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Powder for Moist and Hollow Ulcers

Powder for Moist and Hollow Ulcers Tradition: Western Source / Author: Antidoatarie Chyrurgical, John Banister, 1589 Herb Name FrankincenseMasticMyrrhSarcocollaOrobus flourPomegranate flowersPomegranate peelCinnabar SageRound BirthwortBurnt AlumVitriol, burnt Latin Boswellia sacraPistacia lentiscusCommiphora molmolAstragalus sarcocollaVicia orobus Punica granatumPunica granatumMercury sulphideSalvia officinalisAristolchia spp.Alumen ustaVitriolum usta Amount 3 drams1 dram2 drams4 drams 1⁄2 dram each4 scruples4 drams Preparation: Powder Function:…

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Powder for Phlegmatic Abscess of the Throat

Powder for Phlegmatic Abscess of the Throat Tradition: Western Source / Author: Isaac (Nicolai Magni, De Medicis Pulveribus, 1545) Herb Name White Dog Dung * MyrrhSaffronGinger Mustard seedGallPomegranate flower Latin Stercoris CaniniCommiphora molmolCrocus sativusZingiber officinalisSinapis alba Quercus infectoriaPunica granatum Amount equal parts * Sun-bleached white dog dung Preparation: Powder Function: Clear Phlegm, Resolves Swellings, Resists…

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Pills of Mezereon Major

Pills of Mezereon Major Tradition: Western / Unani Source / Author: De morbus internis curandis, Mesue, 1551 Herb Name Chebulic MyrobalanBelleric MyrobalanEmblic MyrobalanWormwood AgaricRhubarbIndian SpikenardMezereon prepared *SagapenOpopanaxMasticLaccaMyrrhDragon’s BloodAloe Latin Terminalia chebulaTerminalia bellericaEmblica officinalisArtemisia absinthumFomitopsis officinalisRheum palmatumNardostachys jatamansiDaphne mezereumFerula persica Commiphora guidottiiPistacia lentiscusLaccifer laccaCommiphora molmolDaemonorops dracoAloe spp. Amount 3 drams ea. 2 drams1 dram8 drams 1…

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Electuary for Memory (Wirtzung)

Electuary for Memory Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name FrankincenseBlack PepperCyperus rotundus rootMyrrh Latin Boswellia sacraPiper nigrumCyperus rotundusCommiphora molmol Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder and form a confection with clarified Honey. Function: Moves the Blood, clears Phlegm, Benefits Brain Use: Memory loss in the aged, especially in cases with signs of Cold and…

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Powder for Head Wounds (Andernacus)

Powder for Head Wounds Tradition: Western Source / Author: Andernacus Herb Name MyrrhMadderCyperusOrrisSarcocolla Latin Commiphora molmolRubia tinctorumCyperus rotundusIris germanicaAstragalus sarcocolla Amount 1⁄2 oz. 3 1⁄2 drams ea. Preparation: Powder Function: Moves Blood, clears Stasis, regulates Qi Use: Trauma, Wounds or Bruising of the Head Dose: 1⁄2–1 dram Cautions: None noted Modifications: Back to POWDERSBack to…

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Electuary of Horehound Diaprassium

DiaprassiumElectuary of Horehound Tradition: Western Source / Author: Nicholas (Luminare Majus, 1551) Herb Name HorehoundTragacanthPine nutSweet AlmondsPistachio DateFigRaisinsCinnamonCloveNutmegMaceAloeswoodGalangalZedoaryGingerIndian SpikenardLicoriceRhaponticumAnacardiumStorax MasticMyrrhGalbanumTerebinthOrrisRound BirthwortCaper root barkGentian Black PepperAniseedFennel seedDill seedMacedonian Parsley seedSaxifrage ColchicumOreganoHog FennelSquinanthCardamonWhite PepperCarawayLovageSwallow-wortBalsam herbPennyroyalDittanyCostusPellitorySavory BasilLong PepperAmomumWild ParsleyOrobusBalsam woodCassia WoodRed CoralIvoryBalsam fruitCretian CarrotMuskAmbergrisBone of a Stag’s Heart Latin Marrubium vulgareAstragalus tragacanthNux PineaPrunus amygdalus dulcisPistachio verumDiospyros lotus Ficus…

