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Potion for Ulcers of the Kidneys and Bladder

Potion for Ulcers of the Kidneys and Bladder Tradition: Western Source / Author: Pharmacopoea Dogmaticum Resititua, 1622 Herb Name ComfreySoloman’s SealBistortLadies MantlePlantainCrocus Martis prepared Latin Symphytum officinalePolygonatum officinalePolygonum bistortaAlchemilla vulgarisPlantago majus Iron oxide Amount 1 oz. ea. 1 handful ea.1 oz. Preparation: Powder, and macerate in hydromel (enough to cover by 4 fingers) Function: Clears…

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Styptic Decoction

Styptic Decoction Tradition: Western Source / Author: Pharmacopoeia Extemporanea, Thomas Fuller, London, 1710 Herb Name Nettle rootComfrey rootYarrowPlantainPomegranate peelGum Arabic White Poppy seedHenbane seed Latin Urtica dioica Symphytum officinale Achillea millefolium Plantago majus Punica granatum Acacia arabica Papaver somniferum Hyoscyamus niger Amount 1 1⁄2 oz. ea. 1 handful ea. 2 drams ea. 3 drams ea….

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Vulnerary Decoction (Wirtzung)

Vulnerary Decoction Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name SanicleGolden RodSoloman’s SealPlantainSagePennyroyalCentaury Latin Sanicula europaea Solidago virgaurea Polygonatum officinale Plantago majus Salvia officinalis Mentha pulegium Centaurium erythraea Amount 1 handful ea. Preparation: Decoction Function: Moves the Blood, clears Heat, promotes Healing Use: 1. Bruising2. Trauma3. Damage to the Soft Tissues of the Joints Dose:…

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Special Medicine to Strengthen the Back

Special Medicine to Strengthen the Back Tradition: Western Source / Author: A Thousand Notable Things on Various Subjects, By Thomas Lupton, London, 1815 Herb Name White WinePith of an Oxes BackDatesCalendulaPlantainBetonyParsley rootFennel root Latin Vinum albaMedulla BosDiospyros lotusCalendula officinalisPlantago majusBetonica officinalisPetroselinum crispumFoeniculum vulgare Amount 1 quart1 quart2 oz. 2 handfuls ea. Preparation: Boil together until…

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Syrup of Comfrey Compound

Syrupus SymphytumSyrup of Comfrey Compound Tradition: Western Source / Author: Fernel Herb Name Comfrey leafBugle leafRed RosesBetonyBurnetPlantainKnotgrassScabiousColtsfoot Latin Symphytum officinale Ajuga reptensRosa gallicaBetonica officinalis Sanguisorba officinalis Plantago majus Polygonum aviculare Scabiosa arvensis Tussilago farfara Amount 3 handfuls ea. 2 handfuls ea. Preparation: Press the juice from the fresh herbs; boil it, remove the scum, strain…

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Decoction of Timaei (modified)

Decoction of Timaei (modified) Tradition: Western Source / Author: Medicus Officiosus, Weinhart, 1724 Herb Name ComfreyPlantainTormentilMarshmallow rootLicoriceShepherd’s PurseSelf Heal RoseSt. John’s wort Latin Symphytum officinalePlantago majusPotentilla tormentillaAlthea officinalisGlycyrrhiza glabraCapsella bursa-pastorisPrunella vulgaris Rosa gallicaHypericum perforatum Amount 1 1⁄2 oz. 2 drams 1⁄2 oz. 3 drams ea. 1 handful ea. 1⁄2 handful ea. Preparation: Prepare a standard…

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