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Scrophularia, Figwort, Xuan Shen PRO

Scrophularia, Figwort, Xuan Shen 玄参 Xuan Shen (Chinese Figwort)Gyer shing pa  གཡེར་ཤིང་པ  (Tibetan) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Flora von Deutschland (17), Kohler, 1884 Scrophularia nodosa(Photo by Franz Xaver) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Scrophularia spp. S. nodosa, S. umbrosa (“Water Betony”) (Europe) S. ningpoensis, S. buergeriana (TCM) S. incisa, S. ningpoensis, S. koelzii, S. dentata (Tibetan) S. peregrina…

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Tin Bhasma

Tin Bhasma Tin ashVanga Bhasma (Ayurveda)Gsha thal (Tibet) Mineralogical name: Stannum Parts used: Tin oxide (ash) Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter Classification: Uses: 1. Benefits Liver, Nourishes Blood:–disorders of Liver and Uterus–Anemia–improves Eyesight–promotes Beauty 2. Clears Heat, Resists Poison:–Syphilis, Gonorrhea and other STD’s–obstinate Skin diseases–Lymph and Pus accumulation (Tibet, Ayurveda)–diseases caused by Evil Spirits…

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Rubus Idaeus, Raspberry FREE

Rubus Idaeus, Raspberry, Fu Pen Zi, 覆盆子 Fu Pen Zi (TCM) New Kreuterbuch, Matthiolus, 1563 Koehler’s Medizinal Pflanzen, 1887 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Rubus idaeusThe Chinese Raspberry is R. chingii. However, a number of varieties are used including R. idaeopsis, R. coreanus, R. corchorifolius. R. idaeus is used in Hebei…

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Catharanthus, Madagascar Periwinkle PRO

Catharanthus, Madagascar Periwinkle Madagascar Periwinkle, Rosey Periwinkle, Rose PeriwinkleSadapushpa, Nayantara (Ayurveda)Nithiya kalyani , Sudukadu mallikai (Siddha)Sadabahar (Unani)Chang Chun Hua (TCM) Catharanthus roseusStep, E., Bois, D., Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse (1896) Catharanthus roseus(Photo by Vengolis) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Catharanthus roseus (syn. Vinca rosea, Lochera rosea, Ammocallis rosea) Parts used: Herb; sometimes the root Temperature…

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Aconitum naviculare, Bong nga dmar po PRO

Aconitum naviculare, Bong nga dmar po བོང་ང་དམར་པོ Red Aconite, ‘Bang Ga’Bong nga dmar po, Bong dmar (Tibetan Medicine)Gan Qing Wu Tou (A. tanguticum, TCM)Chuan Kui Wu Tou 船盔乌头, Wu Tou Zhou Gu  乌头舟骨 Aconitum gymnandrum‘Red Aconite’ (Lesser variety)Curtis’s Botanical Magazine (1907) Botanical name: The first two listed are the primary species supply this medicine in Tibetan…

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Vateria, Sarja

Vateria, Sarja White Dammer, Indian CopalSarja, Sarjaka, Sarjasa (Ayurveda)Raal Safed, Kahruba Shamai (Unani)Hur (Avicenna)Kundurukam (Siddha) Vateria indicaHayne, F.G., Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in derArzneykunde gebräuchlichen Gewächse (1805-1846) Botanical name: Vateria indica (syn. V. malabarica) Parts used: Resin Temperature & Taste: Warm, Dry. Pungent Classification: Uses: 1. Calms the Mind, Benefits the Heart:-Insomnia, Anxiety-Heart weakness…

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Natron, Sodium Carbonate

Natron, Sodium Carbonate Soda, Alkali of Soda, Mineral Alkali, Crystallised Alkali, Nitrum Aegypticum, Black Ash (impure), Kali (impure)Natron and Trona (naturally occurring hydrated sodium carbonate)Aphronitrum (a form of native Sodium carbonate, Dioscorides)Bul Tog  ཨུལཏོག་ (Native, Tibetan Medicine)Sajji-Khar when from plants; Sajji-Mati when from the Earth (Unani) NitrumHortus sanitatis, 1491 Salsola australis; contains up to 30%…

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Ziziphus, Jujube, Da Zao PRO

Zizyphus, Jujube, Da Zao 大枣 Da Zao, Hong Zao (Red) (TCM)Unnab (Unani, Arabic) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 A Complete History of Drugs, Pomet, London, 1748 Red Jujube Da Zao (Adam, 2017) Botanical name: Ziziphus jujuba (syn. Z. vulgaris)There are a number of varieties: Sweet and Sour; Black and Red; Wild and Cultivated,…

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Sphaeranthus, Mundi PRO

Sphaeranthus, Mundi East Indian Globe Thistle Mundi (Ayurveda)Mundi, Gorakh Mundi (Unani)Kottakarthai (Siddha)Rong Mao Dai Xing Cao (TCM) Sphaeranthus indicusK.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Indian medicinal plants (1918) Sphaeranthus indicus(Photo by Vinayaraj) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Sphaeranthus spp.  1. S. indicus (syn. S. senegalensis, S. hirtus)Also reportedly used are:  2. S. amaranthoides  3. S. africanus Parts used: Leaf…

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Bistorta, Bistort PRO

Bistorta, Bistort Also called Snakeweed, Snake-root; Columbrina, Serpentaria, Serpentaria vulgaris, DracunculusQuan Shen  拳参 (TCM)Gla sgang  གླ་སྒང༌  (Tibetan) Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Hortus Medicus, Graves, 1834 Bistort rootNotes on Pharmacognosy,Otto Augustus Wall, 1902 Bistort rootA Manual of Organic Materia Medica, Maisch, 1882 Botanical name: Polygonum bistorta (syn. Persicaria bistorta) (West, TCM)P. viviparum is also used as…

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Zedoaria, Zedoary FREE

Zedoaria, Zedoary, E Zhu 莪术 E Zhu (TCM)Karchura (Ayurveda)Kachuri (Unani) Above: Long and Round ZedoaryParkinson, Theatrum Botanicum, 1640 Left: Medical Botany, Woodville, Hooker, 1832 Herbarium Blackwellianum, 1757 ZEDOARY1, Large transverse section of the rhizome. 2. Longitudinal section of the rhizome. 3. Top of the rhizomeshowing concentric leaf scars. 4. Cross-section showing sunken tissue inside endodermis.5….

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Saussurea involucrata, Snow Lotus, Xue Lian PRO

Saussurea involucrata, Snow Lotus, Xue Lian 雪莲 Snow LotusBry Rgod Sug Pa (S. medusa, Tibet)Xue Lian, Tian Shan Xue Lian (S. involucrata) (TCM)Mian Tou Xue Tu Zi  绵头雪兔子 (S. laniceps) (TCM)Shui Mu Xue Tu Zi 水母雪兔子 (S. medusa) (TCM) Saussurea gossypiphoraHoutte, L. van, Flore des serres et des jardin de l’Europe, vol. 15 (1845) Saussurea…

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