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Topaz Chrysolite of Pliny is thought to be the modern ‘Topaz’Huang Yu (‘Yellow Jade’, TCM) Ortus Sanitatis, Beck, 1517 Topaz(Photo by Rob Lavinsky iRocks.com) Mineralogical Name: TopazChrysolite (yellow-green variety of Olivine), Prase, or Chrysoprase have all been suggested as the ‘Topaz‘ of Pliny. Parts used: Prepared Stone (levigated or burned) Temperature & Taste: Cool, dry….

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Confection of Hyacinth (Confectio de Hyacintho)

Confectio de Hyacintho Confection of Hyacinth Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Herb Name Jacinth (Zircon)Red CoralArmenian EarthLemnian EarthKermes (Chermes)TormentilDittany rootCitron seedSorrel seedPurslane seedSaffronMyrrhRoseRed SandalwoodWhite SandalwoodYellow SandalwoodBone of a Stag’s HeartBurnt Deer hornIvoryEmeraldTopazSapphirePearlSilkGold leafSilver leafCamphorMuskAmbergris Latin HyacinthusCorallum rubrumTerra ArmeniusTerra LemniaQuercus cocciferaPotentilla tormentillaDictamnus albusCitrus medicaRumex acetosaPortulaceae oleraceaCrocus sativusCommiphora molmolRosa gallicaPterocarpus santalinusSantalum albumSantalum citrinumOs Cordis CerviiCornu Cervi…

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The Goa Stone

Goa Stone with Gold casePhoto: Metopolitan Museum (Wikimedia) Lapis de Goa The Goa Stone Tradition: Western Source / Author: Gasper Antonio (Florentine Jesuit missionary in Goa) Herb Name TopazJacinthSapphireRubyPearlEmeraldBezoarRed CoralWhite CoralMuskAmbergrisGold leaf Latin ChrysolithosHyacinthusSapphirusRubinusMargaritaSmaragdusBezoarCorallum rubrumCorallum albumMoschus Ambre grisAurum Amount 1 oz. ea.1⁄2 oz. 2 oz. ea. 1⁄2 oz. ea.40 Preparation: The stones must all be…

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