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Electuary for a Duke (Electuarium Ducis) (Nicholas)

Electuarium Ducis Electuary for a Duke Tradition: Western Source / Author: Nicholas Herb Name Aniseed LicoriceMasticGermanderCinnamonGingerGalangalFennel seedCaraway seedCassia WoodCalamintCarrot seedPellitory Long PepperWhite PepperCyperusOrrisSchoenanthAmomumIndian leafAsarabaccaSaffron Gum ArabicTragacanthCubebCloveBalsamCardamonJuniperNutmegAloeswoodLovage rootFlower-de-LuceRhubarbCinquefoil rootIndian SpikenardCalamus Red BehenWhite BehenSiler Montane seedAlexander seedDill seedAsparagus seedLemon seedAmomum seedCloveBasil seedGromwell seedSaxifrage seedChicory seedMacedonian Parsley seedMelon seedGourd seedPumpkin seedCucumber seedStoraxSugar Penid Latin Pimpinella anisum Glycyrrhiza glabraPistacia…

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Antidote Experienced Against Cold Gout & All Feet Pain

Antidotum Experum Contra Frigidam Podagram & Omnes Pedum DoloresAntidote Experienced Against Cold Gout & All Feet Pain Tradition: Wetsern, Unani Source / Author: Nicholas Alexandrinus (Medici Graeci, 1541) Herb Name ColchicumScammony preparedTurbithEuphorbiumCloveIndian SpikenardCinnamonGingerGalangalLong BirthwortCostusCyperusSaxifrageWhite GromwellButchers Broom seedAsparagus seedNettle seedZedoaryMyrrhCuminBlack PepperCarrot seedLemon seedHoney Latin Colchicum autumnaleConvovulus scammoniaOperculina turpethumEuphorbium resiniferaEugenia caryophyllusNardostachys jatamansi Cinnamonum zeylanicumZingiber officinalis Alpina officinarumAristolchia…

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