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Pills for Apoplexy (Arnold de Villa Nova)

Pills for Apoplexy Tradition: Western Source / Author: Arnold de Villa Nova Herb Name AloesBdelliumSagapenColocynthOpopanaxGum AmmoniacHemlock seedCastoreumEuphorbium Latin Aloe spp.Commiphora mukulFerula persicaCitrullus colocynthusCommiphora guidottiiDorema ammoniacumConium maculatumCastoreumEuphorbium resinifera Amount 1 dram ea. 2 drams ea. Preparation: Powder and form pills with Leek juice Function: Clears Phlegm and Damp, purges Excess, opens Obstructions Use: Apoplexy associated with…

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Plaster for Uterine Tumors (Aristotle)

Plaster for Uterine Tumors Tradition: Western Source / Author: Aristotle Herb Name OpopanaxBdelliumGum AmmoniacMyrrhSaffron Latin Commiphora guidottiiCommiphora mukulDorema ammoniacumCommiphora molmolCrocus sativus Amount 2 drams ea. 1⁄2 dram Preparation: Dissolve the Gums in Oil of Sweet Almonds, and form a Ointment with Wax and Turpentine, adding the Saffron towards the end. Function: Clears Phlegm, moves Blood,…

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Plaster for Hard Tumors of the Uterus

Plaster for Hard Tumors of the Uterus Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name Gum AmmoniacSagapenumOpopanaxBdellium Orris powderCeterachOrpiment Latin Dorema ammoniacumFerula persicaCommiphora guidottiiCommiphora mukulIris germanicaAsplenium ceterachAuripigmentum Amount 1 oz. ea. 1⁄2 oz. ea. 1 dram ea. Preparation: Dissolve the gums in in strong Wine-Vinegar and thicken to form the consistency of an Ointment, the…

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Pills of Mezereon Major

Pills of Mezereon Major Tradition: Western / Unani Source / Author: De morbus internis curandis, Mesue, 1551 Herb Name Chebulic MyrobalanBelleric MyrobalanEmblic MyrobalanWormwood AgaricRhubarbIndian SpikenardMezereon prepared *SagapenOpopanaxMasticLaccaMyrrhDragon’s BloodAloe Latin Terminalia chebulaTerminalia bellericaEmblica officinalisArtemisia absinthumFomitopsis officinalisRheum palmatumNardostachys jatamansiDaphne mezereumFerula persica Commiphora guidottiiPistacia lentiscusLaccifer laccaCommiphora molmolDaemonorops dracoAloe spp. Amount 3 drams ea. 2 drams1 dram8 drams 1…

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Troches of Myrrh (Rhasis)

Trochisci MyrrhaTroches of Myrrh Tradition: Western, Unnai Source / Author: Rhasis Herb Name MyrrhLupin mealMadder rootRue leafWild MintsDittanyCumin seedsAsafetidaSagapenOpopanax Latin Commiphora molmolLupinus albusRubia tinctorumRuta graveolensMentha arvensisDictamnus albusCuminum cyminumFerula asafetidaFerula persica Commiphora guidottii Amount 3 drams5 drams 2 drams ea. Preparation: Dissolve the gums in wine which has had Mugwort boiled in it, then add the…

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