Acorns | Cypress nuts | Ivory | Mastic | Mint | Myrtle seed | Red CoralWhite Coral | Red peel of Chestnuts
Pills to Prevent Miscarriage (Wirtzung)
Pills to Prevent Miscarriage Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name IvoryRed CoralWhite CoralMasticMintRed peel of ChestnutsAcornsMyrtle seedCypress nuts Latin EborisCorallum rubrumCorallum albumPistacia lentiscusMentha arvensisCastanea sativaQuercus spp.Myrtus communisCupressus semperviens Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder them well, and with Comfrey juice, form Pills. Function: Clears Heat, Astringes, benefits the Uterus Use: Threatened Miscarriage Dose: 3…