Bistort | Burnt Deer Horn | Chickens Gizzard prepared | Clove | Dragons Blood | fl | Hematite prepared | Hypocistus | Licorice juice | Mistletoe | Nutmeg | Orange peel | owers | Plantain root | Plantain seed | Pomegranate | Pomegranate peel | Red Coral prepared | Red Earth | Sage | Sealed Earth | Stag’s pizzle | Tormentil
Powder of Plantain Compound
Powder of Plantain Compound Tradition: Western Source / Author: Dispensatorium Pharmaceuticum Austriaco, 1729 Herb Name Licorice juiceSealed EarthRed EarthPlantain rootBistortTormentilCrocus Martis astringensBurnt Deer hornPomegranate peelHematite preparedOrange peel NutmegSagePomegranate flowersMistletoeRed Coral preparedPlantain seedStag’s pizzleChickens Gizzard preparedCloveDragon’s BloodHypocistus Latin Succus GlycyrrhizaTerra SigillataTerra rubraPlantago majusPolygonum bistortaPotentilla tormentillaRed Ferric oxideCornu Cervii ustaPunica granatumHaematitum Citrus aurantiumMyristica fragransSalvia officinalisPunica granatumViscum albaCorallum…