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Dang Gui Di Huang Yin

Dang Gui Di Huang Yin  当归地黄饮Dang Gui and Rehmannia Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Collected Treatises of Zhang Jing Yue (1624) Herb Name Dang Gui (Chinese angelica)Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia)Shan Zhu Yu (Cornus fruit)Shan Yao (Chinese yam)Du Zhong (Eucommia) Huai Niu Xi (Achyranthes)Zhi Gan Cao (Fried Licorice) Latin Angelica sinensisRehmannia glutinosaCornus officinalisDioscorea oppositaEucommia ulmoidesAchyranthes…

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Tai Shan Pan Shi San

Tai Shan Pan Shi San  泰山磐石散 Tai Shan Bedrock Powder Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Systemic Great Compendium of Medicine Past and Present (1556) Herb Name Ren Shen (Ginseng)Huang Qi (Astragalus)Bai Zhu (White Atractylodes) Zhi Gan Cao (Fried Licorice)Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia) Dang Gui (Chinese angelica)Bai Shao (White Peony) Chuan Xiong (Sichuan lovage) Xu Duan…

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Er Long Zuo Ci Wan

Er Long Zuo Ci Wan  耳聋左慈丸Pill for Deafness that is Kind to the Left (Kidney) Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Discussion of Widespread Warm Epidemics (1642) Herb Name Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia)Shan Zhu Yu (Cornus fruit)Shan Yao (Chinese yam)Fu Ling (Poria) Mu Dan Pi (Tree peony root) Ze Xie (Water Plantain root) Ci Shi (Magnetite)Shi…

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Rehmannia, Shu Di Huang PRO

Rehmannia, Shu Di Huang 熟地黄 Prepared Chinese Foxglove rootShu Di Huang (TCM) Edwards’s Botanical Register (1837) Rehmannia glutinosa flower(Photo by 阿橋) (Wikimedia) Botanical name: Rehmannia glutinosa Parts used: Prepared Root Temperature & Taste: Warm, moist. Sweet Classification: N. Blood Tonic     N. Yin Tonic Uses: 1. Tonifies the Blood:-weakness, pale face and tongue, deficient and thin…

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Si Wu Tang (TCM)

Si Wu Tang 四物汤Four Substance Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Secret Formulas to Manage Trauma and Reconnect Fractures Received from an Immortal, C. 846 Herb Name Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia) Dang Gui (Chinese angelica)Bai Shao (White Peony)Chuan Xiong (Sichuan Lovage) Latin Rehmannia glutinosa Angelica sinensis Paeonia lactiflora Ligusticum chuanxiong Amount 9–18 grams 9–12 grams…

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Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang 龙胆泻肝汤 Gentian Decoction to Drain the Liver Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Analytic Collection of Medical Formulas Herb Name Long Dan Cao (Gentian)Huang Qin (Baical Skullcap)Zhi Zi (Gardenia fruit)Mu Tong (Akebia) Che Qian Zi (Plantain seed)Ze Xie (Water Plantain root)Chai Hu (Bupleurum)Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia)Dang Gui (Chinese angelica)Gan Cao (Licorice)…

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Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (TCM)

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan 六味地黄丸 Rehmannia Six Pills Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Craft of Medicines and Patterns for Children; 1119 Herb Name Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia)Shan Zhu Yu (Cornus fruit)Shan Yao (Chinese yam)Fu Ling (Poria) Mu Dan Pi (Tree peony root) Ze Xie (Water Plantain root) Latin Rehmannia glutinosaCornus officinalisDioscorea oppositaPoria cocos Paeonia…

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Zuo Gui Yin

Zuo Gui Yin 左归饮Restore the Left [Kidney] Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Collected Treatises of [Zhang] Jing-Yue, 1624 Herb Name Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia)Shan Yao (Chinese yam)Gou Qi Zi (Wolfberry fruit)Fu Ling (Poria) Shan Zhu Yu (Cornus fruit)Zhi Gan Cao (Fried Licorice) Latin Rehmannia glutinosa Dioscorea oppositaLycium barbarumPoria cocos Cornus officinalisGlycyrrhiza uralensis Amount 9–18…

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Shi Quan Da Bu Tang

Shi Quan Da Bu Tang 十全大补汤 All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Transmitted Trustworthy and Suitable Formulas (1180) Herb Name Ren Shen (Ginseng)Bai Zhu (White Atractylodes) Fu Ling (Poria)Zhi Gan Cao (Fried Licorice)Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia) Dang Gui (Chinese angelica)Bai Shao (White Peony) Chuan Xiong (Sichuan lovage) Huang Qi (Astragalus)Rou Gui (Cinnamon…

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