Asafetida | Cumin seeds | Dittany | Lupin meal | Madder root | Myrrh | Opopanax | Rue leaf | Sagapen | Wild Mints
Troches of Myrrh (Rhasis)
Trochisci MyrrhaTroches of Myrrh Tradition: Western, Unnai Source / Author: Rhasis Herb Name MyrrhLupin mealMadder rootRue leafWild MintsDittanyCumin seedsAsafetidaSagapenOpopanax Latin Commiphora molmolLupinus albusRubia tinctorumRuta graveolensMentha arvensisDictamnus albusCuminum cyminumFerula asafetidaFerula persica Commiphora guidottii Amount 3 drams5 drams 2 drams ea. Preparation: Dissolve the gums in wine which has had Mugwort boiled in it, then add the…