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Pills of Lacca and Bdellium (Laksa Guggulu)

Laksa Guggulu,or Lakshadi GugguluPills of Lacca and Bdellium Tradition: Ayurveda Source / Author: API (Bhaisajyaratnavali) Herb Name Laksa (Lacca)AsthisamhrtaArjunaAshwagandha (Withania)NagabalaGuggulu (Bdellium) Latin Laccifer laccaCissus quadrangularisTerminalia arjunaWithania somniferaSida veronicaefoliaCommiphora wightii Amount 1 part ea.5 parts Preparation: Boil the purified Bdellium in sufficient water to dissolve, then boil until a suitable consistency, then add the rest in…

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