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Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan

Mu Xiang Shun Qi Wan  木香顺气丸 Costus Order the Qi Pill Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Herb Name Xiang Fu (Cyperus) Wu Yao (Lindera)Mu Xiang (Costus)Zhi Ke (Bitter Orange)Chen Pi (Tangerine peel)Shen Qu (Fermented Leaven) *Shan Zha (Hawthorn) *Mai Ya (Malted Barley) *Lai Fu Zi (Radish seed)Fu Ling (Poria)Bing Lang (Betel nut)Qing Pi (Green Tangerine…

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Po Chai Pill

Po Chai Pills (Bao Ji Wan) 保济丸Protect and Relieve Pills Po Chai Pills are a famous patent medicine made by Li Ching Shing in Hong Kong. It is packaged as small vials containing 1.9 grams of very small pills, 1–2 vials being taken as a dose. Tradition: TCM Source / Author: famous patent medicine from…

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Da Shan Zha Wan

Da Shan Zha Wan 大山楂丸Big Hawthorn Pill Da Shan Zha Wan prepared by Beijing Tongren Tang, one of the oldest, most respected manufacturers in China. Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Herb Name Shan Zha (Hawthorn fruit)Shen Qu (Medicated Leaven)Mai Ya (Malted Barley) Latin Crataegus oxycantha Massa Medicata Fermentata Hordei Germinantus Amount 100 grams 15 grams…

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Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang

Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang 镇肝熄风汤Sedate Liver and Extinguish Wind Decoction Tradition: TCM Source / Author: Essays of Medicine Esteeming the Chinese and Respecting the Western, 1918–1934 Herb Name Niu Xi (Achyranthes)Dai Zhe Shi (Hematite)Long Gu (Fossil bones)Mu Li (Oyster shell)Gui Ban (Tortoise plastron)Xuan Shen (Scrophularia)Tian Men Dong (Asparagus) Bai Shao (White Peony) Yin Chen…

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