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Confection of Montagnana for the Sight

Confection of Montagnana for the Sight Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name Siler montane seedEyebrightFennel seedCubeb CardamonMaceCelandine seedRue seedRosemaryAniseedAloeswoodCarawayGolden RodSugar or Honey Latin Siler montanumEuphrasia officinalisFoeniculum vulgarePiper cubebaElettaria cardamomumMyristica fragransChelidonium majusRuta graveolensRosmarinus officinalisPimpinella anisumAquillaria agallochaCarum carviSolidago virgaureaSaccharum et Mel Amount 1 dram 1 1⁄2 drams 2 drams 1 oz. 1⁄2 oz.sufficient Preparation: Beat…

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Electuary of Pope Innocent Against Blindness

Electuarium Papus InnocentiiElectuary of Pope Innocent Against Blindness Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Fennel seedSiler Montane seedBlue GermanderStavesacre seedCelery seedAniseedParsley seedPennyroyalHyssopSaxifrageJuniper berries Latin Foeniculum vulgare Laserpitium siler Teucrium spp. Delphinium staphisagria Apium graveolens Pimpinella anisum Petroselinum crispum Mentha pulegium Hyssopus officinale Saxifraga alba Juniperus communis Amount 1⁄2 pound 4 ounces ea. 2 ounces…

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Electuary for a Duke (Electuarium Ducis) (Nicholas)

Electuarium Ducis Electuary for a Duke Tradition: Western Source / Author: Nicholas Herb Name Aniseed LicoriceMasticGermanderCinnamonGingerGalangalFennel seedCaraway seedCassia WoodCalamintCarrot seedPellitory Long PepperWhite PepperCyperusOrrisSchoenanthAmomumIndian leafAsarabaccaSaffron Gum ArabicTragacanthCubebCloveBalsamCardamonJuniperNutmegAloeswoodLovage rootFlower-de-LuceRhubarbCinquefoil rootIndian SpikenardCalamus Red BehenWhite BehenSiler Montane seedAlexander seedDill seedAsparagus seedLemon seedAmomum seedCloveBasil seedGromwell seedSaxifrage seedChicory seedMacedonian Parsley seedMelon seedGourd seedPumpkin seedCucumber seedStoraxSugar Penid Latin Pimpinella anisum Glycyrrhiza glabraPistacia…

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Electuary of Calamint (Galen)

Electuarium de Calamintha Electuary of Calamint Tradition: Western Source / Author: Galen Herb Name Calamint seedPennyroyal seedParsley seedSiler montane seedCelery seedThyme Lovage seedBlack Pepper Latin Calamintha officinalisMentha pulegiumPetroselinum crispumSiler montanumApium graveolensThymus vulgarisLevisticum officinalePiper nigrum Amount 1 dram ea. 2 drams ea. 1 oz.3 oz. Preparation: Form a powder, then with a sufficient amount of Sugar,…

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Powder of Calamint Compound (Nicholas)

Diacalaminta SimplexPowder of Calamint Lesser Tradition: Western Source / Author: Nicholas Myrepsus Herb Name CalamintPennyroyalBlack PepperSiler Montane seedParsley seed Lovage seed Ameos seed Aniseed Thyme topsGingerCinnamonCelery seed Latin Calamintha officinalisMentha pulegiumPiper nigrumSiler montanumPetroselinum crispum Levisticum officinale Ammi majusPimpinella anisumThymus vulgarisZingiber officinalisCinnamonum zeylanicumApium graveolens Amount 3 dr., 2 scr. ea.2 dr., 1 scr. 2 scr. ea.1…

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Powder Against Apoplexy (2) (Zwelfer)

Species Contra Apoplexiam Powder Against Apoplexy (2) Tradition: Western Source / Author: Zwelfer (Corpus Pharmaceutico Chymico Medicum, 1697) Herb Name Doronicum rootPeony rootCostus rootRosemary flowerLavender flowerSiler Montane seedClove Basil seedPeony seedAniseed Coriander seedLesser CardamonCinnamonNutmegCloveCubebAloeswoodWhite AmberOil of Rose wood Latin Doronicum hookeriPeonia officinalisSaussurea lappaRosmarinus officinalisLavendula officinalisSiler montanumOcinum gratissimumPeonia officinalisPimpinella anisumCoriandrum sativumElettaria cardamomumCinnamonum zeylanicumMyristica fragransEugenia caryophyllusPiper cubeba…

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