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Persica, Peach tree, Tao Ren FREE

Persica, Peach tree, Tao Ren 桃仁 Tao Ren (Peach kernel, TCM)Klung kham  ཀླུང་ཁམ་ (Tibet) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Dioscorides Materia Medica, Mathias, 1563 Icones Plantarum Medcio-oeconomico, Vietz, 1806 Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Prunus persica Parts used: Kernels; Flowers; Leaf; Fruit Temperature & Taste: Kernel: Neutral in TCM (slightly Warm in…

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Myrica, Bayberry FREE

Myrica, Bayberry Myrica, Box Myrtle, Wax-Myrtle, Candleberry, WaxberryTuffah Alajaib, Ood al-Barg Tandol, Kaayaphal (Unani)Katphala (Ayurveda)Marudam (Siddha) The Family Flora and Materia Medica Botanica, Good, 1847 MYRICA ROOT-BARK1, Portion of the bark without the corky layer.  2. Piece of the corkylayer.  3, Cross-section of the bark.  4, A thick piece of the bark. Squibb’s Atlas of…

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Sro lo PRO

Sro lo Sro lo (Tibetan Medicine) Pegaeophyton scapiflorumThe journal of the Linnean society, Botany (1893) Rhodiola crenulataW.J. Hooker, J.D. Hooker, Icones Plantarum (1896) Botanical name: There are 3 types of Sro lo: Sro lo dkar po: Pegaeophyton scapiflorum (syn. Eutrema scapiflorum) Sro lo dmar po (mtskhan dmar, chan dmar) Rhodiola euryphylla or Rhodiola crenulata Sro…

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Costus speciosus, Push kar mu la PRO

Costus speciosus, Push kar mu la Wild Ginger, Crepe GingerPush kar mu la (Tibetan)Kebuka (Ayurveda) (sometimes called Kustha)Zhang Liu Tou (TCM) Costus speciosusN. Witsen, H. de Jager, Plantae Javanicae pictae, ex Java transmissae anno MDCC, (1700) Costus speciosusBlanco, Flora de Filipinas. (1875) Costus speciosus(Photo by Mokkie) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Costus speciosus (syn. Banksia speciosus, Cheilocostus…

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Sedum sarmentosum, Chui Pen Cao PRO

Sedum sarmentosum, Chui Pen Cao 垂盆草 Hanging Stonecrop, Stringy Stonecrop, Gold Moss Stonecrop, Graveyard MossChui Pen Cao, Shi Zhi Jia (TCM) Sedum sarmentosum (upper right)Bois, D., Atlas des plantes de jardins et d’appartements (1891-1896) Sedum sarmentosum (Photo by bastus917, Wikimedia) Botanical name: Sedum sarmentosumAs in the West, a number of related Sedum species are known…

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Aerva, Gorakshganja PRO

Aerva, Gorakshganja Gorakshganja, Pattura (Ayurveda)Seru Peelai, Cirupilai Camulam (Siddha)Bisehri Booti, Patharphodi (Unani) Aerva lanata P. Miller, Figures of the most beautiful, useful and uncommonplants, described in the gardeners’ dictionary (1755-1760) Botanical name: Aerva lanataA. scandens is used in some parts of India Parts used: Root (or whole plant) Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter, Pungent…

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Xanthium, Byi tsher PRO

Xanthium, Byi tsher བྱི་ཚེར Cang Er Zi 苍耳子 (Fruit), Cang Er Cao 苍耳草 (Leaf) Cocklebur, BurweedByi tsher (Tibetan Medicine)Shankheshwara (Ayurveda)Maruloomatham (Siddha)Cang Er Zi (Fruit); Cang Er Cao (Herb) (TCM) Xanthium sibiricum(Illustration: Real Jardín Botánico, Madrid, Spain)(BotanicalIllustration) Xanthium sibericum(Photo by Zhuwq) (Wikimedia) Xanthium indicum(Photo by Vinayaraj) (Wikimedia) Xanthium, Cang Er Zi(Adam, 2024) Botanical name: Xanthium sibiricum…

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Gladiolus, Sou Shan Huang PRO

Gladiolus, Sou Shan Huang 搜山黄 Sword-Lilies, Ghent Hybrid GladiolusSou Shan Huang, Tang Chang Pu, Biao Gan Hua (TCM) Gladiolus gandavensis var. citrinus(Flore des serres et des jardins de l’Europe, vol. 5) Botanical name: Gladiolus gandavensis (syn. Gladiolus x gandavensis)This is a hybrid of G. dalenii × G. oppositiflorus. Parts used: Bulb Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter….

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Tabasheer, Tian Zhu Huang FREE

Tabasheer, Tian Zhu Huang 天竺黄 Bamboo Silica, Bamboo Manna, Bamboo Salt, Bamboo CamphorTian Zhu Huang (TCM)Vasalocana (Ayurveda)Cu Gan (Tibetan)Tabaashir (Unani)Bansalochan (Persian)Qasab (Arabic) Indiae Utriusque re Naturali et Medica, Pisonis, 1658 Bambusa arundinacea (as Arundo bambos)Plantarum indigenarum et exoticarum Icones ad vivum coloratae, vol. 5 (1792) Two varieties of Tabasheer available on the market, Blue and…

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Eucalyptus Gum Tree, Blue-Gum (E. globulus)Lan An 蓝桉 (TCM)Tilaparna (Ayurveda)Karpooramaram (Siddha) Eucalyptus globulusKöhler, F.E., Köhler’s Medizinal Pflanzen (1898) 1, Upper surface of the leaf at the left; under surface at the right.2, An older fruit with the lid removed. 3, Persistent stamen and acentral style. 4, Lid of the fruit. 5, Side view of a young…

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Celosia, Qing Xiang Zi PRO

Celosia, Qing Xiang Zi 青箱子 Wild Cockscomb, Feather CockscombSEED:–Qing Xiang Zi  青箱子 (TCM)–Sitivaraka (Ayurveda)–Pannaikeerai (Siddha)–Tukhm-e-Sarwali (Unani)FLOWER:–Ji Guan Hua  鸡冠花 (TCM)–Jatadhari (Ayurveda) C. argentea (as C. cristata)Basilius Bessler, Hortus Eystettensis, vol. 3: Secundus ordo collectarum plantarum autumnalium (1620) Celosia argentea E. Step, D. Bois, Favourite flowers of garden and greenhouse, vol. 3 (1896-1897) Celosia argentea var. cristata(Photo…

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Saxifraga umbellata, Sum cu tig PRO

Saxifraga umbellata, Sum cu tig སུམ་ཅུ་ཏིག Sum cu tig (Tibetan) Saxifraga umbellataH.G.A. Engler, Das Pflanzenreich, Saxifragaceae – Saxifraga I, vol. 117  (1916) Botanical name: Saxifraga spp.Several species have been given: S. umbellata S. przewalskii S. tanguitica Parts used: Whole plant Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter Uses: 1. Clears Liver Heat:-heat of the Liver and…

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