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Iberis, Bitter Candytuft

Iberis, Bitter Candytuft Wild Candytuft, Rocket Candytuft, Annual Candytuft, Clown’s MustardQu Qu Hua 屈曲花 (TCM) Iberis amaraKops, J., Flora Batava (1800-1934) Botanical name: Iberis amara (syn. Thlaspi amarum, Crucifera iberis) Parts used: 1. Whole Herb in flower2. Seed (stronger, most used) Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Bitter Classification: Uses: 1. Clears Cold and Damp, Promotes…

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Strengthening and Tonic Formulas

Strengthening and Tonic Formula Strengthening and Tonic herbs and formulas are used either to strengthen the body when weak, support the body during chronic disease and old age, or as a health tonic.  A list of various Tonic Medicines used in the various systems can be found here Here. Tonic Recipes:1. Rice boiled with Milk….

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Artemisia pontici, Pontic Wormwood

Artemisia pontici, Pontic Wormwood Roman Wormwood, Roman Mugwort Krauterbuch, Lonitzer, 1578 Vietz, F.B., Icones plantarum medico-oeconomico-technologicarum, vol. 1 (1800) Fuchs, L., New Kreüterbuch, (1543) Botanical name: Artemisia ponticum Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Bittercuts, binds, discusses, resists putrefaction, purges Bile (Choler) Uses: -Generally used the same as Wormwood, but was regarded as…

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Crotalaria, Sana PRO

Crotalaria, Sana Sunn HempSana (Seed, Ayurveda)Sanal (Siddha)Tukhm Sun (Unani) Crotalaria juncea(Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, 1800) Crotalaria juncea(Photo by A16898) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Crotalaria juncea Parts used: Primarily Seed; also the leaf and Root (TCM) Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Sour, Pungent, Bitter. Toxic Uses: 1. Warms the Stomach:-Indigestion, Loss of appetite 2. Clears Toxin from the…

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Euphorbia thymifolia, Dudhi PRO

Euphorbia thymifolia, Dudhi Asthma plant, Pill-bearing Spurge, Small EuphorbiaLesser variety (E. thymifolia):–Thyme-leaved Euphorbia–Dudhi, Chhoti Dudhi (Ayurveda)–Thar nu (Tibetan)–Sittrapaladi (Siddha)–Dudhi Khurd (Unani)–Shabram (Arabic)Greater variety (E. hirta, E. pilulifera):–Small Euphorbia–Badi Dudhi (Ayurveda)–Ammanptharisi (Siddha)–Dudhi Kalan (Unani)–Laban Maghrabi (Arabic)–Da Fei Yang Cao (TCM)E. prostrata:–Dagdhika (Ayurveda) Euphorbia thymifoliaK.R. Kirtikar, B.D. Basu, Indian medicinal plants, Plates, vol. 5: t. 847 (1918) Euphorbia…

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Clerodendrum serratum, Bharangi PRO

Clerodendrum serratum, Bharangi Serrate GlorybowerBharangi (Ayurveda)Kandoorbarangi (Siddha) San Tai Hong Hua (TCM) Curtis’s Botanical Magazine, vol. 52 (1825) Clerodendrum serratum(Photo by Yercaud-elango) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Clerodendrum serratum (syn. Clerodendron serratum, Rotheca serrata)In TCM, Clerodendrum serratum var. amplexifolium is also used. In parts of India, C. indicum (syn. C. siphonanthus) is used synomymously. Parts used: Root…

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Cotoneaster, Tshar ‘brum PRO

Cotoneaster, Tshar ‘brum ཚར་འབྲུམ་ CotoneasterTshar ‘brum (fruit), Tshar pa dkar po (Tibet) Cotoneaster acuminatusRevue horticole, sér. 4, Vol 61 (1889) Cotoneaster acuminatus(Photo by Aka) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Cotoneaster spp.Three types are mentioned in Tibetan texts: 1. Black type; 2. White type; 3. one growing on ‘high rocks’ C. acuminatus (syn. C. bakeri, C. nepalensis, C….

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Terebinth, Turpentine PRO

Terebinth, Turpentine Pinus sylvestrisKoehler, F.E., Medizinal Pflanzen, vol. 1 (1887) Botanical name: A number of Pinus spp. and related conifers have been used as a source of Turpentine:  1. Common Turpentine: Pinus sylvestris, P. abies  2. Strasburg Turpentine: P. picea  3. Venice Turpentine, Larch Turpentine: P. larix  4. Chian Turpentine: Pistachia terebinthus  5. Hungarian Turpentine:…

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Eupolyphaga, Wingless Cockroach, Tu Bie Chong

Eupolyphaga, Tu Bie Chong 土鳖虫 Ground Beetle, Wingless CockroachTu Bie Chong (TCM) Tu Bie Chong(Adam, Chengdu Medicine Market, 2009) Entomological name: Eupolyphaga sinensis is the official species.Other species supplying the market include: E. thibetana E. everestians Polyphaga plancyi Opisthoplatia orientalis Parts used: Whole dried insect Temperature & Taste: Cold, dry. Salty. Slightly Toxic Constituents: Nutrient…

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Meum athamanticum

Meum athamanticum, Spignel Baldmoney, SpicknelMeum macedonicum, Meum hispanicum (Pliny) Meum athamanticumFlora von Deutschland Österreich und der Schweiz, Otto Wilhelm Thomé, 1885 Botanical name: Meum athamanticumSalmon listed several varieties:  1. Common Spignel  2. Bastard or Italian Spignel  3. Mountain or German Spignel Parts used: Root only is used, but the seed has the same effects. Temperature…

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Panicum, Millet

Panicum, Millet Cheena (Ayurveda)Panivaragu (Siddha)China Ghas, Faluda (Unani)Khre ཁྲེ (Tibetan) Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Kreutterbuch, Matthiolus, 1586 Botanical name: Panicum spp.  1. P. miliaceum; Common or White Millet;  2. P. sumatrense; Little MilletOther plants supplying types of Millet include:  3. Setaria italica; Italian Millet  4. Pennisetum glaucum; Pearl Millet; Bajra (Ayurveda)The genus Digitaria and Echinochloa…

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Parmelia, Rock Moss PRO

Parmelia, Rock Moss Stone Flower, Rock MossParmelia tinctorum:–Rdo dreg  རྡོ་དྲེག  (Tibetan)–Mei Yi (TCM)–Ashmapushpa (, Ayurveda)Parmelia perlata:–Shaileya, Saileya, Charela (Ayurveda)–Ushna, Charela (Unani)–Karpasi, Kal Pasi (Siddha)Parmelia saxatilis:–Shi Hua (TCM) Parmelia perlata (as P. perforata)Verhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie der Naturforscher;Nova acta physico-medica academiae caesareae leopoldino-carolinae naturae curiosorum (1841-1843) Parmelia saxatilis (top), P. perlata (bottom)Flora Batava of Afbeelding…

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