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Calotropis, Swallowwort PRO

Calotropis, Swallow-wort Vasuka, Mandara, Arka (Ayurveda)Aak, Madar, Ushr (Unani) The Botanical Register, Edwards & Lindley, 1815 Calotropis gigantea(Photo by ShahadatHossain) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Calotropis gigantea, C. procera Parts used: Root bark, juice, flower Temperature & Taste: Hot, dry. Pungent, Bitter. ToxicAvicenna said Hot in the 2nd Degree but Dry in the 4th Degree.Caustic, burning, rubefacient…

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Electuary of Horehound Diaprassium

DiaprassiumElectuary of Horehound Tradition: Western Source / Author: Nicholas (Luminare Majus, 1551) Herb Name HorehoundTragacanthPine nutSweet AlmondsPistachio DateFigRaisinsCinnamonCloveNutmegMaceAloeswoodGalangalZedoaryGingerIndian SpikenardLicoriceRhaponticumAnacardiumStorax MasticMyrrhGalbanumTerebinthOrrisRound BirthwortCaper root barkGentian Black PepperAniseedFennel seedDill seedMacedonian Parsley seedSaxifrage ColchicumOreganoHog FennelSquinanthCardamonWhite PepperCarawayLovageSwallow-wortBalsam herbPennyroyalDittanyCostusPellitorySavory BasilLong PepperAmomumWild ParsleyOrobusBalsam woodCassia WoodRed CoralIvoryBalsam fruitCretian CarrotMuskAmbergrisBone of a Stag’s Heart Latin Marrubium vulgareAstragalus tragacanthNux PineaPrunus amygdalus dulcisPistachio verumDiospyros lotus Ficus…

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