

Akebia Caulis, Mu Tong 木通 Chocolate VineMu Tong (TCM) Akebia quinataLindley, J., Edwards’s Botanical Register (1829-1847) Botanical name: Akebia spp.  1. A. quinata  2. A. trifoliata  3. A. trifoliata var. australis Parts used: Caulis Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter Classification: C. Clears Damp, Promote Urine Uses: 1. Clears Damp and Heat, Promotes Urine:-Damp-Heat obstructing…

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Sapphirus, Sapphire

Sapphirus, Sapphire Nilama (Ayurveda)Nilam (Unani)Ain gra ni la  ཨཻན་གྲ་ནི་ལ་ (pronounced ‘Inda nila’) (Tibetan) Ortus Sanitatis, 1491 Ruby Crystal and Star SapphiresExotic Mineralogy, Sowerby, 1811 Sapphire crystalPhoto by Rob Lavinsky iRocks.com Mineralogical Name: Corundum (Al2O3) Parts used: Blue Sapphire prepared; Ayurveda also uses Yellow Sapphire Temperature & Taste: Neutral (slightly Warm in Unani), dry. Salty and…

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Saussurea superba, Sngo spyi bzhar PRO

Saussurea superba, Sngo spyi bzhar སྔོ་སྤྱི་བཞར་ Hawkweed SaussureaSngo spyi bzhar (Tibet)Chang Mao Feng Mao Ju 长毛风毛菊 (TCM) Botanical name: Saussurea superba (syn. S. hieracioides, S. villosa) Parts used: Whole plant Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Bitter, Pungent Classification: Uses: 1. Clears Damp, Purges Water: (Tibet, TCM)-Edema (general or localized; Kidney or Heart)-difficult urination, Cystitis-Ascites, Pleural…

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Punica Cortex, Pomegranate Bark

Punica Cortex, Pomegranate Bark Post Bekh e Anar (Unani) Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Flora von Deutschland (25), Kohler, 1886 Botanical name: Punica granatum Parts used: Bark, especially Root-Bark Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Classification: 3Q. ANTHELMINTIC Uses: 1. Kills Worms:-Tape-, Round-, and Pin-worms and Ascaris-this is the primary action of the Bark 2. Astringes to Stop…

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Spongia Marina, Sponge FREE

Spongii, Sponge Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Spongia officinalisPhoto by Liez Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Phylum poriferaSpongia officinalisSpongia lacinulosa (of the Red Sea, Mediterranean and Indian Ocean was said to be most used). Many sponges have been used. Parts used: whole dried Sponge; Sponge ashes; Sponge stone, a stone at the center…

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