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Troches of Bdellium of Avicenna

Troches of Bdellium of Avicenna Tradition: Unani Source / Author: Avicenna Herb Name RoseBdelliumIndian SpikenardBitter AlmondCostusMyrrhMastic Latin Rosa gallica Commiphora mukul Nardostachys jatamansi Prunus amygdalus amara Saussurea lappa Commiphora molmol Pistacia lentiscus Amount 10 drams3 drams2 drams 1 1⁄2 drams ea. 1 dram ea. Preparation: Dissolve Bdellium and Myrrh in wine, add the rest in…

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Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan

Huo Luo Xiao Ling Dan 活络效灵丹Fantastically Effective Pill to Invigorate the Collaterals Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Essays of Medicine Esteeming the Chinese and Respecting the Western, 1918–1934 Herb Name Dang Gui (Chinese angelica)Dan Shen (Red Sage root)Ru Xiang (Frankincense)Mo Yao (Myrrh) Latin Angelica sinensis Salvia miltiorrhiza Boswellia carterii Commiphora myrrha Amount 15 grams ea….

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Powder of Madder (Salmon)

Powder of Madder Tradition: Western Source / Author: Salmon Herb Name MadderRound BirthwortSavinDittany of CreteMyrrhBorax Latin Rubia tinctorum Aristolchia rotunda Juniperus sabina Origanum dictamnus Commiphora molmol Sodium borate Amount 1 dram ea. Preparation: Powder Function: Strongly Moves the Blood, opens Obstruction, eases Pain Use: 1. Amenorrhea2. Dysmenorrhea3. Fixed, sharp Pain associated with Blood Stagnation4. This…

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Medicine to Defend the Base from all Danger

Medicamen ex inventione nostra defendens basin ab omni periculoMedicine to Defend the Base from all Danger Tradition: Western / Unani Source / Author: De morbus internis curandis, Mesue, 1551 Herb Name Red CoralMaceBone of a Stag’s HeartAmbergrisPearlCrystalGold leafSilver leafIvoryRubySapphireHyacinth (Zircon)BalsamMuskRosemaryTabasheerSandalwoodCloveGalangalCalamus *CubebIndian SpikenardStaceorum barkCuttlefish bone BasilCardamonWhite PepperLong PepperBay berryPellitoryStoraxCalamusMagnetMyrrhThebane OpiumPeony seed *CamomileWild Sage (Lilifagus)MarjoramBalsamita **AmmiRound BirthwortDianthosSaffronAloeswoodWhite…

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Troches of Myrrh (Rhasis)

Trochisci MyrrhaTroches of Myrrh Tradition: Western, Unnai Source / Author: Rhasis Herb Name MyrrhLupin mealMadder rootRue leafWild MintsDittanyCumin seedsAsafetidaSagapenOpopanax Latin Commiphora molmolLupinus albusRubia tinctorumRuta graveolensMentha arvensisDictamnus albusCuminum cyminumFerula asafetidaFerula persica Commiphora guidottii Amount 3 drams5 drams 2 drams ea. Preparation: Dissolve the gums in wine which has had Mugwort boiled in it, then add the…

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Electuary of Frankincense (Wirtzung)

Electuary of Frankincense Tradition: Western Source / Author: Wirtzung Herb Name FrankincenseBlack PepperCyperus rootMyrrh Latin Boswellia sacra Piper nigrum Cyperus rotundus Commiphora molmol Amount equal parts Preparation: Powder and with clarified Honey, make an Electuary Function: Moves the Blood, clears Cold and Damp, regulates Qi, benefits the Brain Use: 1. Poor or Failing Memory2. Increases…

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