Aloeswood | Ambergris | Ammi | Balsam | Basil | Bay berry | Bone of a Stag’s Heart | Calamus | Camomile | Cardamon | Clove | Crystal | Cubeb | Cuttlefish bone | Dianthos | Galangal | Gold leaf | Hyacinth (Zircon) | Indian Spikenard | Ivory | Long Pepper | Mace | Magnet | Marjoram | Musk | Myrrh | Pearl | Pellitory | Peony seed | Red Coral | Rosemary | Round Birthwort | Ruby | Saffron | Sandalwood | Sapphire | Silver leaf | Storax | Sugar | Tabasheer | Thebane Opium | White Pepper | White Poppy seed
Medicine to Defend the Base from all Danger
Medicamen ex inventione nostra defendens basin ab omni periculoMedicine to Defend the Base from all Danger Tradition: Western / Unani Source / Author: De morbus internis curandis, Mesue, 1551 Herb Name Red CoralMaceBone of a Stag’s HeartAmbergrisPearlCrystalGold leafSilver leafIvoryRubySapphireHyacinth (Zircon)BalsamMuskRosemaryTabasheerSandalwoodCloveGalangalCalamus *CubebIndian SpikenardStaceorum barkCuttlefish bone BasilCardamonWhite PepperLong PepperBay berryPellitoryStoraxCalamusMagnetMyrrhThebane OpiumPeony seed *CamomileWild Sage (Lilifagus)MarjoramBalsamita **AmmiRound BirthwortDianthosSaffronAloeswoodWhite…