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Syrup of Mugwort (Augustana)

Syrupus de Artemisia Syrup of Mugwort Tradition: Western Source / Author: Pharmacopeia Augustana Herb Name MugwortPennyroyalCalamintBalmOreganoArssmartDittany of CreteSavin MarjoramGermanderSt. John’s wortGround PineFeverfewRueCentauryBetonyBuglossFennel rootCelery rootParsley rootAsparagus rootButchers Broom rootSaxifrage rootElecampaneCyperusMadderOrris rootPeony rootJuniper berryLovage seedParsley seedCelery seedAniseedNigella seedCubebCostusCassia WoodCardamonCalamusAsarabacca rootPellitory of SpainValerian Latin Artemisia vulgarisMentha pulegiumCalamintha officinalisMelissa officinalisOreganum vulgarePolygonum hydropierOriganum dictamnusJuniperus sabinaOreganum marjoranaTeucrium chamaedrysHypericum perforatumAjuga chamaepitysTanacetum partheniumRuta…

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Powder Against Rabies

Pulvis Contra RabiemPowder Against Rabies Tradition: Western Source / Author: Pirou Herb Name RueVervainPlantainSagePolypodyMintWormwoodMugwortBalmBetonyLesser CentaurySt. John’s Wort Latin Ruta graveolensVerbena officinalisPlantago majusSalvia officinalisPolypodium vulgareMentha spp.Artemisia absinthumArtemisia vulgarisMelissa officinalisBetonica officinalisCentaurium erythraeaHypericum perforatum Amount equal parts Preparation: Gather the herbs around the full moon in Spring or Summer; dry, and powder. Some preferred to keep the herbs…

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Antidote of Seven Things (Paulus Aegineta)

DiasptumOr, Electuarium CentauriumAntidote of Seven ThingsOr, Electuary of Centaury Tradition: Western Source / Author: Seven Books of Paulus Aegineta Herb Name St. John’s wortLong BirthwortCentauryGround PineAgaricGermanderGentianHoney Latin Hypericum perforatumAristolchia longaCentaurium erythraeaAjuga chamaepitysFomitopsis officinalisTeucrium chamaedrysGentiana lutea Mel Amount 1 oz. ea. 3 oz. ea. 4 oz.5 oz.5 drams Preparation: Powder the herbs and mix with three…

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Decoction of Timaei (modified)

Decoction of Timaei (modified) Tradition: Western Source / Author: Medicus Officiosus, Weinhart, 1724 Herb Name ComfreyPlantainTormentilMarshmallow rootLicoriceShepherd’s PurseSelf Heal RoseSt. John’s wort Latin Symphytum officinalePlantago majusPotentilla tormentillaAlthea officinalisGlycyrrhiza glabraCapsella bursa-pastorisPrunella vulgaris Rosa gallicaHypericum perforatum Amount 1 1⁄2 oz. 2 drams 1⁄2 oz. 3 drams ea. 1 handful ea. 1⁄2 handful ea. Preparation: Prepare a standard…

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Tincture Against Schirrus of the Spleen

Tinctura in Schirro LienisTincture Against Schirrus of the Spleen Tradition: Western Source / Author: Mylius Herb Name WormwoodOreganoRueHyssopSt. John’s wortCalamintSpikenardTamariskBalmMallowPennyroyalAniseedCaraway seedFennel seedDodderBenzoin Latin Artemisia absinthumOreganum vulgareRuta graveolensHyssopus officinaleHypericum perforatumCalamintha officinalisNardostachys jatamansi Tamarix gallicaMelissa officinalisMalva sylvestris Mentha pulegiumPimpinella anisumCarum carvi Foeniculum vulgareCuscuta europea Styrax benzoin Amount 1 handful ea. 1⁄2 handful3 drams Preparation: Mix and form…

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