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Powder of Mussel Shells Compound

Powder of Mussel Shells Compound Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Mussel shellsCoralFiled Deer hornNutmegTormentil Red EarthNettle seedPlantain seed Latin Concha MusculaCorallumCornu CerviiMyristica fragransPotentilla tormentillaTerra rubra Urtica dioicaPlantago majus Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder Function: Astringent, clears Heat, stops Bleeding Use: 1. Excess Menstruation2. Uterine Bleeding3. May be used for other types of Bleeding…

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Powder for Scrofula (Bononiense)

Powder for Scrofula Tradition: Western Source / Author: Antidotarium Bononiense, 1641 Herb Name Sponge burntSea Balls burntCuttlefish boneLong PepperBlack PepperGingerCinnamonRock SaltPellitory GallsEchiumBurnt Hazel nut shellsPumicePlantain seedIron filings prepared *Burnt Egg shellWhite Hellebore preparedBlack Hellebore prepared Latin Spongia ustaPilae MarinaeOs SepiaPiper longumPiper nigrumZingiber officinalisCinnamonum zeylanicumSal Gem Anacyclus pyrethrumGallaEchium vulgareCorylus avellana ustaPumex Plantago majusFerrumCalyx ustaHelleborus alba praeparata…

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Powder for Diabetes (Riverius)

Powder for Diabetes Tradition: Western Source / Author: Riverius (Opera Medica, 1737) Herb Name Plantain seedPurslane seedCoriander seed preparedRoseRed Coral preparedArmenian EarthPearlTormentilNutmeg Latin Plantago majusPortulaceae oleraceaCoriandrum sativumRosa gallicaCorallum rubrumTerra ArmeniusMargarita Potentilla tormentillaMyristica fragrans Amount 1 oz. each 1 scruple ea.1⁄2 dram Preparation: Powder Function: Astringent, clears Heat, benefits the Kidneys Use: 1. Diabetes2. Incontinence, Nocturnal…

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Powder of Plantain Compound

Powder of Plantain Compound Tradition: Western Source / Author: Dispensatorium Pharmaceuticum Austriaco, 1729 Herb Name Licorice juiceSealed EarthRed EarthPlantain rootBistortTormentilCrocus Martis astringensBurnt Deer hornPomegranate peelHematite preparedOrange peel NutmegSagePomegranate flowersMistletoeRed Coral preparedPlantain seedStag’s pizzleChickens Gizzard preparedCloveDragon’s BloodHypocistus Latin Succus GlycyrrhizaTerra SigillataTerra rubraPlantago majusPolygonum bistortaPotentilla tormentillaRed Ferric oxideCornu Cervii ustaPunica granatumHaematitum Citrus aurantiumMyristica fragransSalvia officinalisPunica granatumViscum albaCorallum…

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Powder for Excessive Menstruation (Wirtzung)

Powder for Excessive Menstruation Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name TormentilNutmegPlantain seed Latin Potentilla tormentilla Myristica fragrans Plantago majus Amount 1 part each 1⁄2 part Preparation: Powder Function: Astringent, stops Bleeding Use: 1. Excess Menstruation2. Uterine Bleeding3. May also be useful for Leukorrhea Dose: half teaspoonful, morning and night in a suitable vehicle…

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Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Long Dan Xie Gan Tang 龙胆泻肝汤 Gentian Decoction to Drain the Liver Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Analytic Collection of Medical Formulas Herb Name Long Dan Cao (Gentian)Huang Qin (Baical Skullcap)Zhi Zi (Gardenia fruit)Mu Tong (Akebia) Che Qian Zi (Plantain seed)Ze Xie (Water Plantain root)Chai Hu (Bupleurum)Shu Di Huang (Rehmannia)Dang Gui (Chinese angelica)Gan Cao (Licorice)…

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Powder for Bleeding During Pregnancy

Powder for Bleeding During Pregnancy Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Plantain seedBistort rootPurslane seedCoriander seedSugar Latin Plantago majus Polygonum bistortaPortulaceae oleraceaCoriandrum sativumSaccharum Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder the herbs, add the Sugar and mix well Function: Clears Heat, stops Bleeding, prevents Miscarriage Use: Bleeding During Pregnancy associated with Heat Dose: Make a small…

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Troches of Agnus Castus

Troches of Agnus Castus Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name Agnus Castus seedLettuce seedRose flowersPomegranate flowerShavings of IvoryWhite AmberArmenian EarthPlantain seedSassafras Latin Vitex agnus-castusLactuosa sativaRosa gallicaPunica granatumEboris Succinum albaTerra ArmeniaPlantago majusLaurus sassafras Amount 1 dram ea. 2 drams ea.4 scruples2 scruples Preparation: With the mucilage of Quince seeds extracted in the Water of Water…

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Powder of Lavender Seed to Promote Labor

Powder of Lavender Seed to Promote Labor Tradition: Western Source / Author: Medicina Britannica, Thomas Short, 1746 Herb Name Lavender seed powderPlantain seedEndive seedPepper Latin Lavendula officinalis Plantago majus Chicorium endiva Piper nigrum Amount 1⁄2 dram 2 scruples ea.1 scruple Preparation: Powder Function: Promotes Labor Use: Held to be a ‘Great Secret’ in promoting Birth…

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Powder Against Abortion (France)

Pulvis contra Abortum Powder Against Abortion Tradition: Western Source / Author: Royal Pharmacopoeia of France, Charras, 1678 Herb Name PearlNarwhal (‘Unicorn’) hornIvory shavingsWhite AmberRed CoralMasticPlantain seedKermesRed SandalwoodSealed EarthTormentilMaceCloveGold leaves Latin MargaritaMonodonEborisSuccinumCorallum rubrumPistacia lentiscusPlantago majusCoccus illicisPterocarpus santalinusTerra SigillataPotentilla tormentillaMyristica fragransEugenia caryophyllusAurum Amount 1⁄2 oz. ea.1 dram1 scruple6 Preparation: Powder Function: Clears Heat, Astringes, Strengthens Use: 1….

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