Agaric | Agrimony juice thickened | Aloe | Aniseed | Black Myrobalan | Chebulic Myrobalan | Colocynth | Dodder | Ginger | Mastic | Polypody | Rhubarb | Rock Salt | Rose | Scammony prepared | Turbith | Wormwood jucie thickened | Yellow Myrobalan
Pills to Aggregate (Pilulae Aggregative)
Pills to Aggregate Pilulae Aggregative Tradition: Western / Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name Yellow MyrobalanRhubarbAgrimony juice thickenedWormwood jucie thickened Scammony preparedChebulic Myrobalan Black MyrobalanAgaricColocynthPolypodyTurbith AloeMasticRoseRock SaltDodderAniseedGinger Latin Terminalia chebula (yellow) Rheum palmatumAgrimonia eupatoriaArtemisia absinthum Convovulus scammoniaTerminalia chebulaTerminalia chebula (black)Fomitopsis officinalis Citrullus colocynthusPolypodium vulgareOperculina turpethumAloe spp. Pistacia lentiscusRosa gallicaSal GemCuscuta europeaPimpinella anisumZingiber officinalis Amount…