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Trauma & Burns

Trauma & Burns Illustration from The Book of Distillation, Brunschwig, 1532 See also:Sprains & Strains Bruising Fractures Herbal Functions useful in the treatment of Wounds Antibacterial Antioxidant Anti-inflammatory Antiseptic Depurative or Detoxicant Immunostimulatory Astringent Primary Traditional Herbs for Wounds & Trauma AloeAngelicaBasilBugleCalendulaCentella ComfreyCyperus rotundusDragons BloodEcliptaFrankincenseLicorice MadderMulleinMyrobalan, BellericMyrobalan, ChebulicMyrrhNeem Red SandalwoodSt. Johns wortTurmericYarrow Trauma, Wounds Western…

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Acute, Epidemic and Infectious Diseases

Acute, Epidemic & Infectious Diseases Due to the fact that the TCM system of Acute and Infectious Diseases (Wen-Re Bing) is so well organised, we will give special attention here. TCM regards acute diseases as an attack from an external pathogen, usually Heat or Cold, which is moved into the body by Wind; therefore, Wind-Heat…

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*Argemone mexicana, Mexican Poppy

Argemone mexicana, Mexican Poppy Prickly Poppy, Yellow ThistleShialkanta, Swarnaksiri (Ayurveda)Satyanasi (Unani)Piramathandu (Siddha)Ji Ying Su (TCM) Millspaugh, C.F., American medicinal plants, vol. 1 (1892) Botanical name: Argemone mexicana Parts used: 1. Seed; Expressed Oil of the Seed2. Whole plant; Plant latex Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Pungent, Bitter Constituents: Alkaloids:Seed: sanguinarine, dihydrosanguinarine Latex: berberine (0.74%), protopine…

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Clitoria ternatea PRO

Clitoria ternatea Butterfly pea, Asian Pigeonwings, Wing-leaved Clitoris, Indian MezereonHu Die Hua Dou (Seed, TCM)Aparajita (Ayurveda)Kakkanam, Kakkana Ver (Root, Siddha)Mezereon Hindii (Root, Unani)Battikh Hindi (Arabic) Clitoria ternateaPaxton’s Magazine of Botany, 1840 Clitoria ternatea flower(Photo by Wilfredor) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Clitoria ternatea Parts used: Root, Leaf, Seed Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry, Pungent, Bitter Uses: 1….

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Aspongopus, Stink Bug

Aspongopus, Stink Bug, Jiu Xiang Chong 九香虫 Jiu Xiang Chong (TCM) Aspongopus spissusSchouteden, Genera Insectorum 153rd fascicule 1913 (Image from Wikimedia) Stink Bug (Menecles insertus)(Photo by Katja Schulz) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Aspongopus chinensis and others are used in ChinaMenecles spp. are also sources of Stink Bug.Related species can probably be used synonymously.A. nepalensis is used…

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Tormentillae, Tormentil PRO

Tormentillae, Tormentil Septfoil, Erect Cinquefoil, Septifolium, Pentaphyllum, Heptaphyllum Herbarius latinus, Petri, 1485 Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Kurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599 Flora von Deutschland (25), Kohler, 1886 Tormentil root with cross-section(A Manual of Organic Materia Medica) Botanical name: Potentilla tormentilla (syn. Potentilla erecta, Potentilla laeta, Tormentilla erectaWild and Alpine varieties were differentiated Parts used: Root Temperature…

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Ardisia, Zi Jin Niu PRO

Ardisia, Zi Jin Niu 紫金牛 Zi Jin Niu, Ai Di Cha (TCM) Nakai, T., Trees and shrubs indigenous in Japan proper [Dai Nihon jumokushi] (1935-1951) Ardisia japonica (Photo by Kenraiz) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Ardisia japonica Parts used: Whole Herb Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Bitter, Pungent Classifications: Q. Stop Cough and Wheezing Uses: 1. Clears Phlegm,…

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Viola, Violet PRO

Viola, Violet Banafsha (Unani)Zi Hua Di Ding  紫花地丁 (TCM)Sngo Rta Rmig  སྔོ་ རྟ་རྨིག་ (Tibet) Gart der Gesundheit, Cuba, 1485 Herbarius latinus, Petri, ‘ Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 V. odorataKurtzes Handtbuchlein, Ryff, 1599 V. odorataPlantæ Utiliores, Burnett & Burnett, 1842 V. biflora (used in Tibetan Medicine)Lindman, C.A.M., Bilder ur Nordens Flora (1922) Botanical name: Viola spp.:…

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Heart, Cordis

Heart, Cordis Zoological name: Various animal Hearts have been used: Chicken Sheep /Pig / Calf etc. Yak (Tibet) Parts used: 1. Fresh Heart in Decoction2. Dried and prepared Heart3. Tincture (prepared from the dried Heart)4. Distilled Water or Spirit Temperature & Taste: Neutral. Sweet, salty Classification: Uses: 1. Strengthens the Heart:–Heart weaknerss-Palpitations or Arrhythmias from…

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Goat Blood, Capra Sanguinis

Goat Blood, Capra Sanguinis Ortus Sanitatis, Meydenbach, 1491 Zoological name: Capra hircus and related species Parts used: Dried Blood Temperature & Taste: Warm, dry. Salty Classifications: 3F. LITHONTRIPTIC Uses: 1. Clears Damp, Promotes Urine, Breaks Stones:-Edema, Dysuria-Gravel, Stones (considered Specific)-Arthritis 2. Moves the Blood, Eases Pain:-Trauma, Bruising-Salt of the Blood was given to ease pain…

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Akebia Caulis, Mu Tong FREE

Akebia Caulis, Mu Tong 木通 Chocolate VineMu Tong (TCM) Akebia quinataLindley, J., Edwards’s Botanical Register (1829-1847) Members CLICK HERE for the PRO VERSION Botanical name: Akebia spp.  1. A. quinata  2. A. trifoliata  3. A. trifoliata var. australis Parts used: Caulis Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter Classification: C. Clears Damp, Promote Urine Uses: 1….

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Pyrrosia, Shi Wei PRO

Pyrrosia, Shi Wei 石韦 Shi Wei (TCM) Pyrrosia linguaLowe, E.J., Ferns [a history of Ferns]: British and exotic (1856-1860) Botanical name: Pyrrosia spp.A number of species are used:  1. P. lingua  2. P. sheareri  3. P. petiolosa  4. P. davidii  5. P. calvata  6. P. drakeana Parts used: Herb Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry. Bitter,…

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