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Tooth Powder to Whiten the Teeth (Wirtzung)

Powder to Whiten the Teeth Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name Pumice stoneCuttlefish boneRed BrickEgg Shell Red CoralWhite CoralPellitoryBurnt AlumOrrisSandaracMasticMyrrh Latin Pumex Os Sepia Ovum testaCorallum rubrum Corallum album Anacyclus pyrethrum Alumen usta Iris germanica Cypress spp. gum Pistacia lentiscus Commiphora molmol Amount 1⁄2 oz. ea. 2 1⁄2 drams ea. 2 drams 3…

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Athanasia Greater (Unani)

Athanasia Magnus (Unani)Athanasia Greater Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Pharmacopoeia Persica (1681) Herb Name Myrrh OpiumSaffronCastoreumHenbane seedCostusCardamonWhite Poppy seedAgrimonyGoat horn, burnedWolf Liver dried Latin Commiphora molmolOpiumCrocus sativusCastoreumHyoscyamus nigerSaussurea lappa Elettaria cardamomumPapaver somniferum albaAgrimonia eupatoriaCornu Capri ustaHepatis Lupi Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder, mix with wine, and mix with sufficient clarified Honey to form an Electuary….

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Pills of Storax (Mesue)

Pilulae Styrace Pills of Storax Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name Storax calamita (dried)FrankincenseMyrrhLicorice juice Saffron Latin Styrax officinalis Boswellia sacra Commiphora molmol Succus Glycyrrhiza Crocus sativus Amount 1⁄2 oz. ea.1 dram Preparation: Powder and make pills with Syrup of White Poppy. Function: Clears Phlegm, stops Cough, moves the Blood Use: 1….

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Qi Li San (TCM)

Qi Li San made by Beijing Tongren Tang, one of the oldest, most respected manufacturers in China. Qi Li San 七厘散  Seven-Thousandths of a Tael Powder Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Collection for the Common Pursuit of Longevity, 1762 Herb Name Dragon’s BloodFrankincenseMyrrhSafflowerCatechuCinnabar MuskBorneol Camphor Latin Daemonorops dracoBoswellia sacraCommiphora molmolCarthamus tinctoriusAcacia catechuCinnabaris MoschusBorneol Camphora Amount…

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Plaster for Rupture

Plaster for Rupture Tradition: Western Source / Author: Goodrus Herb Name AloesDragons BloodMyrrhMasticArmenian EarthTragacanth Latin Aloe spp. Daemonorops draco Commiphora molmol Pistacia lentiscus Terra Armenius Astragalus tragacanth Amount 1 1⁄2 oz. 1 oz. ea. 3 drams ea. Preparation: Powder and with the slime of Red Snails, form a plaster Function: Astringent, moves Blood, Strengthening Use:…

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Pills of Agaric (Mesue)

Pilulae de AgaricoPills of Agaric Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name AgaricOrrisHorehoundTurbithHiera PicraColocynthSarcocollaMyrrh Latin Fomitopsis officinalisIris germanicaMarrubium vulgareOperculina turpethumHiera Picra Citrullus colocynthusAstragalus sarcocollaCommiphora molmol Amount 6 drams 2 drams ea. 8 drams ea. 4 drams ea.2 drams Preparation: Powder and form a Confection with Rob (concentrated juice) Function: Clears thick and tough…

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Antidotum Asclepiadus Minus (Nicholas)

Antidotum Asclepiadus Minus Tradition: Western Source / Author: Nicholas Alexandrinus (Medici Graeci, 1541) Herb Name CinnamonThiu Apyru (Sulphur)CostusEuphorbiumMandrake rootLong BirthwortMyrrhOpiumLibaniBlack PepperCardamonHenbane seedHoney Latin Cinnamonum zeylanicumSulphurSaussurea lappaEuphorbium resiniferaMandragora officinalisAristolchia spp.Commiphora molmolPapaver somniferumCedrus deodara Piper nigrumElettaria cardamomumHyoscyamus nigerMel Amount 12 drams7 drams 3 drams ea. 2 drams ea. sufficient Preparation: Powder and with three times their weight…

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Confection of Hyacinth (Confectio de Hyacintho)

Confectio de Hyacintho Confection of Hyacinth Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Herb Name Jacinth (Zircon)Red CoralArmenian EarthLemnian EarthKermes (Chermes)TormentilDittany rootCitron seedSorrel seedPurslane seedSaffronMyrrhRoseRed SandalwoodWhite SandalwoodYellow SandalwoodBone of a Stag’s HeartBurnt Deer hornIvoryEmeraldTopazSapphirePearlSilkGold leafSilver leafCamphorMuskAmbergris Latin HyacinthusCorallum rubrumTerra ArmeniusTerra LemniaQuercus cocciferaPotentilla tormentillaDictamnus albusCitrus medicaRumex acetosaPortulaceae oleraceaCrocus sativusCommiphora molmolRosa gallicaPterocarpus santalinusSantalum albumSantalum citrinumOs Cordis CerviiCornu Cervi…

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Trauma Powder

Trauma Powder Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name FrankincenseMyrrhDragon’s BloodSaffron Latin Boswellia sacra Commiphora molmol Daemonorops draco Crocus sativus Amount 1 dram ea.1 scruple Preparation: Powder and divide into 5 doses Function: Moves the Blood, clears Stasis Use: 1. Internal Bruising, Trauma2. Pain that is sharp and fixed Dose: 1 portion with wine…

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Foetid Pills (Mesue)

Pilulae de Foetida Foetid Pills, or Stinking Pills Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Mesue Herb Name AloeColocynthSagapenGum AmmoniacumMyrrhRue seedDodder of ThymeTurbithScammony preparedLesser Spurge root preparedColchicumGingerIndian SpikenardCinnamonSaffronCastoreumEuphorbium prepared Latin Aloe spp.Citrullus colocynthusFerula persicaDorema ammoniacumCommiphora molmolRuta graveolensCuscuta europeaOperculina turpethumConvovulus scammoniaEuphorbia spp.Colchicum autumnaleZingiber officinalisNardostachys jatamansi Cinnamonum zeylanicumCrocus sativusCastoreumEuphorbium resinifera Amount 5 drams ea.1⁄2 oz.3 drams 2 drams…

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Troches for the Womb

Troches for the Wombor Hysteric Troches Tradition: Western Source / Author: Herb Name AsafetidaGalbanumMyrrhCastoreumAsarabacca rootLong BirthwortSavin FeverfewCatnipDittany Latin Ferula asafetidaFerula galbanifluaCommiphora molmolCastoreum Asarum europeumAristolchia longaJuniperus sabinaTanacetum partheniumNepeta catariaDictamnus albus Amount 2 1⁄2 drams ea. 2 drams1 1⁄2 drams 1 dram ea. 1⁄2 dram Preparation: Steep the Gums in the Juice or Decoction of Rue, strain, and…

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Confection for all Stomach Diseases

Confection for all Stomach Diseases Tradition: Western / Unani Source / Author: De morbus internis curandis, Mesue, 1551 Herb Name MasticAloeswoodMyrrhCinnamonAniseedPistachio shell *Clove Indian SpikenardEyebrightRed CoralWhite CoralSugar Latin Pistacia lentiscusAquillaria agallochaCommiphora molmolCinnamonum zeylanicumPimpinella anisumPistachio verum Eugenia caryophyllusNardostachys jatamansiEuphrasia officinalisCorallum rubrumCorallum albumSaccharum Amount 5 drams ea. 3 drams ea. 1⁄2 oz. Together, equal to the above…

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