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Ointment for Tumors (Gerard)

Ointment for Tumors Tradition: Western Source / Author: Gerard Herb Name LinseedFenugreekMallowViolet leafCeleryChickweed Latin Linium usitatissimum Trigonella foenum-graecum Malva sylvestrisViola odorataApium graveolensStellaria media Amount equal parts Preparation: Decoct until the herbs are soft, then beat with Hogs fat to form an ointment. Function: Softens, clears Heat, eases Pain, resolves Swellings Use: 1. Cold pains 2….

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Infusion of Seven Flowers

Infusion of Seven Flowers Tradition: Western Source / Author: The Book of Herbs, Lady Rosalind Northcote, 1903 Herb Name Mullein flowersLinden flowersViolet flowersPoppy flowersColtsfoot flowersMallow flowersMarshmallow flowers Latin Verbascum thapsus Tilia europaViola odorata Papaver somniferum Tussilago farfara Malva sylvestris Althea officinalis Amount 1 pugil ea. Preparation: Prepare a standard infusion Function: clears Wind and Heat,…

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Powder for Bladder Abscess of Alexander Benedictus

Powder for Bladder Abscess of Alexander Benedictus Tradition: Western, Unani Source / Author: Nicolai Magni, De Medicis Pulveribus, 1545 Herb Name Melon seedGourd seedPumpkin seedCucumber seedPurslane seedMallowMarshmallow Latin Citrullus vulgaris Cucurbita spp. Cucurbita pepo Cucumis sativus Portulaceae oleracea Malva sylvestris Althea officinalis Amount 5 drams ea.4 drams3 drams Preparation: Powder Function: Clears Heat and Toxin,…

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‘Plaster of the Jew of Steten’

‘Plaster of the Jew of Steten’ Tradition: Western Source / Author: Gabelhover, 1599 Herb Name Marshmallow rootLily rootLinseedFenugreekBean mealMallow Squill Latin Althea officinalisLilium candidumLinium usitatissimumTrigonella foenum-graecumVicia faba Malva sylvestrisScilla maritima Amount 1 oz. ea. Preparation: Beat them and boil in Goat’s milk until thick. Add Oil of Mastic and Oil of Quince, of each 1…

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Tincture Against Schirrus of the Spleen

Tinctura in Schirro LienisTincture Against Schirrus of the Spleen Tradition: Western Source / Author: Mylius Herb Name WormwoodOreganoRueHyssopSt. John’s wortCalamintSpikenardTamariskBalmMallowPennyroyalAniseedCaraway seedFennel seedDodderBenzoin Latin Artemisia absinthumOreganum vulgareRuta graveolensHyssopus officinaleHypericum perforatumCalamintha officinalisNardostachys jatamansi Tamarix gallicaMelissa officinalisMalva sylvestris Mentha pulegiumPimpinella anisumCarum carvi Foeniculum vulgareCuscuta europea Styrax benzoin Amount 1 handful ea. 1⁄2 handful3 drams Preparation: Mix and form…

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