Ameos seed | Aniseed | Black Pepper | Calamint | Celery seed | Cinnamon | Ginger | Lovage seed | Parsley seed | Pennyroyal | Siler Montane seed | Thyme tops
Powder of Calamint Compound (Nicholas)
Diacalaminta SimplexPowder of Calamint Lesser Tradition: Western Source / Author: Nicholas Myrepsus Herb Name CalamintPennyroyalBlack PepperSiler Montane seedParsley seed Lovage seed Ameos seed Aniseed Thyme topsGingerCinnamonCelery seed Latin Calamintha officinalisMentha pulegiumPiper nigrumSiler montanumPetroselinum crispum Levisticum officinale Ammi majusPimpinella anisumThymus vulgarisZingiber officinalisCinnamonum zeylanicumApium graveolens Amount 3 dr., 2 scr. ea.2 dr., 1 scr. 2 scr. ea.1…